Kodi passthrough settings question on Android TV.


Active Member
Apr 5, 2012

I am running Kodi 19.4 on Hisense A71F (Android TV 9)

My Audio setup is, Optical Out from TV is connected to a Optical to 5.1 DAC (Chinese made decoder called HD AUDIO RUSH). And my 5.1 system (Creative Inspire T6060) is connected to the DAC's output.

My current Audio Passthrough settings on Kodi is,

Allow passthrough - On
Dolby Digital (AC3) capable receiver - On
- Enable Dolby Digital (AC3) transcoding - On
Dolby Digital Plus (E-AC3) capable receiver - On
DTS capable receiver - Off
DTS-HD capable receiver - Off

With above settings, 5.1 surround works correctly on all my movies collection (audio codecs of these movies mainly are AAC, AC3, EAC3).
Note - When I watch movies, I completely mute TV volume.

Either the DAC or 5.1 audio system does not have a wireless remote control.
When I press TV Remote Channel UP and Down button, it let me control 5.1 audio system volume (via Kodi).
This is great feature for me. However its works only for AAC audio codec movies.

What I found is, if I disable passthrough completely in Kodi, then I can control the volume via remote.
But then surround sound will not work.

So I tested individual settings under Passthrough.
I cannot turn off Dolby Digital (AC3) capable receiver/Enable Dolby Digital (AC3) transcoding as that will stop surround sound working for AC3 codec movies.
If I turn off Dolby Digital Plus (E-AC3) capable receiver, surround works correctly for E-AC3 codec movies and let me control volume via remote.

Question I have is, for best audio quality (E-AC3), for my setup, should I leave Dolby Digital Plus (E-AC3) capable receiver on or off?

Note: I tested this and cannot really make out much difference.

HD Rush decoder mentioned above can decode only Dolby Digital (AC3) & DTS.
Settings should be as follows
Allow passthrough - On
Dolby Digital (AC3) capable receiver - On
- Enable Dolby Digital (AC3) transcoding - On
Dolby Digital Plus (E-AC3) capable receiver - Off
DTS capable receiver - Off
DTS-HD capable receiver - Off

For codecs (DTS HD, Dolby TruHD, DD+) other than DD (AC3) & DTS , kodi will trancode to DD (AC3)
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