How much would we pay for good condition LPs?


New Member
Aug 26, 2008
Was wondering...

We do have quite a few vinyl lovers amidst us, considering the paradigm shift in music listening from digital to analog, people leaning towards the audiophile category, learning more about the art of listening, sound of music, warmth in LPs, how much would we pay to buy ourselves some decent LPs?

I know someone who has boat loads of vinyls - Reggae / Blues / Electronica / Rock / Soul / Jazz / Etc, he was asking me if anyone would be interested in buying them.

All of them are in excellent condition including the sleeves kept safe from tearing / ripping. He quotes about 1000 - 1500 for them. Some of them are classics and rare to find as well.

What do you think fellas? Is it a good deal?

Some of the titles he has are:
Barbara Acklin,
Arthur Alexander,
Mose Allison,
Hank Ballard,
Richard Berry,
Bill Black,
Bob And Earl,
Joyce Bond,
Charles Brimmer,
Walter Brown with the Jay McShann Band,
Jerry Butler,
Fantastic Johnny

These are just a few names I could remember...

How much would you pay for them?
It depends on Demand - Supply rule. Lots of factors can drive the prices. Condition of the LP and whether the title still available in shops or not are the major deciding factors. As most of the records labels had stooped pressing LPs long back, many LP titles are now Out of print so those can fetch 2-3 times (or even more) the MSRP.

To get an idea about how much people are willling to pay for a LP is to check ebay. Lots of LPs are on sale there, follow some recent transaction in each music genre , you will get correct picture.

Ask your friend not to sell in a hurry but to Wait for some good prices. Rest assured he will get very good price. Try ebay (USA) for better reach and price too.
Yup, he didn't intend on selling em all of right away...

He spent quite a stash on these titles from the UK, and some of them are unavailable elsewhere.

Your point on condition, genre, availablity is completely agreeable.
He did his research before he procured them. Since he is now in India, would it still be a good idea to sell them through ebay-US?

In, there're more Indian titles and roughly around the 1K price tag, although there are some available for lesser too...

Man, i feel i should have invested in some LPs when I had the chance (a lil envy here...)

Roughly, what do you think would be the pick-up sale or demand for LPs overall in India these days? I've ony been bit by the Vinyl bug quite recently, and have just 4 of them now, with an Philips TT, for which, I am looking at changing the pin. I would be laying my hands on a few of the records he has, but on a serious note, do we have enough buyers around in our country now?

Thanks in advance team...
may the force be with you...
If your friend is not intend to sell then why bother about prices and waste forum bandwidth?
Hi Suhas and Avphreak

This is what i came across in todays TOI :)

A good news for all vinyl lovers, and I am sure the trend will catch up in india as well with youngsters who are serious with their music

I have never seen a LP player or heard it play. So i just want to know are they tube based like we have Valve cd players? I mean how does it operate?

Vinyls get another chance to spin

Alex Williams

During his freshman year at Point Park University in Pittsburgh a couple years ago, James Acklin, now 20, felt lost among the social cliques on his new campus until he got to talking with a student who was in some of his classes. She seemed unusual, and it wasn??t just her look: thick-framed eyeglasses, bangs and vintage dresses.
Then, one day in February, the two skipped class and went to her apartment. As soon as she opened her door his instincts were confirmed: she had a turntable. So did he. They both spoke the language of vinyl. Acklin, who considers his turntable, a Technics model from the 1980s that belonged to an aunt, a prized possession, said, ??It takes a special kind of person to appreciate pops and clicks and imperfections in their music.?
The ranks of vinyl devotees are growing. Lately, the anachronistic LP has experienced an unlikely spike in sales, decades after the mainstream music industry wrote off the format as obsolete. Major labels are expanding their vinyl offerings for the first time since they left records for dead nearly two decades ago, music executives said.
While the niche may still be small measured against overall sales of recorded music, the surge of interest in vinyl ?? and, particularly, its rising cachet among young listeners ?? is providing a rare glimmer of hope in a haemorrhaging industry.
??Even if the industry doesn??t do all that well going forward, we could really carve this out to be a nice profitable niche,? said Bill Gagnon, a senior vice president at EMI Catalog Marketing, who is in charge of vinyl releases. He said that people who buy vinyl nowadays are charmed by the format??s earthy authenticity.
??It??s almost a back-to-nature approach,? Gagnon said. ??It??s the difference between growing your own vegetables and purchasing them frozen in the supermarket.?
The category virtually collapsed in the late 1980s with the advent of the compact disc. And despite the efforts of various subcultures of supporters ?? club DJ??s, audiophiles, hardcore punks ?? to engineer a vinyl comeback, sales continued to wither as MP3s joined CDs as competition over the last decade.
Tom Biery, who oversees vinyl sales for Warner Bros Records, said, Vinyl is suddenly chic, even among people too young to have grown up with the familiar crackle of a needle carving through the grooves of an album. ??I have friends who have younger kids ?? 13, 15 years old, even 10 ?? and all those kids want turntables,? he said. NYT NEWS SERVICE
If your friend is not intend to sell then why bother about prices and waste forum bandwidth?


With due resect, i suggest you please read the post fully before you post your expert comments.

"Yup, he didn't intend on selling em all of right away..." does not men he is not willing to sell it, what it means is that he does not intend to sell them all immediately, but is spending time to understand it from the experts in this forum, but i guess both he and I are wrong where we have people more concerned about the bandwidth.

Would have appreciated a less curt response. If you could help, great, else, I'd suggest you please stop mudflinging.

Thanks for quite an informative and educative reply ! We need more members like you to grow this forum and take it to international levels. God bless you.
Whatever makes you happy kiddo.

Anyways, for the rest of the "interested" members, Palani from Bangalore who is quite well renowned had a patron once while I was at his shop, he usually buys his vinyls from online and pays roughly 2K including. He says, the quality is really good, but the delivery time is what is the problem. With the limited interested and real vinyl users who use it to listen to music unlike some people who have a lot to share from a bandwidth perspective, are finding it a lot difficult to source good records in Bangalore, apart from the person in Avenue Road (Balaji).

Balaji has a fair collection of old records across multi-regional languages. Intend on paying him a visit to shuffle through his stash.

How many people of us are there in Bangalore who're Vinyl lovers?

PS: Suhas, my number is +91 9741129384, call me, if you have a problem. Try and grow up if you can.
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With the limited interested and real vinyl users who use it to listen to music unlike some people who have a lot to share from a bandwidth perspective, are finding it a lot difficult to source good records in Bangalore, apart from the person in Avenue Road (Balaji).

Balaji has a fair collection of old records across multi-regional languages. Intend on paying him a visit to shuffle through his stash.

How many people of us are there in Bangalore who're Vinyl lovers?

PS: Suhas, my number is +91 9741129384, call me, if you have a problem. Try and grow up if you can.

Thanks for sharing the information.. in fact I also shared this info in 2 seperate threads... what i gather is that the members who know such contact/places are reluctant to share information... totally defying the whole motive of this fourm.

And yes, I am also a serious vinyl lover (I have around 2k of em) and live in bangalore :-) ... I tried calling you now, in vain.. I will like to be in touch with like minded ppl...
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