In Ear Earphones under Rs5000(+ or - 1000)


New Member
Sep 18, 2011
Hello friends,

I want to purchase an in-ear earphone (some say earplugs). My budget is Rs. 5000. I may extend my budget a little if I am getting a drastically better one than earphones under my budget. My basic need is listening to music (in mobile and laptop) and watching movies over laptop. I use a Blackberry bold 9900 mobile and a Dell XPS laptop.

I have read lots of reviews in different websites and completely confused. e.g. when I zeroed on purchasing Klipsch S4i, I found that the wires of this headphone are not durable. So I would like to have your guidance in selecting appropriate earphone.

Thanking you and mods..
bijs, there are many iems for your budget. It depends on what kinda music you listen to, what kind of sound are you looking for, is it going to be mobile use or home use only, would you consider using a DAC/ headphone amp with it?

Off the top of my mind, a few you could look at:
1. Sony EX 600: 120-150$
2. Used Ultimate Ears TF10: 120 $
3. Vsonic Gr07: Again roughly 150$( but i think there has been a price hike)
4. Phonak Audeo PFE around 100$
5. Etymotic MC5 again around 100$

You can look at for reviews. Try the multi iem review thread by ljokerl to see what type of your iem matches your preference.
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