How To Play Burned Games on the Wii WITHOUT Modding The Wii


New Member
Dec 16, 2009
Viet Nam
Backup Launcher 0.3 beta



2)Use this then you are doing so at YOUR OWN RISK - the decision is yours, but best of luck with all

What you need :

1. Nintendo Wii with wii controller and nunchuck.
2. Legends of Zelda Original Game (U Jus need for this purpose so rent an orgial one instead of wasting money on new one)
3. SD Memory Card (any size)
4. Shop Channel update (part of the zip)
5. Homebrew Installer (part of the zip)
6. IMGBurn or Nero


Everything that you need is contained in this Zip - put the whole lot onto an SD card and we can move on from there.
Since this is a beta some games still wont work - check for compatibility

Stage 1 : Install homebrew Channel

1. Start up the Wii with legends of Zelda and save a game.
2. Put the Homebrew installer onto an SD Card by unzipping it to the root
3. Quit the game and go to Wii Menu - Wii OPtions - Data Management - Save Data - Wii and delete the Zelda Saved File.
4. Click the SD card tab at the top and select the EUR file (for Europe) or US (for US) and when asked to copy to the wii system memory select Yes
5. Go back to the zelda game and start it - and select the saved game Twilight Hack.
6. Talk to the man by pressing A - and wait for an install screen
7. Click Accept (1 button) to all of the menus
8. Upon returning to the Wii menu , you will have Homebrew Installed (may need a hard reboot at this stage)

Stage one complete !

Info :
The homebrew channel includes a few games like Tetris, Doom , Quake and a few more and has a Homebrew browser for anyone who wants more homebrew applications.
I have also recently included the Wii MPLayer that lets you listen to streaming audio with your wii ... not classy looking but it works well. mplayerwii.conf is where you find the stations.

Stage 2 : Install the rest

1. Go to the Homebrew Channel and select safe update 3.3u - this will update the wii with the recent nintendo releases and save you headaches in the future (Thanks tona)
2. In the homebrew channel select cIOS Installer and install that - all files required are also in the zip so it should be quick (Thanks WiiGator)
3. Select number 6 - WAD manager and install the BackupLoaderChannel0.3.wad file (Thanks Tgames)
4. Burn your ISO to disc (no need to patch them with this version) and get ready to play games.
Stage 2 complete !

Stage 3 : (Optional) Backup a game from the wii

1. Start up the wii and go to the homebrew channel
2. Go to to Homebrew channel once again and select Wii DVD Dumper (This is by Waninkoko v1.2)
3. Select Wifi Network Backup
4. Select the game type - usually Wii Single Layer
5. On your PC/Laptop , open Firefox (IE may give errors -10056) and type in the link the Wii gives you
6. Wait 2-4 hours and you have a ISO for yourself (dependant on your wifi speeds)

Updating from the old Installer

If you wish to update from the old installer all you need to do is :
1. Copy the 'apps/2. cIOS_Installer' and '00000001' (to root) to their respective folders on your memory card
2. Copy the BackupLoaderChannel0.3.wad in the wads folder into the SD card WAD folder
3. Start Homebrew and go to the cIOS Installer and run it
4. Go to the WAD Manager and install the BackupLoaderChannel0.3.wad (BackupLoaderChannel0.2.wad may need to be uninstalled)
5. Run the game.
6. I would also recommend installing the safe update 3.3u and not to do any official nintendo updates as it may stop further installs and updates.

To download and copy wii games:
download wii games^_^copy wii games
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