Need some help regarding audio-system


New Member
May 18, 2010
Hi guys, need some help with some decisions.

I've been using the cheap Logitech Z-4s for the past 6 years and would like to upgrade.

While at home, I found a Sony HCD-VX555 system lying around un-used and gathering dust so I tried starting it up to check out it's condition.

The deal is that the main component is totally busted with the electronics and controls all messed up, but I managed to hook up my ipod with a 3.5 -> RCA interconnect to the line-in of the system and play it.

The sound seemed pretty decent with some good lows capability and decent highs (as referenced to my Phonak IEMs, it could go down to frequencies that my Z4s are absolutely not capable of, even with the sub).

Now the issue is that 1 of the wires going into 1 speaker has snapped at the entry to the speaker.

What I want is to know whether there is any point getting this fixed and upto what price point. Also I'm planning not to get the main component (receiver/amp thing) repaired since I have no real use of the CD player/tape etc. and just need it for the amp bit. (speakers are 140w per channel RMS).

My plan is to take along the entire thing with me to Hyd (starting work there) and then replace the amp with a proper amp and then to better speakers over time. Total budget will be 20~30k over 5~6 months.
The system will be used as 'computer speakers' a.k.a with my computer as source. I am ready to buy a dac/amp as well (over time).

So please recommend -
  • What price is it worth paying to fix the snapped wire? (aka what are the speakers really worth)
  • What kind of upgrade route can follow from the same?
  • Should I ditch the entire thing and just think about getting a new set-up over time (and take along my z4s)

I mostly listen to rock, alternative and also some classical and country now and then if it's relevant. Oh and usage will be 80% music, 20% tv-series/movies etc.

Thanks a lot.
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I see you are from Kolkata. Which part?

I think you should scrap the whole system. And slowly build your first hifi. Those systems and speakers have more than acceptable tollerance, hence full of noise and distortion.

Buy yourself a speaker for around 15-18k and an used amp within you max possible budget. Some of speakers that you like to audition and consider are CA S30, Alpha b1, Aviano 1, Wharfedale 10.1

Also, there is a sale thread of AudioEngine A5. That should a good starting point for you. Or even better search for A5+. These are active speaker system with built in amp.

Happy hunting.
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Hi Kaushik, thanks for the reply.

I am from Saltlake, however I am moving to Hyderabad in early June to start work (just graduated).

The idea is to move to a full hifi soon, but I just want to use this as an interim solution hence thought if I should consider buying an amp first and using it as to drive the speakers till I could purchase new speakers.

I have been looking at the A5 and actually was set on buying a powered (active) system. But with the discovery of this Sony, thought maybe I could go for a component based system which would be upgradeable in parts.
Is there much difference in the VFM for both the type of systems? (I love maximising the VFMs.. :) ) [However the extreme convenience of the active is a big plus as well].

Thanks for the inputs once again.

PS: Your post also makes me think that I should just get the broken wire thing repaired if they charge really low and use the system till I can just buy out a proper system. (Since that will still be WAY better than the Logitech Z4) Thoughts?
There is no easy rule to say which one is more VFM in general but these Audio Engine stuffs are serious piece of hifi for the money and are time tested.

Can you post a pic or two of your broken wire? Let us see the condition.

BTW I graduated few years ago and working at Rajarhat.
Of course there is no easy rule :D We are dealing with audio after all. It is mostly subjective. I was just looking for a general consensus (if any) at the price bracket. But I will seriously consider the A5/similars since I guess they retain value well and can be sold off if I try to upgrade years down the line.

Will post the pic after some time.

Oh nice! Rajarhat is great! Which company? IT?

Great! Good luck in your audio hunt. Its a long long way. I am hunting since 1999 and settled just a few month ago this year. After so many years I finally found that sound, that tonal quality, timber texture, mids and highs I was looking for and which can keep me happy for some times now.

But I still know, down the line, there will be upgrades.

And yes I work in IT. Was in CapGemini last year. Joined Lexmark recently. And you?
I just finished my B.Tech in CSE from NIT Calicut (Kerala) and will be joining as a Software Engineer in June.

Would you be able to recommend any good stores in Kolkata where I can audition the A5 or similarly priced systems?

Thanks for all the help.
Congratulations! on your first job :thumbsup:

I don't know whether they stock AudioEngine or not but there are few good(but limited) options in Kolkata. The ProFx, SKS, Harmony House, The Promises. At SKS and Harmony you would get to listen to lot of stereo brands.

I would suggest you to go and listen to them. This will give you an idea about what type of sound signature you like.
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