no colour when connected via component output


Active Member
Oct 16, 2008

I did connect the component output of my dvd palyer to tv using 3 RCA cables. I am getting only B&W picture and no colour, also when i press P-scan, even the B&W image keeps moving up and down. Should i change any settings in my dvd player?


This is a cable problem. I came across the same problem a few days ago in my system. I switched three cables before I got colour and stability on my system. Use a good branded component cable (Y, Pb, and Pr ) (Green, Blue, and Red) and do not use any ordinary RCA cable. I have seen many of the cable manufacturers do not even meet the minimum requirement of 75 Ohms and good sheilding.

You would need a Component cable especially if any upscaling is being done. Though the cable would be same between RCA and Component the connectors do differ. No need to go for a very expensive one. I got a local one for about Rs. 500 and it gives as good PQ as an expensive one.
Seems like the OP was using analog audio cables for compnent connections.

Though the cable would be same between RCA and Component the connectors do differ.

RCA are the connector types. Any cable with 75 ohms impedance can be used for component connections though the mass market ones come in 3 colors as Venkat has suggested (Red Green and Blue)

No need to go for a very expensive one. I got a local one for about Rs. 500 and it gives as good PQ as an expensive one.

Absolutely right on the dot with this one!
This has happened to me once when i connected the ends incorrectly (didnt looked at the colors before conencting). So do check the color coding on DVD and TV and ensure that the cables are being connected accordingly.
Any idea where can purchase good component cable? any good brand ? Also it should not be costly. Even if it is available online(indian portal) also fine.

I tried SP road and National market in b'lore but all those cables were looking shady ;)

Any idea where can purchase good component cable? any good brand ? Also it should not be costly. Even if it is available online(indian portal) also fine.

I tried SP road and National market in b'lore but all those cables were looking shady ;)


You can buy a decent Bandridge cable at Croma retail (near Brigade Road). Also there are other options too in that part of the store. I bought Bandrigde and I am quite satisfied with that. The store also keeps the MX brand cable ( I am not sure if it is only for Speaker cable). Do check it out. Other place is Staples.

You can buy a decent Bandridge cable at Croma retail (near Brigade Road). Also there are other options too in that part of the store. I bought Bandrigde and I am quite satisfied with that. The store also keeps the MX brand cable ( I am not sure if it is only for Speaker cable). Do check it out. Other place is Staples.


Can you tell me the price of Banbridge component cable? Also do you know how much does MX cable cost?

Can you tell me the price of Banbridge component cable? Also do you know how much does MX cable cost?


Not sure about the component but their coaxial and optical cables are quite cheap compared to others. Their optical cost me Rs. 500 and their coaxial is priced at Rs. 300 or so. Compare it to Philips coaxial which cost me Rs. 900...

No idea about MX, never used them.
I'm currently using MX red,blue,green component cable. It cost me 350 bucks. But the dealer wasnt willing to bargain. With a bit of bargaining, I'm sure you can get it within 300 bucks.
Guys be a bit open hearted about cables. Spending a few hundred rupees more will deliver results that are very good.

For quite some time I was using a cheap composite cable for connecting my STB to the 32 inch LCD. I was getting lines at 45 degree angle moving continuously. I used to think this was a EMI problem and tried various power conditioning and filters. Nothing worked. Then last week, I picked up a Bandridge component cable (Rs.800, I think) and used that to connect the STB to my TV. All lines disappeared, and I get pitch black contrast that I have never seen before on my TV when viewing DTH. I have a feeling it is just the superior shielding of the Bandridge interconnect that has done the trick.

I know there is a limit, so set your budget. But after that, please don't cringe so much on cables and inter connects. They do make a difference. A few hundred rupees?......come on.......

Sometime last week, I did a comparison of three speaker cables - DAC, Bandridge, and MX. All three were at the same gauge (14) and price point of roughly 75 Rupees a meter. I could clearly hear the difference between the three, and I settled for DAC. The person who did this comparison with me was pulling my leg calling me a brand conscious nut, as I was very reluctant to try the MX. But when we played the same song again, he also could discern the difference. Bandrige and DAC were close, and both ahead of the MX. BTW I use gold plated banana spades from MX, so I have nothing against the brand. I just think they need a bit more maturity to deliver good speaker cables.

Another example. I use a 3.5mm connector and cable to play my iPod in my car. I bought this from Mercy Electronics. No name, no specs. Every time I move the iPOD, I get horrible scratch noises that make me cringe, and real dirty looks from my co-passengers. So today I have ordered for a better cable with 3.5 mm connectors on both sides.

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My personal experience....

I have used the following brands for speaker cable, component, HDMI and power. Absolutely no difference in experience thought build quality is pretty different.

Blue Jeans Cable (my all time favourite for their build quality and expert advice)
Monoprice - very cheap but iffy quality
Impact Acoustics
PS Audio

I went down the cable upgrade path about 4 yrs ago and quickly turned back as I hardly noticed any differences from the said properties. This happened when I bought a PS Audio Statement Power chord for USD 380 at the time (used) and noticed absolutely no difference than the stock one as well as a computer power chord despite all claim of getting "clean current".

Nothing against others who see enhanced AV with expensive cables. My experience unfortunately has been much less than stellar so since then I have stuck mostly to BJC.
Marsilians, I know cable and interconnects are a great debate point, and I personally have never understood why spend a lakh on a speaker cable when I can hear no difference between that and one costing a few thousands.

My request is that we should all be aware of what we are buying and using in our systems. All the brands you have mentioned (excepting Monoprice?) have been making good cables for a long time, and have the experience and knowledge to do so.

My request was to refrain from buying cables or interconnects for which you have no specs and no details. I know Blue Jeans buy all their cables from Beldon and put together very good products using well known parts. If you visit their site, they have very specific details on each product they sell. All I am asking is that one buys from a manufacturer who knows what he is selling.

The other day I got a component cable to try out. Except for some regular marketing gimmickry, the packaging had no details, not even the address of the manufacturer. I used the cable to connect my DVD Player and TV, and all I got was black and white. Panicking I though something was wrong with my system. Fortunately I have a Tara Labs component cable that acts as a reference cable for me. I used that and everything was back to normal. I hurriedly returned the other cable.

Let us be aware of what we are buying and have the option to return a product if it does not work. That is all I am saying.

I agree with you Venkat. All I was trying to make a reference was not to fall for hype. Even Monster ...excellent quality but its the pricing that sucks. I would buy that brand as a first choice if they reduced by about 50-70% of the retail value.

Your point is well taken wrt the un-named brand cables. I stay away from them since its like buying those sunglasses at traffic light stops...use at your own risk of eyes failing I guess :)

The reason I have picked BJC is not only for the info on their site but also the excellent customer and technical support they provide. I once remember in the US they send a cable that was slightly damaged at the soldering point even though it was perfectly working. When I mentioned this to them, without second questions they sent a replacement. So even though they are not the cheapest I am a repeat customer.

But clean power from audioquest or Nordost....another conversation altogether ;)

Marsilians, I know cable and interconnects are a great debate point, and I personally have never understood why spend a lakh on a speaker cable when I can hear no difference between that and one costing a few thousands.

My request is that we should all be aware of what we are buying and using in our systems. All the brands you have mentioned (excepting Monoprice?) have been making good cables for a long time, and have the experience and knowledge to do so.

My request was to refrain from buying cables or interconnects for which you have no specs and no details. I know Blue Jeans buy all their cables from Beldon and put together very good products using well known parts. If you visit their site, they have very specific details on each product they sell. All I am asking is that one buys from a manufacturer who knows what he is selling.

The other day I got a component cable to try out. Except for some regular marketing gimmickry, the packaging had no details, not even the address of the manufacturer. I used the cable to connect my DVD Player and TV, and all I got was black and white. Panicking I though something was wrong with my system. Fortunately I have a Tara Labs component cable that acts as a reference cable for me. I used that and everything was back to normal. I hurriedly returned the other cable.

Let us be aware of what we are buying and have the option to return a product if it does not work. That is all I am saying.

well I have used only MX for the past year, so I cannot comment on other cables. What would you folks suggest as a good component cable that doesnt make a very deep dent into the pocket?

I am also using component cable for connecting STB. however i dont find much of a noticeable difference. except for brightness which has increased by leaps and bounds.
well I have used only MX for the past year, so I cannot comment on other cables. What would you folks suggest as a good component cable that doesnt make a very deep dent into the pocket?

I am also using component cable for connecting STB. however i dont find much of a noticeable difference. except for brightness which has increased by leaps and bounds.

I have found Bandridge to be VFM both in terms of price and performance. Check them out.
Can you tell me the price of Banbridge component cable? Also do you know how much does MX cable cost?


I bought this cable last year sometimes around July and it was around 500 (there was a discount) then. Don't really know the cost of the cable now. MX brand cable would also be around the same price.

I did connect the component output of my dvd palyer to tv using 3 RCA cables. I am getting only B&W picture and no colour, also when i press P-scan, even the B&W image keeps moving up and down. Should i change any settings in my dvd player?



Problem sorted?
I seem to be facing a similar problem, only a little worse, no picture :-(

I connected the component cable (all connections triple checked), but do not get any picture on the TV. I have checked all settings on the DVD and the TV and still no change.

I tested using a different DVD player and it worked.

Any idea what could be wrong.
Thanks to everyone. Now i know where the problem is and i have to get good cable to solve it. I haven't purchased any cable yet as i was busy and did not have time to do the shopping. Well i think i will get DAC, Banbridge, MX (any of these).

Any place in b'lore where i can get this at best price.

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