Hi, i would like to get the information on the solution used to clean volume pots and switches in India, any technician in the forum? So far no luck on DEOXIT, cannot be imported as it has import restrictions. What is the substitute to DEOXIT in India? any information will be appreciated.
If you are in Bangalore come on over, will use De-oxit and pro-gold on your system. We import these our personal use as well as for sale to our hi-end customers.
If you are in Bangalore come on over, will use De-oxit and pro-gold on your system. We import these our personal use as well as for sale to our hi-end customers.
Just ordered it today. Will see what happens in 2 weeks .
Earlier I had bought other stuff from GrabMore. Was delivered but took longer than they claimed and came shoddily packed ! Still wonder if the items were partly used. Though they looked OK. One was just thrown into a cardboard box while the other appeared to be in it's original packing.
Slightly wary about them !
For DEOXIT, tried calling AbsolutePhase, but they aren't picking the call. Will try my luck going to SP road(bangalore) to hunt for the contact cleaner.
Considering that Grabmore is only charging a bit more than the American price ( $25/-) , it might be worth waiting to see if they do deliver. However it's a good idea to check SP road. Only the hardware shops would carry it. There is a good chance they might have it. I didn't think about this possibility .Bangalore caters to a lot of defense R&D departments !