I have returned

Greetings old friends. It has been a long long time since I was active. How is everyone? whats new these days. I'm still using the same setup I had 10 years ago
Hi, How are you? Why did you take a long time to return? You will find lot new things here and may need time to read all :)
It appears I fell into a time dilation bubble because its been half a year since I posted this! But yes, time just flies by. Can't believe it's been 10 years since that meetup in 2012. The crowd has most certainly changed. We too are different people after so long :) I myself am in the process of upgrading my system for the first time in 10 years. Nothing fixed yet though... well maybe apart from my obsession with my Jamo Concert 8's which are still just like new and still sound better to me than anything else I've heard all these years within practicality. 😆

I see many of you still have your setups as well.

Not a lot of stereo related arguments on the forums anymore eh!?
It appears I fell into a time dilation bubble because its been half a year since I posted this! But yes, time just flies by. Can't believe it's been 10 years since that meetup in 2012. The crowd has most certainly changed. We too are different people after so long :) I myself am in the process of upgrading my system for the first time in 10 years. Nothing fixed yet though... well maybe apart from my obsession with my Jamo Concert 8's which are still just like new and still sound better to me than anything else I've heard all these years within practicality. 😆

I see many of you still have your setups as well.

Not a lot of stereo related arguments on the forums anymore eh!?

Welcome back @corElement!
I had noticed a few posts from you on occasion and it was nice to see you back on the forum.

Our hobby is a journey and as you rightly said we are also different people now than when we started.
It would be interesting to exchange notes on what you have been up to since those days.


Welcome back @corElement!
I had noticed a few posts from you on occasion and it was nice to see you back on the forum.

Our hobby is a journey and as you rightly said we are also different people now than when we started.
It would be interesting to exchange notes on what you have been up to since those days.


Oh many many things. I had moved to NZ post the audiomeet in 2012 and then returned, and then been working in the ad tech industry and years flew by like nothing. I was quite content with my setup. Even now am, but now trying out some different flavors 😋
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