Pulz Amp

Tamal Chanda

New Member
Mar 22, 2008
I am considering to buy Pulz RS 100 Pre Amp + RS 250 Power Amplifier. Any one if have any suggestions on the duo please do recommend me.:) I have also not decided on my speakers and CD player.Can u suggest a probable match for the system.:)
Pulz amps are good, a few 70mm theaters in Hyderabad use them with Dolby digital and DTS and it sounds very nice. Norge is also very good you can try their speakers as well, very good sounding stuff.

Very good amplifiers. I have not heard this pair but going by the performance of my Pulz RS180DC I will recommend this brand. Very clean sound.

The Power Amp rating is only 60 Watts RMS@8 ohms & 100watts RMS@4 ohms both channels driven so make sure you get a good speaker match. I suggest their own speakers too (If you do not have a speaker system). The Status 203 is a good pairing with the RS250DM

As for CD player; the cheapest available is all you need for this rig to shine. No need to over spend unless you want to. Cambridge Audio Azur 340C is a good place to start with CD players. Won't read MP3 though.

You have not mentioned your location. If it is Bangalore I can direct you to a gentleman who is selling a used NAD & Teac CD player. Both are on sale for Rs. 7000 each & in perfect working condition.
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I've pulz pre amp- decent amp
if you want I can mail you brotures of both
Anyway power amp is seems just 30+30 ( Broture nowhere says 60 Watts Per Channel)
Just confirm?

What is your location?
I've pulz pre amp- decent amp
if you want I can mail you brotures of both
Anyway power amp is seems just 30+30 ( Broture nowhere says 60 Watts Per Channel)
Just confirm?

What is your location?

My bad. Brochure does mention 60watts@8ohms & 100watts@4ohms both channels driven
My Bad? What is that?

'My Bad' is a stupid (in my opinion) American phraseology to say the rather simple 'my mistake'. The Yanks, of course, have to take simple English words and phrases, screw it, televise it all over, and say that what we have been using for years in wrong.

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my bad - when I first heard it from a person not of american origin, I thought since this may not be his first language, he has missed a few words to form a grammatical mistake. But then I realized that it is a totally correct american phrase :)

Both channel driver is actually a better spec. It means that both channels were being driver simultaneously when measurements were taken. The other way of measuring is that you turn off one channel, measure a single channel on max power. Now if the power supply is not able to supply 2x per channel rating, the per channel rating can be actually less if both channels are driven simultaneously.
While actually playing music, both channels would be getting used. So measurements where each channel is measured individually would not apply as-is.

So it should not be half if it is specified at 60wpc (note it should be wpc) both channel driven - it should be 60x2.

My Bad? What is that?
Both channel driven means per channel is half of that right?
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'My Bad' is a stupid (in my opinion) American phraseology to say the rather simple 'my mistake'. The Yanks, of course, have to take simple English words and phrases, screw it, televise it all over, and say that what we have been using for years in wrong.


:clapping: Tell it like it is [another "Americanism" but one that makes sense in this context]
The Pulz RS250DM is a "60 watts minimum RMS into 8 ohms 100 watts minimum RMS into 4 ohms both channels driven"; the part in quotes is a copy-paste from the brochure.

Sorry to all folks for the lousy language used
Hai all

I have the PULZ RS180DC amp, which is rated 35+35W rms per channel @ 8 ohms and hence RS250 should be more than that IMHO.


N Murali.
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Pls check their site they have a lot of products like amps & speakers for theatres --this poewer amp is their small & not so imp product!
first post on this forum, hello to everybody from bombay...

have a quick question - would a pulz power amplifier in the 100W range be a good alternative for electric bass amplification? i don't wan to buy a ready made amp; instead, i'd like to couple a DIY tube preamp to a compact power stage for home use mostly. not sure about the speakers either, i'm thinking about getting high sensitivity 10" neos, or maybe even a generic PA 1x12 with a disabled tweeter, all depends on how the budget feels.

the fidelity is really not that important, but shouldn't be TOO trashy either; i'm just looking for a quick solution for a power amp with a good headroom at a decent price, so i can practice with my guitarist at home. i currently am torturing my 20W tube amp's bass channel and my guitar speaker, and don'T want to abuse them too much anymore.
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