Archimago measured a Teac UD501 which he says is 10 years old.
He also makes some interesting and mildly provocative statements on recent tech used in R2R DACs and such.
I did not fully understand all the technical bits in the article but it was still a fun read. Enjoy:
He also makes some interesting and mildly provocative statements on recent tech used in R2R DACs and such.
I did not fully understand all the technical bits in the article but it was still a fun read. Enjoy:
Revisiting the TEAC UD-501 DAC (2013): THD(+N), DSD output, Sweeps, Jitter, 1/10 Decade Multitone 32. (And on SSD transition, Corsair MX500 SSD, and Hi-Fi+ closes comments...)
A blog for audiophiles about more objective topics. Measurements of audio gear. Reasonable, realistic, no snakeoil assessment of sound, and equipment.