samsung plasma

the plasma :) at this price range, LCDs still lag behind plasmas a bit, and with the plasma you get 2 extra inches of screen space for less money, of course you sacrifice Full HD, but at 42" and considering the serious dearth of HD content, you can probably live with that. However, if you do plan to invest in a BDP or own a PS3, then the LCD makes a fairly compelling case as well (especially if you own a PS3, becuase LCDs are good for gaming). Also if you're in a bright room with a lot of windows facing the screen, think of the LCD. If there are number of people watching your TV, then plasma for its better off-axis performance.

Yup, that's about it I think, net net, go for the plasma, unless you have any of the reasons i have listed (or a combination of them): blu-ray use, gaming, brightly lit room/window facing screen.
I think LCDs have greater native resolution 1366 * 768 than plasma 1024 * 768. So the bigger the screen and lesser the resolution the picture will be less crisp when you connect a PC or HTPC to a LCD or Plasma.

i connect PC to LCD its superb, but i cannot comment on PC to Plasma as i dont own one.

LCD is NOT good for gaming, because of their slow response.

Plasma is way better in gaming.

If you watch a water skiing action in both the system side by side, you will come to know, watching a plasma is watching the event in a glass window, where as LCD, looks lot of digital with slow responses, water splashes looks so artificial and very slow. I have seen these in many times. Thats why LCD manufactureres now started to claim the response time as 6ms and 4ms etc. where as plasma, they will never claim that since its instant.

plasma is very natural for all action related video. i.e the speed is around 850hz. where as the normal lcd tvs are 60hz only. Now only few 120hz lcds are coming out, but they are in no way can compare plasmas.

only draw back of plasma is power hungry and transportation should be well cared for.
I wonder why LCD are costlier than Plasmas if plasmas are better than LCDs.
i have seen horizontal lines in some of the plasmas visible,which are not there in case of LCDs.But i think slowly LCDs are getting ahead of plasma's.Correct me if i am wrong, bcos even iam planning to get a 42" or 46" flat panel in near future.
One can debate for hours on end which is better but nothing like going and checking for yourself. There is a lot of crap written online which is not true at all. I myself was convinced after reading a lot of online stuff that LCD was better than Plasma. Then I set aside a good 2 weeks and did the rounds of all showrooms and I can tell you I saw a different picture literally. Plasmas are way ahead of LCDs in terms of PQ. Only Full HD X Series from Sony in LCDs score over HD Read Plasmas but then I could not get a Full HD Plasma to compare side by side with a Full HD Sony X series LCD, but I think over here the Full HD Plasma would score too. Anyways the Full HD Plasmas are way too expensive so that basically ruled them out. I went with a Panasonic PV8, plasma and HD Ready and can say I have not regretted it. Do check for yourself and trust your own eyes, you will see plasmas are better than LCDs in PQ.
K guys Tell me now which is better for PC connectivity and watching Blur ray Movies.Is it Plasma or LCD?And according to reviews LCD with LED back lighting equals Plasmas in PQ?What do you Plasma owners say abt dat?
K guys Tell me now which is better for PC connectivity and watching Blur ray Movies.Is it Plasma or LCD?And according to reviews LCD with LED back lighting equals Plasmas in PQ?What do you Plasma owners say abt dat?

This is very simple. Take a 42 inch Plasma costing around Rs. 40,000. Now take the LCD with LED backlighting. Do you get the latter anywhere around that price?

If not, then there is no point comparing the picture quality, right?
The LED backlit LCDs try and match up to the plasmas but still fall short because of their poor off-axis picture and blooming that comes with local dimming LEDs. All these gimmicks including 200hz and local dimming LEDs are all attempts to match up to the plasma picture. In picture quality terms, the only area where plasmas lag behind LCDs is brightness, which is why in a showroom the LED backlit LCDs will look stunning because of their tremendous brightness. But match the settings and compare them and you'll the plasma handles motion better, and has better native contrast. At the end of the day have a look for yourself. BLASTO on these forums started off looking for LED backlist LCDs and then stumbled upon the truth :) Hope you do as well.

For PC use, if it involves a lot of static images, definitely go for LCDs, but otherwise if you have some way of controlling your ambient lighting (even curtains will do), then plasma should be what you're looking at.

K guys Tell me now which is better for PC connectivity and watching Blur ray Movies.Is it Plasma or LCD?And according to reviews LCD with LED back lighting equals Plasmas in PQ?What do you Plasma owners say abt dat?
Ok, Apart from the fact that Plasmas Needing Gas refilling, and the fact that Plasmas have bad viewing angle, Plasmas are also obsolete and a dying breed.

Ok, Im done joking now... Now, on to more serious business.
Let me start with my creds :
In my home (@ Mumbai) We have 2 32" LCD's. One Hitachi and Another Sanyo,
Apart from these we also have a 25 Inch Samsung CRT and a 29" Sony CRT.
Now my home @Bengaluru has 42PQ60 LG Plasma.

Now, Onto more serious business.

1. Price/Performance Ration : LCD never has matched Plasmas on performance front at similar price levels.

2. LED backlit TV's are good, damn good. But, for that price you can get God Awesome Plasmas from Panasonic or Samsung or put a little more, you can get Pioneer Kuro.

3. Response time of LCD 2ms (The best of the breed). Plasma 0.001 (any brand, any make).

4. Panel Colour resolution: Most of the LCD's that you get are 6bit or 8bit panels(8 is rare). Sony has started advertising with their 10bit panels.
so 6x3 = 18bits = 262144 Shades of Colours or
8x3 = 24 = 16777216 shades of colours
Now what about Plasma ?
Ok, My PQ60 is 16bit panel ,
so 16*3 = 48bits = 281474976710656 colours.
Now, Samsung Panels claim 18bits
18*3= 54 bits = 18014398509481984 colours.

Big numbers, I know. Do they matter? Yes They do.
In essence LCD has to use a LOT of image processing to get work around its inherent limitation in colors (ever wondered why LCD's are colourful?)

I still remember in chroma, every TV was showing the same feed. Every Single LCD there showed a Pinkish red rose, and 2 Panasonic Plasmas and 1 LG TV showed the true colour, Red.
Same goes with an ocean scene where ever Single LCD showed varying shades of Blue, whereas only the trio showed the fact there sea was bluish turquoise in colour.

5. Sharpness : Yes, LCD's are sharp, they are very Crisp. Does it make the image look better? Subjective. I personally prefer the nice softer pictures, than sharp crisp lines. I mean, People, cars, flowers, trees all look as though they have a razor at the end.

6. Power Consumption : LCD's are more efficient than Plasmas. Period. People may argue that plasmas are getting better, but LCD's are better and saving power.

7. Heat : Plasmas produce more heat than LCD's. Do they run Very Hot? No. They are marginally hotter than LCD's.

8. Weight : Plasmas are heavier. (Glass Panel, as opposed to Plastic)

So why the hell does Plasma not sell? 3 Reasons
1. Ignorance
2. Ignorance
3. Acting on Ignorance

Ok, you want a lil more elaboration?

1. Plasmas don't look good in brightly lit showroom. So Customers ignore plasmas (Ignorance)
2. Salesmen who dont know whose picture is it on our currency, talks about superior nature of polarized crystals sandwiched in a plastic, compared to ionized phosphor sandwiched in glass. (Ignorance)
3. Companies are pushing for LCD's more because the other 2 factors make the markets for LCD bigger than Plasmas (Acting on Ignorance)

Sorry for really long rant..... :P
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1. Price/Performance Ration : LCD never has matched Plasmas on performance front at similar price levels.

How cool.. :cool: There isn't an LCD even existing in the 40k range where LG PQs rule. :o

5. Sharpness : Yes, LCD's are sharp, they are very Crisp. Does it make the image look better? Subjective. I personally prefer the nice softer pictures, than sharp crisp lines. I mean, People, cars, flowers, trees all look as though they have a razor at the end.

Is it true? I thought it is the other way round in my audition. 'The razor at the end' might be because of post processing.

6. Power Consumption : LCD's are more efficient than Plasmas. Period. People may argue that plasmas are getting better, but LCD's are better and saving power.

Did a rough calculation, Your Geyser takes 10 times the power in 1 hour which you plasma takes in normal full day viewing. You do the math.
If you want o go green, it is a different matter altogether. :D

7. Heat : Plasmas produce more heat than LCD's. Do they run Very Hot? No. They are marginally hotter than LCD's.

I read somewhere that normal CRTs produce more heat than plasmas. We dont even notice it!
How cool.. :cool: There isn't an LCD even existing in the 40k range where LG PQs rule. :o
well most of them are priced above,but some people have bought samsung 40B530 for about china u can get a sony 46" V series for about 55k,but this is india.
but in less then a year we should see lcds becoming cheaper then plasmas atleast in 40/42" segment.

Is it true? I thought it is the other way round in my audition. 'The razor at the end' might be because of post processing.
yes it is true,lcds do give a crisper image.irrespective of post processing.

Did a rough calculation, Your Geyser takes 10 times the power in 1 hour which you plasma takes in normal full day viewing. You do the math.
If you want o go green, it is a different matter altogether. :D
true,but plasmas still consume about double the power of a similar sized lcd.LED lcds consume evern lesser.
but lcds are forcing plasmas to become more i guess plasmas manufactures are going green or being forced ,potentialy by proposed new energy laws in the US and europe.
so u need to start some where in saving power, read this post

I read somewhere that normal CRTs produce more heat than plasmas. We dont even notice it!
plasmas heat increase when the area of whites being displayed increases.but heat shouldn't be of concern,they do have fans to keep temperature at check.
Did a rough calculation, Your Geyser takes 10 times the power in 1 hour which you plasma takes in normal full day viewing. You do the math.
If you want o go green, it is a different matter altogether.
Will make it a point to highlight that when someone wants to compare a Panasonic Plasma with A Raccold Geyser.. :P

Moreover, its not like you keep running ur geyser atleast 4 hours everyday.. ;)

But True, plasmas are getting more and more efficient, But I dont think it will ever reach the LCD levels. No matter, from an economic stand point, buying LCD to save power is not very sensible, and from economic perspective, the cost is insignificant.. :P

Is it true? I thought it is the other way round in my audition. 'The razor at the end' might be because of post processing.
It is due to more processing the Image has to go thru. Also its an inherent nature of LCDs to produce jagged and sharp edges, partly due to the nature of lcd pixels.

I read somewhere that normal CRTs produce more heat than plasmas. We dont even notice it!

Heatwise CRT > Plasma > LCD. The heat off my Samsung 17inch CRT is noticible in my tiny room. However I do not notice any such issue with Plasma. However, they do produce a bit more heat than LCD.

I did not mention anything about Burn In, simply because burn in on any 2009 Plasma is absurd. Also, nothing about IR because, even though I did notice IR time to time while adjusting some menu in PS2's Matrix Mod chip settings page, It was not noticible unless I immediately turned off the player and looked at my screen few inches off it. So no, IR is not a concern during regular watching ( LG is supposed to be worst in IR department, but even then its not a problem, you simply wont have this in Panasonic, not too sure about Samsung).
The LED backlit LCDs try and match up to the plasmas but still fall short because of their poor off-axis picture and blooming that comes with local dimming LEDs. All these gimmicks including 200hz and local dimming LEDs are all attempts to match up to the plasma picture. In picture quality terms, the only area where plasmas lag behind LCDs is brightness, which is why in a showroom the LED backlit LCDs will look stunning because of their tremendous brightness. But match the settings and compare them and you'll the plasma handles motion better, and has better native contrast. At the end of the day have a look for yourself. BLASTO on these forums started off looking for LED backlist LCDs and then stumbled upon the truth :) Hope you do as well.

For PC use, if it involves a lot of static images, definitely go for LCDs, but otherwise if you have some way of controlling your ambient lighting (even curtains will do), then plasma should be what you're looking at.

But when you take in terms of HD performance Plasma lags behind LED backlit LCD's big time! even i checked out the difference.And Full HD capable Plasma's are priced at sky high's.So that makes LCD's better choice for Full HD viewing...?
okay gops, how exactly does plasma lag behind "big time"?

The only advantage LED backlit displays have is the all other areas they are still subject to all the defects of LCDs which are absent in a controlled lighting scenario, the LED backlit LCD will be like a torch, and the plasma will shine, in a brightly lit showroom the LEDs look attractive solely for the brightness.

And a Full HD 50" plasma like the PS50B550 is big an LED backlit LCD do you get for that money again? just out of curiosity?

But when you take in terms of HD performance Plasma lags behind LED backlit LCD's big time! even i checked out the difference.And Full HD capable Plasma's are priced at sky high's.So that makes LCD's better choice for Full HD viewing...?
okay gops, how exactly does plasma lag behind "big time"?

The only advantage LED backlit displays have is the all other areas they are still subject to all the defects of LCDs which are absent in a controlled lighting scenario, the LED backlit LCD will be like a torch, and the plasma will shine, in a brightly lit showroom the LEDs look attractive solely for the brightness.

And a Full HD 50" plasma like the PS50B550 is big an LED backlit LCD do you get for that money again? just out of curiosity?

well plasmas don't lag big time in HD,but lcds do show HD sligthly better due to the crisper look especially movies with CGI and animated movies.
again LED or ccfl backlight lcds can be just as dim as plasma if the need arises.
well don't forget plasma to has its own share of defects.which has been discussed in various threads.
price vs screen size is where plasma still has a comfortable lead,atleast in india.
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