OSD : On screen display


New Member
Oct 23, 2008
Do any standard CD players have on screen display...

if so, what connections to use.

A normal CDP has : 2-ch analogue RCA out, optical and coaxial out.

Do any standard CD players have on screen display...

if so, what connections to use.

A normal CDP has : 2-ch analogue RCA out, optical and coaxial out.


Not sure what the connection is between OSD and outputs.

standard CDP are made for 2 channel listening and you would be hard pressed to find many with optical/coax connection.
By OSD , i am meaning-- can send video output to tv screen with listing of the tracks, info etcc...... like in a universal DVDP.

Guess, not possible in a CDP.
By OSD , i am meaning-- can send video output to tv screen with listing of the tracks, info etcc...... like in a universal DVDP.

Guess, not possible in a CDP.

Nope, have not come across any CDP with video out. Mostly analog outs... come to think of it I've not come across any with digital outs either.
... come to think of it I've not come across any with digital outs either.

Well, the CDPs I have owned all have had digital out connections. Even the Denon DCD 920 purchased in 1989/90 had both coax and optical outs. My current one (CA 740c) also has both digital outs and it also has two pairs of digital ins as well because it can be used as a separate DAC.

However, never seen a CDP with a video connection for display in a video monitor. Bazee, I also do not know why it would be necessary, because all the information of the CD tracks are there in the CD-cover and the CDP can play any of those tracks. For a music-server where many many tracks are stored in some kind of storage (hard discs, for example), it would be necessary to list the content with the necessary particulars and so on.
Well, the CDPs I have owned all have had digital out connections. Even the Denon DCD 920 purchased in 1989/90 had both coax and optical outs. My current one (CA 740c) also has both digital outs and it also has two pairs of digital ins as well because it can be used as a separate DAC.

However, never seen a CDP with a video connection for display in a video monitor. Bazee, I also do not know why it would be necessary, because all the information of the CD tracks are there in the CD-cover and the CDP can play any of those tracks. For a music-server where many many tracks are stored in some kind of storage (hard discs, for example), it would be necessary to list the content with the necessary particulars and so on.

News to me. I've owned only one dedicated CDP in a Sony (I will definitely check it for digital outs now). Rest have all been integrated Hi-Fi units or all-in-one combo DVDP.

What's the logic in giving digital outs/unprocessed audio when you're paying so much for the CDP?
What's the logic in giving digital outs/unprocessed audio when you're paying so much for the CDP?

Well, I guess the logic could be : if somebody wants to use the CDP only as a CD transport and then take the digital out to a dedicated DAC (which has a better implementation of digital to analogue conversion than the original CDP) and then take the analogue out of the DAC to the amp, he can do it that way. Just one more option, I suppose.
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