Options in the market for voltage stabilisation and protection


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
Hey everyone,

I have been using a 2 kva apc double conversion ups for 7 years now. The time for a replacement will come soon. What options are there in the market these days?

One of the reasons why I prefer something which completely separates the equipment from the input mains is because I live in an apartment. If the power goes, the generator kicks in and I am not sure about the quality of these things and do not want to expose the gear directly to its output. For e.g. a servo controlled stabiliser will let the quality of current at the input go to the outputs. It only corrects voltage. A double conversion ups will separate the gear from the input quality because power is always generated and send to the output.

A downside to UPS systems is the fan noise. The older model which I have does not create much noise but the newer ones are noisy and cannot be setup in the same room where you listen to music.
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