Newbie - Need yur help pls


New Member
Nov 10, 2008
Gurgaon India
Hi All,
This my first post here - seemed tohave found this forum v completely by chance - but its great, from whatever little I've seen so far

Anyways to cut to the chase -

Am looking to buy a system, purely for music
Budget: Upto 50K
Location: Delhi/NCR, would ideally like to audition and am far more comfortable purchasing myself than relying on out station deliveries

Looking for a basic: Amp, speakers, Sub Woofer, etc. etc.

Can start to build it up..and put in more money in time.

Which brings me to my questions:

- Please recommend what I should start with - I listen to pretty much all genres of music barring anything from the Himesh factory
- Would really help if you could guide me to where I could pick up the system from as well
- Any suggestions/pearls of wisdom will be much appreciated

Hello Sid

Welcome to the Forum and nice to see another stereo lover. Coming to the Topic, your 50k can bring you very good system if you plan , wait and buy things wisely. i would suggest the following equipments

CD Player ---------- Marantz CD 5001 / CD 6002 Rs.13500 / Rs.21000/-

Amplifier ----------- Marantz PM 4001 Rs.17000/-

Speakers ------------Mission M33i Rs.17500/-

Interconnects and Speaker cables Rs.6000/-

Option 2

CD player ---------------Cambridge Audio C340 Rs.14000/-
Amplifier ----------------Cambridge Audio A340 Rs.14000/-
Speakers ----------------Mordaunt Short 902i Rs. 12,000/-

You can also check the Nad combination along with the mission Speakers , i have heard it sometime ago and the sound is very warm .
unfortunately in India we have only few combinations for 50k , Our fellow forum members may give you even better ideas and suggestions.
See to that you spend some amount for decent cables , ICs and Speaker stands ( if you are going for a stand mount spk ) these will make a difference in the way the system sounds.

Happy Hunting

Let me offer my 2 cents. Actually I should say at the beginning that although I have had some kind of a stereo component system since the mid-eighties, I do not have enough know-how like many of the forum members. So whatever I am going to suggest is entirely according to my personal views and should be verified by others.

Firstly, I consider the speakers to be the most important elements of a 2-channel set-up. In my opinion you should spend perhaps half of your budget (25K) on the speakers. Moreover, it is not prudent to get very low-end floor-standers. Rather go for reasonable to good quality bookshelf speakers. I recently auditioned Quad 11L2 bookshelf speakers (priced perhaps just above 25K for a pair). I am sure there may be some others at this price range, the experts can help you. The previous corresponding model from Quad was 11L (not 11L2). That was also a very reasonable speaker. But the 11L2 is better in bass and in design, I think.

The next is to get an integrated amplifier that can drive these speakers nicely. For this purpose, I consider the NAD C315BEE (at around 15K, I think, pl verify) to be an excellent choice. Please do not get fooled by the meagre power rating of these amps. Their dynamic range far exceeds the value quoted. I consider, among budget amps, NAD does a very decent job. They are very musical, so to say and can drive capable speakers better than most think. The amps would also go very nicely with the Quad speakers I mentioned.

You can consider one of the budget CD players from CA, NAD or Marantz.

This way you may perhaps overshoot your budget by a little bit (5 to 10K), but please consider this as an option. If you buy all the above from the same store, you may get a decent discount too. Since I am from Kolkata, I will not be able to advice you about the possible stores you may go to.

Buy decent speaker cables. You should not need more than 2 x 3 metres at approx Rs 100 per metre. If you want to buy an interconnect for CD to amp connection, you can think of some basic interconnect. Do not spend too much on it.

Please make sure, you audition the system (including the interconnect and speaker cables if possible) and trust your own ears.

While auditioning, use interesting CD tracks that will bring out differences among different set-ups. For example, you can use track no 4 ("yeh haseen vadiyan ...") from the music CD of the film "Roja".
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Thanks guys - nice start, has got me thinking already...

Just a couple of queries:
Anyone from Delhi who cud suggest an appropriate place to start my search from -
One other thing - no mention of a sub woofer here - is that usual?
Was always under the impression that a sub woofer would a go a long way in adding that much needed punch -

Must mention here that am prone to occasional bursts of listening to loud goose bump inducing electronic music -

- no mention of a sub woofer here - is that usual?
Was always under the impression that a sub woofer would a go a long way in adding that much needed punch -

Must mention here that am prone to occasional bursts of listening to loud goose bump inducing electronic music -


Stereo is 2-channel music. For the kind of music I listen to, I have never felt the need of having anything more than a pair of very good speakers.

One may need subwoofer for deep bass, but I am not the person who would understand these things. May be somebody else can help.

In any case any good speakers will have frequency range well below 50 Hz.

Another thing is that 2-channel amplifiers do not come with a subwoofer out. For that then you have to get an AV receiver. This is not really my territory. Somebody else would be able to answer in better detail and reasoning.

Sorry to be late in replying. Got caught up in some work and my own query in another thread.
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