Problem with switching SunDirect HD on my Onkyo 706


Jan 4, 2009

I have recently connected up a SunDirect HD connection to my Onkyo 706 HT amp, which is in turn connected to a Panasonic HD projector. All the cabling is through HDMI on both sides.

The problem is when I switch the amp to SunDirect input, the projector shows only the menus of SunDirect and no picture. Even in the preview window, no picture is displayed. The output is set to 1080i on the STB and the Onkyo is set to 'Pass through' for the video. I have tried all kinds of settings possible but no luck.

When I connect the projector directly to the STB, the picture is displayed perfectly. No problem.

The Onkyo amp is able to switch all other HD sources perfectly including a PS3, HTPC and a upscaled DVD player over HDMI to the projector. No problem.

My suspicion is something is wrong with the Onkyo 706 amp in terms of switching a 1080i signal. All other HDMI sources are 1080p.

Anyone with a similar experience or a solution?

For the record, I want to close the matter that I originally raised.

The problem is resolved. The way it got resolved is by connecting the Sun Direct HD to HDMI1 input of Onkyo 706. It refuses to work on any other HDMI input such as HDMI2, HDMI3 etc.

My suspicion is that HDMI1 may be closest to the PCB or some active device and therefore has less noise/better gain and hence works with this input. Different cables have been tried, does not make a difference. The problem seems to be just which input you choose to connect for Sun Direct.

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