Need comments on Magneplanar speakers.


New Member
Nov 11, 2008
Need comments on Magneplanar speakers.
HAs anyone used them in INDIA and with Indian classical music and older bollywood songs of the 50s-80s ?
And what model of speakers were paired with which A/V recievers for best results.

Thanks to all of you for your time.

the construction of ribbon speakers such as magneplanars are such that the power drive that is sent out of the amplifier onto the ribbon (versus the cones on conventional speakers) is even throughout the speaker thereby cutting out distortion to a great extent. in a cone speaker the waves start towards the centre of the cone where they are connected to the magnet and travel towards the end at the furthest point. and as the cone will be weaker at the end more than it is in the centre the timing of the vibrations at the end and the centre will be (VERY) slightly different, therefore resulting in distortion to a really small degree depending on the construction of the speaker. therefore rigidity of the cone is quite important. for the ribbon speakers the waves are applied evenly throughout the ribbon thereby cutting out distortion (i hope im understandable so far). therefore ribbon speakers are theoritically cleaner in sound that a cone speaker. i havent heard the magneplanars before but they are supposed to be good. one defect of ribbon speakers is that since their material used for the diaphram is thin bass suffers and common complaints is that the bass isnt full enough or big enough.

imo you will need to listen to them before you buy. they may be good but only your ears will tell you if you like them. its a sort of speakers that some people will swear by and some people dont really take to. one added advantage is that they look really sweet imo
you sure heard it with a partnering s/w. I have not seen a s/w along with the maggies but the martin logans combine a woofer along with them. I was wondering whether the s/w was aftermarket addition by the dealer. Maybe some models may not have the subwoofer or you need to buy the same separately. The dealer I spoke to did not tell me about the s/w .
There is an older post discussing the Maggies a bit. Please search for them. A few of us (owners - past/present) had posted there though I dont remember it in the context of bollywood music.

[email protected]
Need comments on Magneplanar speakers.
HAs anyone used them in INDIA and with Indian classical music and older bollywood songs of the 50s-80s ?
And what model of speakers were paired with which A/V recievers for best results.

Thanks to all of you for your time.


I had a pair of 3.5R when I lived in the US. They are excellent but need lots of breathing space for positioning. They are also very power hungry. But if you got these 2 right, then they are joy to listen to. I used to run them via a Adcom GFA 7605 (125 x 5) and the sound sucked. Then switched to sunfire cinema grand (200W x 5) and the output was excellent. Ofcourse the Sunfire was 3 times the cost of Adcom but it was a good upgrade.
These are very neutral and unforgiving to the recordings. Drop a well produced one and you are in Nirvana, drop a bad one then you feel like pulling the nails out as they just wont sound right.

RE: your music tastes, I think they are overkill for the bollywood genre. Also if the classical recordings are bad (majority of them are) then the system will not do justice for value. Buy something that is forgiving (English speakers are known for these).
i dont own magnepans but will surely go for it once. i had a demo
at a2v and was floored. They surely need hi current for optimum sound hence avrs may not be the ideal companion.pair them with a powerful amp. and you get superb details with lot of air around the instruments. its a sad thing that they are really high priced in india , otherwise mg12 cost only 1100$.
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