New entrant

Welcome to the forum. 5 decades is long long time. Digital audio is like fresh, raw, nourishing refreshing salad with lots and lots of health benefits. Me sometimes like chat masala on salad. So I listen to vinyls occasionaly. yum yum. :)

Do give description of your system and looking forward to your valuable contribution.
Welcome to the forum. 5 decades is long long time. Digital audio is like fresh, raw, nourishing refreshing salad with lots and lots of health benefits. Me sometimes like chat masala on salad. So I listen to vinyls occasionaly. yum yum. :)

Do give description of your system and looking forward to your valuable contribution.
As a source I am using a Mac mini powered by a Teradak LPS running Roon and Audirvana software. Sotm Sms-200 network bridge connected to a Playback design MPD 3 DAC. Jeff rowland Capri series 2 preamp and a Jeff rowland 625 power amplifier driving BC Acoustique Act 4 speakers.
Transparent audio speaker cables, Nordost interconnects. PS Audio Premier Power Plant power regenerator. Power cables by Jena Labs, DH Labs and Evidence Audio.
As a source I am using a Mac mini powered by a Teradak LPS running Roon and Audirvana software. Sotm Sms-200 network bridge connected to a Playback design MPD 3 DAC. Jeff rowland Capri series 2 preamp and a Jeff rowland 625 power amplifier driving BC Acoustique Act 4 speakers.
Transparent audio speaker cables, Nordost interconnects. PS Audio Premier Power Plant power regenerator. Power cables by Jena Labs, DH Labs and Evidence Audio.
Welcome. your system looks like a really resolving setup !
Am hearing about BC Acoustique after a really long time. I think there used to be a gentleman in Kochi who had one as well
Hey salad... welcome to the forum.
Would love to hear your setup someday.
You rarely see people using such good Rowland amps. I just love their sound signature.
Hey salad... welcome to the forum.
Would love to hear your setup someday.
You rarely see people using such good Rowland amps. I just love their sound signature.
Thanks. Yes, they are really good. I have been a JR fan since the 1980s.

Hey salad... welcome to the forum.
Would love to hear your setup someday.
You rarely see people using such good Rowland amps. I just love their sound signature.
Hopefully someday soon when we see the end of the pandamemic.
As a source I am using a Mac mini powered by a Teradak LPS running Roon and Audirvana software. Sotm Sms-200 network bridge connected to a Playback design MPD 3 DAC. Jeff rowland Capri series 2 preamp and a Jeff rowland 625 power amplifier driving BC Acoustique Act 4 speakers.
Transparent audio speaker cables, Nordost interconnects. PS Audio Premier Power Plant power regenerator. Power cables by Jena Labs, DH Labs and Evidence Audio.
Thats a great setup
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