Plasma?? LCD???


Sep 22, 2008
Hi Guys,

My first post & I need some help to buy couple of TV's.

Whats the best VFM option in the India market as of now ? Need to buy one soon for my living room and from what I've read so far, plasmas seems to be offering better bang for the buck.
  1. The viewing distance is 10-12 ft
  2. Wd like to spend around 50 K. Can go upto 75 if there's exceptional value.
  3. Mostly sat TV and movies(DVD). May connect PS3 at a later date.
  4. Which brand/model should I be loooking at
  5. Based in Mumbai so any info on where the best deals are available wd be welcome

Also looking to buy a TV as well as a PC for my daughter's (8 yr old) bedroom. Does it make sense to buy an LCD and connect it to the CPU rather than buying a separate monitor?

Would appreciate a detailed response.


Hi Guys,

My first post & I need some help to buy couple of TV's.

Whats the best VFM option in the India market as of now ? Need to buy one soon for my living room and from what I've read so far, plasmas seems to be offering better bang for the buck.
  1. The viewing distance is 10-12 ft
  2. Wd like to spend around 50 K. Can go upto 75 if there's exceptional value.
  3. Mostly sat TV and movies(DVD). May connect PS3 at a later date.
  4. Which brand/model should I be loooking at
  5. Based in Mumbai so any info on where the best deals are available wd be welcome

Also looking to buy a TV as well as a PC for my daughter's (8 yr old) bedroom. Does it make sense to buy an LCD and connect it to the CPU rather than buying a separate monitor?

Would appreciate a detailed response.



*]The viewing distance is 10-12 ft

For this viewing distance you need at least 50" model

[*]Wd like to spend around 50 K. Can go upto 75 if there's exceptional value.
well u can go for Samsung 50" full hd plasma PSB550 will cost you under 75k .

[*]Mostly sat TV and movies(DVD). May connect PS3 at a later date.
if you are going to use the tv in a brightly lit area then u need to consider a lcd, otherwise plasma will do

[*]Which brand/model should I be loooking at

u can look at samsung , panasonic , sony, lg
[*]Based in Mumbai so any info on where the best deals are available wd be welcome

just search for the price thread and other threads as there are already numerous post running on the same
well the samsung plasma is a good choice but if u plan on gaming for hours or connect it to a PC then a lcd is recommended.
one of the new lcds that have been launched is the LG 47" LH90 its a lcd with local dimming LED,although i am yet to see them myself,do have a look at them.chances of it having a higher contrast then the plasma are high,for gaming it will give u a much crisper image then a plasma.offcouse it will consume much lesser then a similar size plasma.
In response to your last question....
For generic purposes an LCD TV should be fine. Also the advantage of the TV coupling up as a TV and a monitor.
For gaming on PCs you may be better off with a monitor because of better input lag and the ability to handle different resolutions and frequencies from the pc with ease.
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if u are looking at 40 inch display and more go the plasma way else get a LCD upto 40 inch.Plasma are pwer guzzelers though blacks rae deeper but look at Sony S serier 40 inch they retail for about 65k . for you daughter you must buy a Benq 24 inch LCD which cost 12k and add a External tuner card and PC speakers >it will be fun all the way!!:ohyeah:
This is funny, I thought I posted a reply thanking y'll yesterday. But it seems to have disappeared now:sad:

Anyway, here goes again - Went looking over the long weekend and...
  1. Disbelieving looks from all salespeople as to why anybody in their right mind should be buying a plasma:mad: They have already buried this technology.
  2. Pannys not available for auditioning at any of the big stores (Vijay Sales/Croma/Next etc)
  3. LG 50PQ70 seems to be the most "pushed" brand - prices quoted are 62-64 K with DVD's etc thrown in. What price should I be paying for this?
  4. Any users of LG50PQ70 here??? Would like to hear your views. Seems to be good value for money but PQ seemed to be not as good as the other plasma on display at Croma (S'sung 42b450-50k) to my untrained eye.
Intend to go looking once again this weekend and finalise. Am more inclined towards a 50 in now. What options do I have in 50 in?

Have decided to freeze on the plasma first and will then start on my desktop+LCD quest.

Regards and appreciate all the responses, keep 'em coming

I bought a Samsung 50PSB450 for 64K, and am very happy with it.
PQ is great. Even Tata Sky looks good.

This is a 720p TV.
I sit around 12 feet from the TV.
Honestly, at that distance I could not distinguish between 720p and 1080p (tried at the Samsung showroom).

If you are v. keen on a 1080p, the Samsung 50PS550 is around 75K.

I suggest that you go to brand specific showrooms, they will alwaus have the latest models on display. Much better than giong to Croma etc.
That's what I did, went to the Panasonic showroom, then the Samsung showroom etc etc.
I bought a Samsung 50PSB450 for 64K, and am very happy with it.
PQ is great. Even Tata Sky looks good.

This is a 720p TV.
I sit around 12 feet from the TV.
Honestly, at that distance I could not distinguish between 720p and 1080p (tried at the Samsung showroom).

If you are v. keen on a 1080p, the Samsung 50PS550 is around 75K.

I suggest that you go to brand specific showrooms, they will alwaus have the latest models on display. Much better than giong to Croma etc.
That's what I did, went to the Panasonic showroom, then the Samsung showroom etc etc.

Audition in company showroom but do not buy from there! Prices tend to be higher!!
Audition in company showroom but do not buy from there! Prices tend to be higher!!

I saw this phenomenon! What could be the logic behind this? I mean, the company would be more flexible/willing w.r.t sales vis-a-vis an independent dealer. The Panny brand shop here quoted 72k for the G10 whereas a dealer quoted 64.5k.
I saw this phenomenon! What could be the logic behind this? I mean, the company would be more flexible/willing w.r.t sales vis-a-vis an independent dealer. The Panny brand shop here quoted 72k for the G10 whereas a dealer quoted 64.5k.

Reason is that retail stores are very powerful when it comes to price negotiation. They squeeze the manufacturer out on pricing. Imagine if a retailer chain did not carry a popular brand - it would not be popular at all. Due to this favourable pricing, retailers have a lot of room to offer "discounts" to customers. The one drawback with retailers is that they promote the brand that paid the most to them. And also the space is premium so they need to keep movign the models in and out at a fast rate. So they tend to offer discounts to get products out of their stores as quickly as possible.
I saw this phenomenon! What could be the logic behind this? I mean, the company would be more flexible/willing w.r.t sales vis-a-vis an independent dealer. The Panny brand shop here quoted 72k for the G10 whereas a dealer quoted 64.5k.

The retail margins are huge. The manufacturer cannot sell retail at the price at which he supplies his retailer but is bound to have a higher retail floor price in order to protect the retailer's margin. The retailers can play around with their margins and offer varying discounts to end customers.
The big chain retailers do get additional price benefits from the manufacturer but this does not always translate to a lower end customer price as you will often see better prices from a small retailer because he is willing to work with smaller margins specially to clear stock.
Just to add my two bits

Plasma is in no way phased or buried technology both are competing technologies with maybe plasma being the newer one. Further, the SD material we get on DTH are displayed much better on a plasma rather than on a lcd. The lcd screens show tremendous pictures from the connected hd generators at the showrooms but they can in no way match the plasmas for the motion fluidity, deep gradation between blacks and of course for the size plasma works out cheaper. Nowadays the newer plasmas consume less power and are cheaper. Havent looked at the LED based LCD tvs critically so i am not venturing any opinions on them.

PS - I was able persuade a couple of friends to dump lcd for the plasma
Reason is that retail stores are very powerful when it comes to price negotiation. They squeeze the manufacturer out on pricing. Imagine if a retailer chain did not carry a popular brand - it would not be popular at all. Due to this favourable pricing, retailers have a lot of room to offer "discounts" to customers. The one drawback with retailers is that they promote the brand that paid the most to them. And also the space is premium so they need to keep movign the models in and out at a fast rate. So they tend to offer discounts to get products out of their stores as quickly as possible.

The retail margins are huge. The manufacturer cannot sell retail at the price at which he supplies his retailer but is bound to have a higher retail floor price in order to protect the retailer's margin. The retailers can play around with their margins and offer varying discounts to end customers.
The big chain retailers do get additional price benefits from the manufacturer but this does not always translate to a lower end customer price as you will often see better prices from a small retailer because he is willing to work with smaller margins specially to clear stock.

Thanks for the clarification. This indeed was a small retailer. Didn't have anything above 32" on display.
Just to add my two bits

Plasma is in no way phased or buried technology both are competing technologies with maybe plasma being the newer one. Further, the SD material we get on DTH are displayed much better on a plasma rather than on a lcd. The lcd screens show tremendous pictures from the connected hd generators at the showrooms but they can in no way match the plasmas for the motion fluidity, deep gradation between blacks and of course for the size plasma works out cheaper. Nowadays the newer plasmas consume less power and are cheaper. Havent looked at the LED based LCD tvs critically so i am not venturing any opinions on them.

PS - I was able persuade a couple of friends to dump lcd for the plasma

well compare a G10 or a S10 with a FHD lcd,u will know that FHD plasma suck just as FHD lcds when playing SD content.
I do agree with adder on the same, in the current scenario, hd ready sets are better to watch SD content and HD content as they serve both the purpose, going for a full hd set when maximum viewing will be SD can lead to problems and you will not get the desired PQ.
Guys, your responses mean a whole lot to me. Appreciate all your suggestions and helpful hints. Am really charged up to audition a few sets now.

One more doubt - would a plasma mean a really big spike in the elect bill if the TV is used for 4-5 hrs a day?? One of my colleagues wants to buy a 40 in LCD panel and we are currently debating the relative merits of LCD vs Plasma. He is convinced about PQ of a plasma but concerned about elect consumption since his household help watches 4-5 hrs of TV every day (lucky guys). Can anybody put a number (in Rs./month) to each technology for let's say 5 hrs of usage per day??


I saw this phenomenon! What could be the logic behind this? I mean, the company would be more flexible/willing w.r.t sales vis-a-vis an independent dealer. The Panny brand shop here quoted 72k for the G10 whereas a dealer quoted 64.5k.

Most Panny brandshops by default quote a 10% discount on the MRP of TVs. Over a period of time they will give a better discount. but only after a few days/months of the product launch . For eg. the MRP of the G10 is 79990, so the brandshop quoted a price of 72k. Similarly i was quoted 135k for the 50 inch V10 on an MRP of 149990 by the brandshop.
I still believe the Panny brandshop may be quoting a higher price in your case as the G10 has been around for some time
here is a quick calculation:

Assume difference in the two at say 200 Watts (40" lcd is about 150-200W and Plasmas are 350 to 450W depending on the resolution).

200W x 5 hrs x 30 days = 1.00 kW x 30 = 30 kW x Rs.5 per kW (unit of electricity) = Rs.150.00 per Month.

But there are some new plasmas that are consume only 10-15% more than LCDs. But they cost more.
Guys, your responses mean a whole lot to me. Appreciate all your suggestions and helpful hints. Am really charged up to audition a few sets now.

One more doubt - would a plasma mean a really big spike in the elect bill if the TV is used for 4-5 hrs a day?? One of my colleagues wants to buy a 40 in LCD panel and we are currently debating the relative merits of LCD vs Plasma. He is convinced about PQ of a plasma but concerned about elect consumption since his household help watches 4-5 hrs of TV every day (lucky guys). Can anybody put a number (in Rs./month) to each technology for let's say 5 hrs of usage per day??



The power conusmption of a calibrated 50 inch v10 is around 290 W. So to calculate the monthly bill you could try and use the below calculation.
1 unit=1KWhr
290W means .290KW per hour which means.290KWhr for 1 hour

Energy consumed/day=1.45Kwhr(5*.290kwhr)
Energy consumed/month=1.45*30=43.5Kwhr
For a tariff of Rs2.90/unit(Bangalore tariffs)
The monthly calculation will be = 43.5*2.90=Rs126.15

Comparitively a 52 inch B750 LCD TV is supposed to consume around 120-130W
Even for 130 W the maximum expenditure would be .13*5*30*2.9=Rs56.55

Please note rated power consumption of the 50 inch V10 is around 525 W. But in real world scenarios we will not come close to this figure

The rate per unit would be 3.60 if the slab is above 100 units here in Bangalore
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