Is After Sales Service a Myth or Reality?? worst experience with SAMSUNG


New Member
Jun 18, 2011
Hey Guys,

Well I am starting this, because of the real bad after sales experience that I am going through as I write this entry from a brand (SAMSUNG) which I considered to be good at it; based on what, well not sure...asking the question to myself n number of times in last 5 days or so.

It all started with on Sunday 17-Jun-12 when my almost year old Samsung 43" Plasma TV (still under warranty) blacked out when I was playing Uncharted on my PS3; Immediately raised a complaint on customer care

My Complaint #8443416871(registered on 17-Jun-12 [Sunday])

The Service engineer visited on 18-Jun-12 and confirmed that there is a problem with power supply and he need to get the spares from service centre and would give a call following morning (19-Jun-12) by 10:30am. But he called in the evening and informed the spare parts is not available in Bangalore and is available in Delhi and hence would take 3 days time (not sure why a part available in Delhi takes 3 days to reach Bangalore; should admit, great supply chain the company has).

I waited patiently till Thursday (21-Jun-12), called up the customer service and was promised the engineer would call and fix an appointment for the same day to fix the issue, but it never happened.

I again gave a call this morning (22-Jun-12), spoke with same representative and asked for his supervisor; I was informed the supervisor is busy on another call and I would get a call back in 30mins (max); again as always it never happened.

I waited for one hour and gave a call back (after once we buy a product, what chance we have as a customer, except to spend more money on calling customer service); this time I spoke with the supervisor, who did not even have an email id for escalating this issue, so has to wait for his manager to join in the call and I was told that my issue would be fixed on Monday???

More than 5 follow ups for a TV (for which I have spent almost Rs.50,000) the TV does not even work for a year, it is still under warranty. Does it take 8 days to fix a power supply issue?? Now I have a TV which is nothing but a box and of no use to me, 6 days are already gone waiting for spare part?

Which brings me back to the basic question

  • Is there something called After Sales Service?
  • Do Companies really care about their customers once their product is purchased?
  • Why do companies spend so much on advertising but not on supply chain or spare parts availability?
  • If this is what I have to face sitting in a city like Bangalore, how about people in other small cities or rural part of India?

Please share your experience, would really like to know if I am one off case here or is this the reality in India???
:) ....... all Samsungs in your signature!? BTW, what did you see in them? They don't even have a Katrina Kaif on their Ads to peddle their goods! :p

Well, its a known fact, Samsung is about the worst when it comes to after-sales service. If any of their products go wrong, then Heaven help you. Just keep on escalating, thats all ... OR, something more effective ... sit on a 'dharna' in front of their/dealer's showroom .... with placards and a screaming mob (with a local TV channel called in to air it). They would shit in their pants and might offer you an FOC new unit!

If even now these Plasmas/LEDs/LCDs......are'nt in the 'robust' standing ... lemme continue on with the CRT for as long as possible.
Well yes...all samsung on my signature, as I said not sure what made me think SAMSUNG Is good..probably the 29" CRT still works well, after 7-8yrs of purchase??? I dont know...but here I am today with a 43" not working, not even a year old...Probably the first time I have to ever go for a after sales service for a product I brought from any brand for that matter...

Just make me wonder if it is same with all brands???
Same happened with me with IFB microwave oven.

I purchased a IFB 30 L microwave oven from Hypercity Bangalore.

After the month the microwave started producing some kind of sound like something is sparking inside. Called customer care and a Technician visited and corrected the problem.

But advised us that the voltage is high in our flat (230-235 volt). and we should purchase a voltage stabilizer otherwise they will not honor the warranty if something go wrong with the product.

I argued that we have LG 47" TV, Fridge, washing machine, AC and all are working fine with this voltage and their service people never indicated this.

but as per him this is necessary to claim the warranty. as their board don't support high voltage.

I ignored his free advice.

After one month our new microwave died although we have used it 8-10 times only.

Again problem started with service center people.

he checked the product and declared that board has been burnt and need to be replaced. And we have to pay 3000/ for this as we have not installed the STABILIZER.

I complained and escalated the matter and call center people gave me mobile number of GM of service center.

But again he informed the same thing that we were using the product without any voltage stabilizer :-(.

When I insisted it is nowhere mentioned in the owner's manual that we need to install a stabilizer. but he did not agree.

Finally he said if we promise to install a stabilizer then he can replace the board under warranty FOR ONE TIME ONLY.

And it took > 15 days to get our MicroWave repaired.

I asked the price of stabilizer tech mentioned it is priced at RS 700/- and it is IFB branded. I was very surprised to hear such low price for a stabilizer for >1500 watt product.

I told my wife to get the stabilizer from him.

When I returned from the office and I inspected the stabilizer I found a small box with a 15 AMP socket. Off course a "IFB" marked paper sticker was pasted on the box.

This is similar a Air-conditioner's delay switch (which protects ACs in case of intermittent power out condition by delaying it for 5 minutes) which will power the socket after 15 seconds after getting the power.

no stepup/down function. :-(

So they all did this to sell this crap to us.

When I researched I found that the service center franchise normally gets a target from the company to sell these accessories. And franchisees always try to push these products to their trapped customers.

PS: We have got our fridge repaired from LG when we were at HYD. we did not face any issue with then. however from my friend's experience Bangalore is worst when it comes for support (for all brands).
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Definitely the CRTs were the most robust TV I have seen. Through the three decades of my existence the first TV was a crown monochrome which survived from 1980 to 1999, the second was a cheap 21 inch sansui CTV which has been working since 1999. Unfortunately my third TV a samsung 46 inch LED backlit LCD b6000 (with one of the best panels of that time among the samsung lottery system sq02) which after working for 2 years has started having faint parallel horizontal lines. Since is outside the warranty period their is no hope. This is not for samsung alone for most brands outside the warranty period (mostly 1 year) you are on your own. An with the panel costing more than half the tvs price there is no fun replacing the same.
Nope ........... LG's response would be immediate! ... unlike the rest.

Well its not about the response (i Mean initial response) was good even did visit the next day...

Problem started since then with spare parts...and worst is communication part; none bothers to call and inform the status, when you call the customer service, they said only supervisor can give the exact status, but he is currently busy with another customer blah, blah, blah...

Question is why cant they communicate clearly, they were surprised when I said their engineer told me that part is available in delhi. I aksed them to give it in email that the part is not available anywhere in bangalore, then they started speaking about alternate solution.

btw their bangalore serivce manager called and said that he would give a backup, some 40" LCD TV by monday till the time the issue is fixed on my plasma...Hope they can fix the issue on my TV by monday...

If they can bring new items and make it available in all the cities, why cant they stock the spares as well?? considering the number of issues they might be getting on daily basis, cant they know how much of inventory (spare's) is required???
Definitely the CRTs were the most robust TV I have seen. Through the three decades of my existence the first TV was a crown monochrome which survived from 1980 to 1999, the second was a cheap 21 inch sansui CTV which has been working since 1999. Unfortunately my third TV a samsung 46 inch LED backlit LCD b6000 (with one of the best panels of that time among the samsung lottery system sq02) which after working for 2 years has started having faint parallel horizontal lines. Since is outside the warranty period their is no hope. This is not for samsung alone for most brands outside the warranty period (mostly 1 year) you are on your own. An with the panel costing more than half the tvs price there is no fun replacing the same.

Yes, I was initially worried about the same thing when I heard the sound in the middle of my Uncharted game...but my brother said it would the power supply issue, as he heard same sound on his First LCD, so was bit comfortable...

We still have a CRT in our hometown of BPL which is working for about more than 14yrs now...My own samsung CRT is still working for about 8yrs now...but well this PLASMA :o
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PS: We have got our fridge repaired from LG when we were at HYD. we did not face any issue with then. however from my friend's experience Bangalore is worst when it comes for support (for all brands).

Well seems to be the brother didnt had any such issue when his LCD power supply went for a toss.

Not sure, if I have to blame the company or bangalore now...

Except for this and those huges taxes (on everything we buy :sad:), I enjoy and love bangalore more than Delhi / Chennai...

Coming back to the topic...Didnt your MicroWave carried any warranty (I believe we usually get 1yr warranty with most of the product nowadays)??
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Yes it was under warranty !!!

Thats why they were blaming the voltage (which is too high for IFB only).

Well seems to be the brother didnt had any such issue when his LCD power supply went for a toss.

Not sure, if I have to blame the company or bangalore now...

Except for this and those huges taxes (on everything we buy :sad:), I enjoy and love bangalore more than Delhi / Chennai...

Coming back to the topic...Didnt your MicroWave carried any warranty (I believe we usually get 1yr warranty with most of the product nowadays)??
thats Scaaaaaaary Guys... I am in Blore and also have a Samsung LED for which this is last month of warranty :rolleyes:
thats Scaaaaaaary Guys... I am in Blore and also have a Samsung LED for which this is last month of warranty :rolleyes:

Well welcome to the last month club atleast (mine is only about 10days to expire, before it went dead on sunday)...I hope you dont join in the other club I am part of, believe me its too frustrating.

btw where did you buy yours from, I brought it from CROMA and they gave a offer for a extended warranty which I took whole heartedly, as I was not sure if PLASMA would last longer...negotiated on TV price and used the amount to get the extended waranty...So Hope I am protected a bit (if not fully) for another one year...

My brother has a 55" SAMSUNG LED TV and it is working for more than a year now...hope this helps...:lol:
i brought it from Vijaya Sales :rolleyes:

adnd enquired bout extended warranty but nothing for me......Rel and Croma give warrany from thier side not from it all on my luck now...

i think i sud buy UPS asap :rolleyes:
i brought it from Vijaya Sales :rolleyes:

adnd enquired bout extended warranty but nothing for me......Rel and Croma give warrany from thier side not from it all on my luck now...

i think i sud buy UPS asap :rolleyes:

Yes True, they do; its more like a AMC...but peace of mind...

One of my friend has done the same think for his SAMSUNG LCD TV; he has a 24X7 Power backup in his place, so he has kept a UPS till the time the alternate power starts...I am not in a apartment and does not have any power backup option with me as of now..

btw I will check with the engineer on the reason for this issue, that should give a clarity...
Never ...... repeat, never have the power back-up line connected to your precious HT or TV, no matter what protection you have in place! The initial surge and low quality output (again initial) associated with the alternate power source is enough to create the heart-breaks.

Just run the HT/TV on the main supply. If there is an outrage, let the system 'sleep' too ...... far too safe.
Really sad to hear all this !! I had bought a Samsung 26" LCD for my parents 6 months ago. And now I' afraid to listen all these scary things.
Not sure, if it would help or not....but why not directly write to their CEO and also to their local email support.
We can even provide a link to this thread. (I have already written an email to CEO citing the worst after sales services in India)

Contact CEO:-

Contact Email Support:-
Email Product Support - Samsung
If there no AMC / Warrantycan we take insurance for out HT / LED ?? :ohyeah:
Never ...... repeat, never have the power back-up line connected to your precious HT or TV, no matter what protection you have in place! The initial surge and low quality output (again initial) associated with the alternate power source is enough to create the heart-breaks.

Just run the HT/TV on the main supply. If there is an outrage, let the system 'sleep' too ...... far too safe.

hmm quite logical...I think stabilizer should be good enough, which I believe everybody has...
Really sad to hear all this !! I had bought a Samsung 26" LCD for my parents 6 months ago. And now I' afraid to listen all these scary things.
Not sure, if it would help or not....but why not directly write to their CEO and also to their local email support.
We can even provide a link to this thread. (I have already written an email to CEO citing the worst after sales services in India)

Contact CEO:-

Contact Email Support:-
Email Product Support - Samsung

The customer care executives & supervisor didnt have any escalation email id's; then I have to ask them put their manager on conference, after which I got an email id of some Mr.Rajiv Ganju, head /GM customer satisfaction, I sent an email immediatly with almost all the description I have made here, (avoided naming the individuals I spoke with); but as expected no reply or acknowledgement till now.

I can see how my experience is scaring others who has invested their hard earned money on these brands; but my starting the thread was not to scare, I sincerly hope that no one goes through such things, we all understand things we buy can fail or mal-function sometimes, but how it gets resolved and the attitude company shows makes all the difference.

Worst part one of their head was not coming on the call when I asked for instead informed the supervisor to update saying they will call with updates in next one hour?? I have to literally make him come on the call to give a is these attitudes which scares me (have a better word in mind, but better to avoid in forums I believe).

I am trying this CEO link you have provided; and would be attaching the email that I have sent earlier to the id provided to me.

I want to go the length it takes to get these guys understand the importance / need for "We Care attitude" and I sincerly believe it should start from the TOP.

I think I forget to thank you in the middle of all these for the link you provided??..Thanks Technobatt
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