low balling by forum members after confirmation

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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2011
dear members and audio friends, today i got a very good lesson from one of our forum member, he agreed for my sale price and requested me to reserve the item for him, so i made my sale post as "reserved for one of our forum member.
now the same guy asking me to reduce the price for 40%, i dont know why any one behaves like this, this kind of behavior is not acceptable in our forum,
so my lesson is without taking any advance please donot modify your sale post.
I think he may saw this post by now,for privacy reasons i didn't reveal his name.i hope everyone understands.
That’s a good and generous decision sir. Given a chance he may not repeat this behavior.
We all FM sell here something not to make a profit but to let go of our stuff which we are not using. You have done both things right, not to name him and posting about your experience.
I had a bad experience once with a seller (not buyer), and had requested the Moderators whether he could be named. After some deliberation, they agreed. I did so, and that seller vanished from the forum. I'd suggest you do so in this case too, as the fewer such scoundrels here the better.
dear members and audio friends, today i got a very good lesson from one of our forum member, he agreed for my sale price and requested me to reserve the item for him, so i made my sale post as "reserved for one of our forum member.
now the same guy asking me to reduce the price for 40%, i dont know why any one behaves like this, this kind of behavior is not acceptable in our forum,
so my lesson is without taking any advance please donot modify your sale post.
I more or less agree with the comment of @G401fan. Perhaps allow the buyer another opportunity to redeem himself. In the eyes of law, it s a contract after all (he's made a promise to buy and communication to you is complete. trust me, I'm a lawyer and you can actually get it executed :p ).

This is an awesome forum for the Indian audiophile community and its sanctity ought to be maintained. Of course this should apply to sellers and buyers alike - in case of sellers, they should be forthcoming about the condition of their equipment.
The guy again contacted me,its a joke ,he is .still sending same offer.
What's best way to handle?
Here's a radical concept - ignore them.

I can't understand why people get so worked up about insignificant things that are beyond their control. Obviously the lowballer doesn't take you seriously, so why should you take them seriously?

OR deal with it however you chose. Just keep it to yourself and the low baller please.
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