Kimber 8TC

The kimber 8 tc is a good cable but slightly overpriced. Its teflon coated copper basically in kimbers unique design (painful to strip and mount connectors on for a DIY person like myself). The sound in my set up was good with the treble being sweet and decent bass. It also depends on ur set up. By that i mean if u are using a good electronics and speakers then these speaker cables may improve the sound marginally but otherwise not really.

I have used and still continue to experiment with cables(speaker wire and interconnects} and i feel some of the Van den hul cables( skyline, clearline, Bridge, CS 122) sound smoother and better in my set up. I would suggest u stick to the same manufacturer for all cables to get the desired sound. Take the cables from various dealers(if they let u ) home and try all on a lazy sunday and then decide. Dont always go by magazines or reviews on the net but judge if u can hear the difference before parting with your money.

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