NewCDP Line


Active Member
Apr 4, 2008
In an effort to get more value for money components, I would like you to chip in with your opinions on which CDP you would like to see carried in India. I am on the hunt for a good CDP to carry on a dealership basis for a while but cant find something at a reasonable value. If there is a CDP line that you would like to see in India, please post here. I dont want to get CDPs costing Rs 1L +, I am looking at around half the price, give or take. So please dont post something that say retails for $5K elsewhere, there is on chance in hell for us to carry that at 1/5th the price :)

By the way I have identified one that I like and trying to work the company, more details later...but I wouldnt mind getting a second line.

Bravo, Sridhar, it is great that you are taking such a step. More power to you!

I have no suggestions to offer as far as brands go (I can only think of names like Music Hall, etc. but I am sure there are far better names to be picked) but would like to request that SACD also be considered. There are many CD options but the pickings for affordable SACD are very slim. Only Marantz SA-7001 stands out.

Yes there are many as particleman said and also as he said it would be better if you include SACD,I also wanted you to checkout the Shanlin CDPs but you said MHZ's are far better for the price right sridhar ??

Now that leaves with what ?? what bout the "AAh Njoe Joe" CDPs (marantz clones or custom upgrades with tube outputs) ??? they are around 500$, What about some Chinese and taiwanese ?? there are many solids products from there !!

So how bout a tour Sridhar for hunting them ??

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Hi Soundsgreat
Shanling CDPs dont make sense for other reasons, I have already explored this. MHZS, well I will let you check it out and see for yourself but again other issues. The Ah! line from Tjoe (in fact I have one at home) were good value when the $ was better than the Euro, now it does not make sense as this line comes from Europe. I already enquired that the startling lineup here in India (if we got it) would have been Rs 50K. That CDP isnt worth 50K.

but keep the suggestions coming..

I have 4 on my list that I am exploring and I will let you know once we finalise..



Yes there are many as particleman said and also as he said it would be better if you include SACD,I also wanted you to checkout the Shanlin CDPs but you said MHZ's are far better for the price right sridhar ??

Now that leaves with what ?? what bout the "AAh Njoe Joe" CDPs (marantz clones or custom upgrades with tube outputs) ??? they are around 500$, What about some Chinese and taiwanese ?? there are many solids products from there !!

So how bout a tour Sridhar for hunting them ??

REGA cdps @ affordable prices would be good. Heard that they will be available soon. Music hall i think is with soundsmiths. In fact i believe REGA is looking for an Indian Partner but the problem is they want the guy to carry the entire line which seems unacceptable to a dealer i spoke to, who basically just wants to stock the Apollo/Saturn cdps.
If Rega then I am sure many would be interested in their turntables as well. Since we're talking British products, what about Creek? Or Cyrus? Are they represented in India?
I can look into Rega, however I understand that they already have a distributor for India. At the risk of sounding like an idiot :o I think value for money, I can do better. But let me explore Rega and let you know. I believe Rega will work out expensive though.

creek and Cryus are already represented and frankly, I want to get something that is of higher caliber.

thanks for posting though, keep it coming..

I can look into Rega, however I understand that they already have a distributor for India.
Wow, then their distributor is doing one hell of a job of staying invisible. I've lost count of the number of queries about where to buy Rega CDP or TT in India.

creek and Cryus are already represented and frankly, I want to get something that is of higher caliber.

I don't get it. How can you get better caliber AND cheaper than 1 lakh? Of course, I'd be very happy to know there is an answer to this.
Rega springs to mind immediately. I am sure in a coutry like India a CDP around 50K mark would be more than welcome. Equivalent products, for say a Rega Apollo, Cyrus CD 6 and Arcam Diva cost a lot more even as they are not as acclaimed as the Apollo.

Rega Saturn is seen at the best CDP under USD 2k. To beat these CDPs would take something. I am sure if someone carries Rega, he can experience some sale.
Dear odyssey/particleman,
Rega is not yet distributed here. A friend of mine was in touch with them but they wanted him to carry equal proportions of mira,cursa,brio,apollo,saturn and the TTs so he backed out as the small lot of preamps/power amps he had were a nightmare to sell. Consider Rega.
Particleji cyrus is distributed by SNV in Pune. He is on this forum.Also sells Dcs,chord, WB etc.(Sound& Vision-Jay Nihalani is his name i think).
A few items i can recommend.
1.Benchmarc DAC-1
2.Grace Design-902
3. Monarchy Audio Tube DAC/pre-amp M-24
All these DAC's are very good priced between $1k to 1.5K and can be used with cheap OPPO DVD/CD player which is an excellant transport.
4.Cabridge Audio Azur. line.CD players

Moreover as digital format is continuously changing and looks like musical servers with storage devices are ultimately going to replace this digital media of CD playing there is no point in investing on high value CD players.
Any CD player you buy today becomes obsolete after a year or two.
I have a Perpetual Technology P-1 and P-3 with optional power supply and Mod Wright upgrade, if anyone interested,
If there is no importer yet for Oppo please try to get it (rather Grab it )because :--
1.It is a very good CD player
2.It is an even better SACD player and DVD audio player
3.The new model 983 is One of the Best DVD player with superb vedio quality
thru its 1.3 HDMI output and latest VRS Anchor Bay technology.
Even lower models 980 and 981 are very good.

It is a best seller around the world and very suitable for Price conscious Indian market. I am not recommending because it is cheap but the sound and vedio qualities are very very good.
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