I'm trying to use a laptop for playing media, which would inturn connect to an A/V receiver.
I've come across Creative sound cards with optical outputs and the reviews seem quite good.
The question is: When playing music/movie on a PC, the sound quality seems inferior as compared to a dvd player; Could that simply be due to the sound card/media player or is a hardware player superior to a PC based system?
I'd also like some recommendations on soundcards and the average costs in Bangalore.
I'm trying to use a laptop for playing media, which would inturn connect to an A/V receiver.
I've come across Creative sound cards with optical outputs and the reviews seem quite good.
The question is: When playing music/movie on a PC, the sound quality seems inferior as compared to a dvd player; Could that simply be due to the sound card/media player or is a hardware player superior to a PC based system?
I'd also like some recommendations on soundcards and the average costs in Bangalore.