Norge 1000 - Bi Wiring


New Member
Oct 5, 2008
Hi Guys,

I have bought Mission M35i Speakers, now I want to bi-wire it with Norge 1000 Amplifier.

I am using (Two Core) DAC 14 AWG Speaker Cables. My question is:

Speaker booklet mentions the first pictures as Bi-Wire Diagram. Mission has total 8 Ports and Norge has 4. So, my situation is same as the first one.

Can it be done ? Or is there something related to Amp, about its bi-wiring capability since speaker has the ability ?

If anybody who has done bi-wiring with Norge 1000 kindly reply . :rolleyes:

Reply soon
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Hi, you have to just exactly do it as per the diagram and that is what it is. In my opinion, there is no difference between amps. It will be 4 terminals at the amp side and 8 at the speaker side.

Thx Swami. I have asked Shayamji about it, he even doesn't have any idea about it. Lets see what others say.
The pic is self descriptive. At the amp side, for bi-wiring, only 4 ports are required. Connect 2 wires to one of the norge spk terminal (left red). Connect one of those to the upper terminal (red) and another to the bottom terminal (red) of the left speaker and do the same for the black. Continue the same with the right speaker also.

Dont forget the take out the metal connector b/n the spk terminals.

Is there any specific reason for going for bi-wiring them? Before doing that, its better understand the concept. Then it will be easy for you to connect.
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Hi Guys,

I have bought Mission M35i Speakers, now I want to bi-wire it with Norge 1000 Amplifier.

I am using (Two Core) DAC 14 AWG Speaker Cables. My question is:

Speaker booklet mentions the first pictures as Bi-Wire Diagram. Mission has total 8 Ports and Norge has 4. So, my situation is same as the first one.

Can it be done ? Or is there something related to Amp, about its bi-wiring capability since speaker has the ability ?

If anybody who has done bi-wiring with Norge 1000 kindly reply

First of all the Norge is not capable of Bi-Amping any speakers (meaning it doesn't have two different amps for 1 channel ) !

Second the 8 ports (Terminals as they are referred to as ) is of both the speakers (4 of one and the 4 of the other ) ??

Anyways the Simple and straight forward Answer to your question is,No you cannot use Norge Amp for the said purpose !

Now to confuse you a bit, in Some Amps they have Speaker A & B in which case you can use Speaker A for Highs and Speaker B for Lows (or the other way too) but will not be of much help (although some may not agree with that thought) !

To properly Bi-Wire a Speaker,you need a Amp with Bi-Amp Capability (2Amps for Each Channel) then and only then can you get the best results !

So I suggest you to stick with Mono wiring ( don't remove the coupler in the speaker terminals and use it ) and connect each M35i to left and right of the Norge and Play !

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Hmmm You edited the post :p !!

Well I for one would strongly suggest you against the way thats illustrated on the pics you've attached !!

Its absolutely of no use unless and untill you have what I mentioned earlier !

By doing the proposed connection,you will increase the cable length which will lead to many other issues ! By removing the Couplers (bridges as referred to as in those pics) you may have a slight chance of either decreasing or increasing the impedance of the speakers which will directly affect the way Amp responds to a speaker !

I don't see how a Wire of whatever length used is better then the shortest length Coupler (bridges) which gold plated and is of considerable thickness compared to a 14 Gauge wire you propose to use !!

What the Bi-wire Diagram depicts is correct. It is simple . Remove the jumper of both the speakers. Take 8 No. of cables of equal length. Connect each to to the eight ports of your left and right speakers. Connect the two high frequency ( + ) wires of left speaker to the left high frequency ( + ) speaker of Norge Amp and connect the two low frequency ( - ) cables to the low frequency ( - ) speaker of the Amp. Repeat this procedure for the right speaker with right speaker of the AMP. This is nothing but instead of routing the high and low frequency signals through Jumpers , we are feeding through cables.
It is just a belief that Bi Wiring gives better sound , particularly by the Britishers but not proven. Just we end in spending unnecessarily on cables. As some body pointed out for Bi Wiring the Amp. need not have Bi-Amping Capability .

hi friend !
nice to see that u read the manual!! :)...atleast ...n u r interested too in bi-wiring !
i had owned a Norge 4242 and i had experimented too!
i had bi-wired my speakers with all the available options,
i request you to trust me if you like a friendly advise..
i will explain you how to bi-wire in plain simple steps:
1. observe how you have connected your speakers now with single wire for each speaker. each wire contains a RED/copper n a Black/aluminium wire. Use the RED indications to exactly connect these wires to RED n BLACK posts of speakers, no matter how many wires you connect.
2. Bi-wiring means two wires will run between left speaker n left port on amplifier, and two wires will run between right speaker n right port of the amplifier.
3. take another wire of same length and connect it to the upper terminals of speaker, now you have two wires with two RED heads and two BLACK heads. Join them and insert into left terminals,, RED terminals into RED post, n BLACK terminals into BLACK posts of left side. Do the same with Right side.
4. Make sure that you have removed the plates between the 4 ports of each speaker, or else it may short circuit your amplifier.

Now the problem with NORGE terminals is that their posts are very small, so you will probably not able to insert two wires into the given hole. It is the only place where you can find yourself in trouble.
But , my friend, DO IT ! Bi-Wiring DEFINITELY make your music CLEAR !
before bi-wiring, i found the vocals with a shrill when i go about the 50% volume mark, or 12 O'Clock position in volume dial.
after Bi-wiring, there IS a REMARKABLE separation of frequencies and the vocals became crystal clear n very fluid !:clapping:

i have heard IT, and i believe in Bi-Wiring, NORGE can definitely DRIVE a Bi-Wiring speaker, Mr.einstein is trying to confuse his Bi-amping fundas with bi-wiring too!! what the hell ?? hey Mr. do u even know what IS bi-amping?? do your homework! Wat the hell is a two amps for a single channel for speaker A/B?? :lol::D:ohyeah:
that is true, exactly,, BUT not inside an amplifier dude ! there are separate amps for each channel, like two NORGE 1000,, one for left, & one for right, RIGHT?
but don't even think of that setup, where do you suppose the soundstage will be?? hi hi hi two NORGE in Bi-Amping ! ha ha haaa
NORGE have fantastic soundstage, they are very clear with mids, but not enough musical(IMO) as compared with cambridge audio, thats 6K vs 24K.
whole :clapping::clapping::clapping: for NORGE though !
Shyam Ji ! i love you ! (not like gay)

Also friend ! i have tried connecting with speaker A, & speaker B outlets for both different posts given on speaker, but i felt something/ or some frequencies are lacking / or some imbalanced sound output from speakers, but with NORGE 1000, i guess there is no such option as speaker A/B, or else you will be having 8 ports on back of amplifier.

to be more technical, i was also confused with funda of just moving a separation of wires to the amplifier post making a difference?? but.. IT DOES !
it actually load the speaker network that has been internally separated to the Amplifier posts directly, drawing the current from there. This reduced the crosstalk between the mid n low network separation circuits to minimum.

Also friend, the lower posts on speaker are for Woofer(low frequencies, BASS) and the upper posts in speaker is for tweeter n vocal driver(high n mid frequencies, TREBLE) , though this info. is not relevant here, but it is used for complex Bi-Amping.

so do it noww, just buying an extra pair of cable wont harm ur wallet much, n if u can find improvement then ...YIPPIEE !:yahoo:
do post your experience, first listen to same song before biwiring and then after biwiring. Please tell me your findings n experiences! :rolleyes:
Make sure that you have removed the plates between the 4 ports of each speaker, or else it may short circuit your amplifier.

No it will not short circuit anything. But remove the jumpers because with them in, there's no bi-wiring.

Mr.einstein is trying to confuse his Bi-amping fundas with bi-wiring too!! what the hell ?? hey Mr. do u even know what IS bi-amping?? do your homework! Wat the hell is a two amps for a single channel for speaker A/B?? :lol::D:ohyeah:

So, soundsgreat gave him the biamping fundas instead of the biwiring fundas. So what? There's no need to be rude dude!

Shyam Ji ! i love you ! (not like gay)

This is hilarious. I'm sure you made Mr.Bajaj's day. :lol:

so do it noww, just buying an extra pair of cable wont harm ur wallet much, n if u can find improvement then ...YIPPIEE !:yahoo:

Yes, Arnold - go ahead and do it. It won't harm you or the amplifier.

Keith thanks for sticking up for me :) !!

So, soundsgreat gave him the biamping fundas instead of the biwiring fundas.

The reason I stuck with that coz thats what makes sense and not this so called Bi-Wiring,I having built many speakers and speaker cables have atleast little experience in that so will strongly advocate the said (said by me,i,e Bi-Amping) method !

People have this misconception and will do anything to prove themselves right ! So no worries if some feel Am wrong or whatever.

I will not waste time in explaining the thing in great details especially in a thread like this ;)!
So what? There's no need to be rude dude!

As with the aforementioned person,Less said the better ;) !

This is hilarious. I'm sure you made Mr.Bajaj's day

I don't know bout Mr.Bajaj,But I sure did have a laugh riot after the whole post, I can pinpoint atleast a dozen odd mistakes in it the post but thats not the idea :p!

Thats why even after reading the post I laughed hard and left it at that !

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Thx a lot guys for your time for posting a reply to my thread.

Some more doubts are remaining, kindly clarify them:

1) Since I would be using 'Two-Core' Cable for each of the four terminals of Norge Amplifier. So each terminal would be providing two 'Outs'.

When a two core wire will be connected to a single terminal, do I have to then twist both the two cores of a speaker wire together and plug them in a Single Banana Plug so to connect a single terminal of Amp ?

2) I have decided to have 5m Cable length from each of the four terminals of Amp to the Speaker. I hope it won't be affecting sound quality. Pls note I would be using a '14 AWG' Cable.

Kindly reply soon
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