Lyrita Audio website


The new web site is neat and functional and what is great is that it provides all the necessary information about all the products.

Thanking you,

Very well designed website virenji with all the information needed

It was long due
Congratulations Viren!

Nice to see the updated web site with all the latest product offerings.

Are you still making the Amity's, your open baffle design? Did'nt see them in the product listing, so I was just wondering if you have discontinued this model.

Virenji, nice to see the refreshed site! Do all the cabinets have the same sheesam wood finish or can be made with different wood on special request?
Thank you,

Congrats on the update! If i may share my visceral reaction, found it a bit straining to the eyes to read the product page, had to get close to the monitor with some effort to read - i guess it could be the black background and white and small fonts. It would be fantastic to see category wise product page with hi-rez pic with easy to read fonts.

Keep up the good work!
Thank you all.

Understand the difficulty in reading the small font in the Products page. It was an attempt to keep everything compact on a single page.

Apk - the Amity speakers have been discontinued in lieu of the Horn speakers. The Horns do sound far superior.

Sunder - sheesham seems to be the best wood to use for the cabinets. Have made cabinets in teak, and the lighter grained mangowood.

Congrats Viren sir!!! :clapping:

Just one suggestion -
You may want to get higher resolution pics of the equipment. Perhaps some of the shutterbugs of this forum can volunteer for the photo ops...I can try and click a few the next time I'm in town.
Viren Ji... the site's color theme is impressive! Though it's layout could have been more modern, (my apology if my words doesn't sound nice, being a designer myself I m thinking it in another direction... pardon me). I noticed the top menu links are opening new pages which sometime distracts the focus on a site. Otherwise the information provided is rich and very educative!!
Viren Ji. Good website having all the required information. Clicks on some links opens a second window which is not needed.

Also i would have preffered a very standard white background with black fonts but this is again relative.

Little off topic - I do not agree with all of Lynn Oslons views about 'The Art of Speaker Design' - in particular the crossover freq should not be between 300Hz to 3KHz region where our ears are very sensitive. Reason - I have heard the best speakers having crossover in this region and not so great speakers having their fc above 3KHz.
Clicks on some links opens a second window which is not needed.

Main menu links take one to another window/tab. This should be corrected, please, it is very non-standard and inconvenient behaviour. When people want to open different windows/tabs then their browser will permit it --- eg middle-click in FireFox.
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