Setting up my hifi


Active Member
Jan 26, 2007
Hi All,

I am planning to set up my first stereo hifi. Please help me in choosing.

For speakers im a bit confused about a floorstander or bookshelf.
The speakers in my mind are Monito Audio Bronze range Floorstander or a Quad Bookshelf. Wont I need a sub w for bookshelves? I dont enjoy too much bass but i like a bit of bass.

Next comes source and amp section. I might have a cambridge audio source so will keep it on hold.

Please provide any suggessions on a budget pre + power amo combo. Will I get a combo below 30K or should I go for an Integrated Amp?

And if anyone could throw any light on DAC it will be great. From my limited knowledge what I know is from the source there will be a Transport which connects to a DAC and then to the pre amp. Is this correct? How much worth is putting effort and money into those stuff?

Many Thanks
Hi All,

I am planning to set up my first stereo hifi. Please help me in choosing.

For speakers im a bit confused about a floorstander or bookshelf.
The speakers in my mind are Monito Audio Bronze range Floorstander or a Quad Bookshelf. Wont I need a sub w for bookshelves? I dont enjoy too much bass but i like a bit of bass.

Next comes source and amp section. I might have a cambridge audio source so will keep it on hold.

Please provide any suggessions on a budget pre + power amo combo. Will I get a combo below 30K or should I go for an Integrated Amp?

And if anyone could throw any light on DAC it will be great. From my limited knowledge what I know is from the source there will be a Transport which connects to a DAC and then to the pre amp. Is this correct? How much worth is putting effort and money into those stuff?

Many Thanks

Hi deepak,
Unless u can really accomodate a floor stander go for a decent stand mount.
An FS requires a largish room( at least 200 sft), about 2 feet from the rear wall and at least 6/8 ft seperation. Unless bass is the prime objective at that price point a SM should be more musical. Try both speakers u mentioned and try and figure out the sound u like as they are both great examples in their respective categories. If on hearing the SM u feel the need for more bass i would then look at an FS as i prefer it over a SM + SUB for a simple stereo set up. These are my preferences as others may opine differently.
At 30K stick u an integrated. As a budget pre/power (if there is one this cheap) may not be up to the mark. Another suggestion is to look for a used pre/power. A (nad, rotel etc) pre/power for say 80K new could be got for 35/40K which would be a good option.
Again at this price stick to a one box solution for a cdp. There are tons available which are more than competent from CA,Nad, Marantz for about 15K.
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Thanks buddy.

About the DAC Transport stuff - I was not planning to buy them but wanted to know how it works and how better it will reproduce. If its worth - I could buy them one by one in the coming years.

Yeah I should go for a demo for speakers and decide on them

For amplifier - I could go upto 50K if i can continue saving for some more months.

Any idea how much Linn, Creek integrated would cost?
Ok. I dont see the need really for going that route unless the rest of the gear is revealing enough. Also one is talking big bucks buying quality seperates as against a 1 box solution.
U can look at MA RS 1 too as a SM, quads 11 & 12L, B&W 685, PSB image SM, epos M12. Depending on the budget the options are many.
Not sure of Linn/Creek pricing though i do think creek is available in India.
50K should get u a good amp.
My take on amps is buy a bigger amp than the speaker requires as that extracts eveery last bit from the speaker and the music seems effortless. By that i dont mean to tell u to drive a 100W rated speaker with a 600W monobloc(even that is done by some). My speakers are rated at 120W and both my power amps are 175 and 250W and there is no problem. Also it gives u the flexibility to upgrade speakers without changing the amp at a later date.
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If you are looking a budget pre-power then I'd suggest give sonodyne a try !! they have 120+120W power block with remote controlled pre for 25K (approx) so should be very decent for the money.

As with the speakers Dinyaar has already thrown light on so nothing much to say !! just follow his advice !

As with the price of linn,if Am not wrong it starts from 1lac so don't think will fit your bill,creek has a 50+ one so check out, But I'd say if you have 50K for the Amp please give pre-owen a try as you can get very very decent pre-power in that range ( SKR from the forum is selling his quad block for 20K just grab it !! will be a best match for quad SM )

Deepak which city are u from?
Ya the Quad power is a good amp. I presume its the 909 as thats the only one i am aware of. Good, compact, reliable and pretty revealing. U will need to shell out on a quality preamp though.

Am sorry I confused the Name its Homiyar not SKR !! forgive for the mistake !!

No dinyaar its the 99 series (90 w) this one too is very compact and neat sounding amp ! I have heard it with quad 11L,12L,22L Wharfedale Evo30 etc liked the sound very much !!

The 909 is a legendary Current dumping Amp with some patented technics involved in the Amp.its way too expensive !! if that was up for 20K then I'd be the first person to grab it ;) !!

Have not seen/heard the 99 power amp.
A friend of mine bought the 909 from mumbai for 65K new so i figured 20/25 for a used one. Stopped reading the A/V mags so not aware of current prices.
Since we are on the quad topic whats ur opinion on the quad preamp? I dont like it, its too quirky and not a pre i could live with. Actually a budget preamp is very tough to get. Have used/heard the Nad C160/162. Rotel Rc 1070/1082,quad pre, and i still feel the Nad is the best VFM.
that was useful info.

i also consider buying used pre/power stuff as i have some 5 months before i do full setup.

i have asked for the quads in the forum... no reply yet.
What do you think about Arcam a 70? its available for 49k
yeah but a bit confused as the Arcam has a 50w rating per channel? Will it drive the speakers easily...

And btw - Im from Bangalore in case any good offers are there :)

Deepak Buddy ,There's always some offers in bangalore if you know where to look ;), in any case since you are from bangalore if you need any help just PM !!

Couple of offers came to me last week including a Denon PMA -1055R and Marantz PM-7001 but didn't bother as I was not looking for any !!

Thanks Mate.
As you now know my requirements, I am open to any offers.. Please do let me know in case anything comes across..Ill be keeping in touch with you as well..

Also any idea about Usher speakers. I have heard the 520s are a good VFM?

I also have a question about Int Amps - I have read great reviews about many amplifiers but when I check the power - they will be 40w - 50w range. Wont it make a difference to drive?
You are welcome to come into ARN Systems on Coles road and listen to the USher 520's for yourself :) best way to judge....


Thanks Mate.
As you now know my requirements, I am open to any offers.. Please do let me know in case anything comes across..Ill be keeping in touch with you as well..

Also any idea about Usher speakers. I have heard the 520s are a good VFM?

I also have a question about Int Amps - I have read great reviews about many amplifiers but when I check the power - they will be 40w - 50w range. Wont it make a difference to drive?
There are tons of amps out there. Some are the 40/50 watters but there are also many 80/120 watt amps available. When u buy a bigger amp u have a larger choice in speakers. Of course watts is not everything but as far as SS amps go i would prefer a bigger High Current amp.
Speaker sensitivity and room size are of equal if not more importance in how loud ur system will go.

Sorry Dinyaar couldn't reply to you earlier !! I haven't heard Quad pre Dinyaar, What I heard is with the Pre built in Cd from them called CDP (CD with pre) the set-up was as mentioned previously !! 909 for 65K thats a steal !! I always thought that it costed over a lac as the 99 itself is around 55K (not very sure) !

As with the other pre's I have heard the NAD 160 pre (with my NAD 906 ) and frankly didn't come through as I expected it to be !! as with Rotel I have heard their 980 pre-power combo,The Mids and highs are good but loses on the bass when compared to the NAD 906 with the same pre !! also what I've noticed in all Rotel's is the lack of bass (meaning the bass is less compared to other Amps)

I will be checking the quad 99s - yes they retail for around 59K.
Unfortunately its located in Mumbai. But fortunately one of my friend is travelling Mumbai next week. So lets see if he can take some time out.

Also used Jamo E855 are available in blore for 23K - should I be tempted?

Also what abt monoblocks:

Marantz in ebay
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Too many choices means lot of confusion..
Finally I have decided on the below:

I will go for speaker audition and decide on SM or FloorStander speaker (~30K)
I will get a NAD/Marantz CDP (~18K)
Next is an integrated amplifier .. (because pre + power is too costly for me now and I can also save for the next component below ;)) (~40K)
A turntable ... (15K ???)

Chaps - keep the ideas pouring for each of the components

Too many choices means lot of confusion..
Finally I have decided on the below:

I will go for speaker audition and decide on SM or FloorStander speaker (~30K)
I will get a NAD/Marantz CDP (~18K)
Next is an integrated amplifier .. (because pre + power is too costly for me now and I can also save for the next component below ;)) (~40K)
A turntable ... (15K ???)

Chaps - keep the ideas pouring for each of the components


Hi Deepak,
In that case how does a combo of say a Nad C352 + Marantz CD 6002+ Monitor Audio RS 1 sound!!
Go and audition buddy. Nothing like letting ur ears decide.
I read the prices u mentioned for various gear in this thread and i am a trifle surprised!! These are MRP and u will surely get decent discounts. The Quad dealer in Mumbai is a reasonable chap and should give u a fair deal if opting for quad and he should be able to get u Marantz(IMO super cdp s in every price category) too.

If you are opting for the Marantz CDP then please let me know as a friend of mine is planning on the dealership of Marantz products and has already got CD5001 for the testing (guess who's doing it ;) ) !! So may be I can help you out with that ! Also if you'd drop by and Audition my towers it'll be great !!

Please do let me know !!

Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Walnut finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.