Sennheiser 555 is on 50% sale on

Aramex? Shipping charges would be about 1000 (shipping weight is 2 pounds). The customs folks usually don't bother with small value items. Unless you are out of luck.
What is the cheapest way to get it delivered in India ? Any Ideas ?

Whats so great about this headphone anyways? :)
Im looking for a HP that does not sound "in the ear" lets the ears breathe and makes believe the HP is not a HP but a music system in a room.

does this one fit the bill? ;)

no, it does not fit your exalted bill!!:lol:

Well I said "should sound like a music system in a room" not "sound like music system in a palatial bunglow" Mr. SherShahSuri <indignant> ;) :eek:hyeah:

Thanks Gruby, will read the reviews then decide.

Edit: Think I will order the AD700 as soon as I am back from my trip :eek:hyeah:

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Trip where :D to some place where you can get great tube amps @ elcheapo prices :rolleyes:

Is there such a place on Earth? Must be Paradise! :)

Is the OP tempted to skip the 555 for the ATH now? ;)

Thanks Santhosh for the review hint. will search it out.

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I was going to decide on Monday but then noticed it was a $150 price reduction. Before I could think, my fingers slithered all over the keyboard and placed an order even as I watched, gaping at how they moved independently on their own :D

Since I have a shipment pending on Borderlix thought it best to club it all in one go. :)

Edit: This forum is bad for the wallet! @Mods, can we have a standard disclaimer or statutory warning like on cigarette packs? :eek:hyeah:

To think I just browsed causally earlier in the day about somebody's quest for a 50% discount on Amazon... :mad:

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I was going to decide on Monday but then noticed it was a $150 price reduction. Before I could think, my fingers slithered all over the keyboard and placed an order even as I watched, gaping at how they moved independently on their own :D

Since I have a shipment pending on Borderlix thought it best to club it all in one go. :)

Edit: This forum is bad for the wallet! @Mods, can we have a standard disclaimer or statutory warning like on cigarette packs? :eek:hyeah:

To think I just browsed causally earlier in the day about somebody's quest for a 50% discount on Amazon... :mad:


150$ did u buy one or two pairs ? Lot of reviews on amazon say these cans are good for classical music , is that true ?
HD 555 and AD700 are two diff types of headphones, both have their own advantages and disadvantages.
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