i made a decision .

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New Member
Aug 28, 2008
in my house..,
hey brothers

i made a decision that for next one month i'm not coming here and don't post any more threads
i made new general chit chat threads so we can hung out ,be cool ,be more relax from our daily work our tensions,i know this site is basically for hifi but there's more in life than hifi
i found out here that many of you literate people here are so much soooo much irritated by me that they leaving this site coz of me,theer irritaion has two causes number one is : they afraid that i break their record and number two they jealous coz i'm kinda popular here than them(popular in both ways good and bad,i guess evryone here heard a song called'"jab se mai jaraa sa badnaam ho geya raam kasam mera bada naam ho geya'' :cool: )

so i don't want to hurt anyone and i don't see that someone is leaving this site coz of me

as i also read all the replies in self exclusion after 1000 post threads that so many of you literate people directly attack me

so anyhow this is my last day here for the next month i'll come and see hows things shaping up here

and also by this decision many of you relief
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This is 'ONLY' an internet AV forum. There is too much to life. If u feel that u need a break as u feel offended by this joint attack, then so be it. Take some time, think about what people have said and learn from your mistakes. Only a silly person keeps making the same mistakes again and again and i am sure u will understand the reason a few forum members are peeved and will NOT repeat the same.

To the others : Why get so worked up? Dont approve of it ,why not just ignore it? Why so much drama over a person who is obviously a novice and does not know any better. Am sure he has no intention to make this forum a circus. If someone feels a forum affects work or takes up too much time and chooses to take a breather, absolutely fair, but to leave as there are too many irrelevant threads is silly.

As for Moser, we all get mad at times and sometimes shoot our mouths, at least i surely do. But the guy has accepted and regrets and thats that.
Its sad that he and manu for that matter are banned.

One question for the Mod :- Does general chit chat actually mean anything & everything can be discussed?

Actually this forum has always been civil and orderly and these small incidents wont change that.
One question for the Mod :- Does general chit chat actually mean anything & everything can be discussed?

Yes, It does. The Forum Description "Discuss anything not covered in the forums above." says it all!
Yes, It does. The Forum Description "Discuss anything not covered in the forums above." says it all!

Exactly!!! The poor guy took that most literally and posted on anything and everything under the sun!!!!!!!! Secondly there is no LIMIT to starting threads so once again the chap starts one every minute!!!!! That too is no violation and lastly he indulges in name calling ONLY after Moser shot off.

Its not that Mr Manu is a friend or that i participate on his many threads. Its just that the guy did not know better IMO.

Moser i am not taking a dig at u at all. Its just a few things that dont seem right.
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Hi members

i will request mods and admin to close any threads on further discussion of the same , i believe justice has been done and objective has been met .

We can continue this discussion for ages but it will not change the past.

Let's move ahead and start discussion on other items and leave the past behind.

I request all the members to move on and leave this discussion behind.
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