Pioneer VSX 519VK (AVR)

About a year ago, I desperately searched around in Chennai for a Pioneer AVR to review. I had no luck. The dealer I met in Chennai was reluctant to give me any information nor show me a demo.

I even wrote to the national distributor and called him a few times. 'We will get back' is all I heard.

So Avidyarthy, I will be obliged if you can a detailed review of the AVR for us.

Hi Venkat,

To be frank, I am yet to look into all its features. Have connected it to my current requirements ... just basics, and am yet to ascertain all the bells and whistles that have come along.

Just connected my Philips DVD with it to view the movies and more so, only listening to my CDs for music. Plan to connect the TT with pre-amp when it comes back after refurbishment and also a tape deck (either new or my existing Sony deck, which again would need repairs). The Philips DVD too, is on the way out as have made my mind on a Pioneer 220 DVD.

The reason why I opted for the Pioneer AVR was due to the multizone facility, which I was getting only with the upper end other models. The TV being with the AVR was bound to make matters bad for me, as family (two kids and a hen-pecking wife) would not let me sit with my music in peace. So, why not sit all by myself in the other room and ..... The multizone outlet would have a Norge 1000 to feed to the Sony speakers set up at the other location. Thats the plan. So, as per the collection on hand, would have the liberty to use any equipment.

The -ve things about the AVR is the remote is not backlit and the buttons are not in very user-friendly locations. Else, every other feature seems to be quite as desired. The SQ for music alongwith the Moviestar 70+ package is extremely enticing .... depth, clarity etc. Am enjoying the guitar, piano, sitar, saxophone notes to the fullest.

Another aspect, have also auditioned the Wharf 9 series BS with Denon and Marantz, alongwith Pioneer. Somehow, have liked the 'shriller' notes on the Moviestar things more. Then again, the set-up during auditions were in acoustically framed environments, while home is different ... plain naked walls/floors with good amount of furniture in 15' x 11'. The 4 speakers have been set high (7') above floor level tilting down and configured to make the sound waves converge to one seating location. Maybe, thats why am liking the music experience without any complaints.

Would report more, as I slowly get to use all features. Have not read the manual too. The very small letterings are a major turn-off. Waiting for Denny to provide further info .... thats easy, during his next visit. Even Denny is also not taped up proper with the Pioneer AVR ...... Denon, Marantz is peanuts for him :sad: .... they sell more due to end-user demand, thats why I guess.
Recently got the Pioneer VSX-919, your 519's elder brother. Got it from the US, since it isn't available here. Had to go through a transformer because of different voltage ratings (the receiver works with 120volts).

Connected the 919 to KEF speakers, acquired locally (PROFX), and I'm quite happy with my setup. Sources include a PS3 Slim (250GB), Denon turntable and Tata Sky+, and rarely my computer (when I have the patience to get it out of the bedroom and set up all the connections in the living room).
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Red Mahogany finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.