Power consumption of A/v receivers and Powered sub


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2007
Hi all,
What is the unit of power is consumed for a normal a/v receiver say for an hour?. And does it always consume power immediately turned on or It consumes only when there's sound pumped to speakers. Because I keep the a/v recever sometimes on as i have connected to PC. And i play it occasionaly. I think still it consumes power.

And If i have powered sub woofer how much unit of power it consumes per hour.

Is there any body measured this. I am curious to know and limit the usage of amps as the electricity charges are going to be high from this month. (In Tamil nadu)
This has been explained many times before. Let me explain it again.

A watt of power consumption is calculated as Ampere x voltage.

If your unit consumes 6 amperes at 220 volts, it is consuming 1320 watts of energy or 1kW per hour.

An unit of consumption as per EB is 1000 watts per hour or 1KW/Hr. So if you consume 1000 units, and your rate is (say) Rs.4/- per unit, you will pay Rs.4000/- to the EB.

If you look at the specs of your unit, it will usually say power consumption as x.xx amperes. Multiply this by the voltage to get your power consumption when idle. So if the unit say 6 amperes, and your voltage is 220, you are using up 1320 watts per hour. At Rs.4/- per unit, this works out to Rs.5.28.

When you are using the amplifier, you have to roughly calculate as per the power wattage given. If you are driving two channels at (say) 50 watts each, your unit is consuming 100 watts every second. Multiply this by 3600 and you get 3.6kW per hour of consumption and, at the same 4 per unit, works out to Rs.14.4 Rupees.

Check the specs of your unit and do the calculations.

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