Short Review: Rethm Sadhana at Absolute phase


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
Speaker Rethm Sadhana
Dealer Absolute phase
Disclaimer : Prithvi is a dear old friend
A picture: - product showcase: Rethm
I had listened the Sadhanas once at the creators studio in cochin. I had always wondered how it will sound in a typical home. Although it has been installed at Prithvis house for a while now, I never really got around to having a listen. Until last weekend.
It was a pleasant experience :)

This is one big word when it comes to evaluating any audio gear especially loudspeakers. This word is especially critical in the case of the Sadhanas.
When confronted with large speakers (the rethms are quite copious albeit very classy and chic), the expectation is a large wall of sound which will resemble a train pounding along towards you at 200 miles per hour. It has to have sizzle, big bass and the excitement generated by a trashy women on a pole at Las vegas.

Well, the Rethms are striking in what they dont do if your expectations border on anything mentioned in the above paragraph.
The Rethms are striking in doing some things which most multi driver designs gloss over. Most of us are used to a certain amount of un-natural excitement coming out of loudspeakers. Years of exposure to boom boxes and boomy / tizzy loudspeakers have done this to our senses. When you hear natural sound floating out of a loudspeaker, your senses will start to relax because your brain has less assimilation to do. Once your brain is relaxed you start to enjoy music more. The music system gets out of the way. This is what happens when you listen to a well setup sadhana.

Three words could describe the experience: Coherency - Holographic imaging Presence. The crossover-less/single driver design of the sadhana is very unique in how they handle these three aspects of reproduced sound. Vocals and horns in Jazz has a presence which is more palpable than I have heard in any loudspeaker. Very high level of coherency which can sometimes shock you. Prithvi was not able to match the imaging I heard in Jacobs listening room. Placement is crucial for these speakers. Prithvi has an open area on one side of the hall which imbalances the imaging a bit. The last time I heard these speakers in Jacobs listening room, I felt I was sitting amidst the musicians. The feeling of being there was astounding.

Music played:
1. Jazz: Jazz at the pawnshop XRCD cd-2

2. Jazz Female vocals: Jennifer warnes (Famous blue rain coat)

3. Hindustani classical: (Hariprasad Chaurasia with Ustad Zakhir Hussain)

4. Blues : Classic JJ Cale

5. Rock: Fleetwood Mac - Rumors

6. Pink Martini Sympathique

Can this speaker do everything for everyone ?
I think Ill quote Srajan Ebaen from Six moons here:
It will work with ensembles which your space could physically accommodate if you invited the performers. Large-scale classical demands bass power from air displacement that's beyond the Saadhana. Power Rock or a closed-mike'd drum set will lack low-down brutality and crunch. Practically though, nearly 100% of the music I listen to is well served. Pleasure for me ties not to bombast or the death-defying stunts of demo material

No speaker is perfect at price ranges anywhere near the asking price of the Sadhana. If it can do wonders with at-least 80 percent of the music you listen to, it is most definitely worth it.
This is a world class example of single driver full range sound. And it is there in your neighborhood to check out :)
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my question is purely subjective, so need for disclaimers or anything.

Which speakers (if any) have made you happier while listening to them? and in what ways did they make you happier than the Saadhnas?

Speaker Rethm Sadhana
Dealer Absolute phase
Disclaimer : Prithvi is a dear old friend
A picture: - product showcase: Rethm
I had listened the Sadhanas once at the creators studio in cochin. I had always wondered how it will sound in a typical home. Although it has been installed at Prithvis house for a while now, I never really got around to having a listen. Until last weekend.
It was a pleasant experience :)

This is one big word when it comes to evaluating any audio gear especially loudspeakers. This word is especially critical in the case of the Sadhanas.
When confronted with large speakers (the rethms are quite copious albeit very classy and chic), the expectation is a large wall of sound which will resemble a train pounding along towards you at 200 miles per hour. It has to have sizzle, big bass and the excitement generated by a trashy women on a pole at Las vegas.

Well, the Rethms are striking in what they dont do if your expectations border on anything mentioned in the above paragraph.
The Rethms are striking in doing some things which most multi driver designs gloss over. Most of us are used to a certain amount of un-natural excitement coming out of loudspeakers. Years of exposure to boom boxes and boomy / tizzy loudspeakers have done this to our senses. When you hear natural sound floating out of a loudspeaker, your senses will start to relax because your brain has less assimilation to do. Once your brain is relaxed you start to enjoy music more. The music system gets out of the way. This is what happens when you listen to a well setup sadhana.

Three words could describe the experience: Coherency - Holographic imaging Presence. The crossover-less/single driver design of the sadhana is very unique in how they handle these three aspects of reproduced sound. Vocals and horns in Jazz has a presence which is more palpable than I have heard in any loudspeaker. Very high level of coherency which can sometimes shock you. Prithvi was not able to match the imaging I heard in Jacobs listening room. Placement is crucial for these speakers. Prithvi has an open area on one side of the hall which imbalances the imaging a bit. The last time I heard these speakers in Jacobs listening room, I felt I was sitting amidst the musicians. The feeling of being there was astounding.

Music played:
1. Jazz: Jazz at the pawnshop XRCD cd-2

2. Jazz Female vocals: Jennifer warnes (Famous blue rain coat)

3. Hindustani classical: (Hariprasad Chaurasia with Ustad Zakhir Hussain)

4. Blues : Classic JJ Cale

5. Rock: Fleetwood Mac - Rumors

6. Pink Martini Sympathique

Can this speaker do everything for everyone ?
I think Ill quote Srajan Ebaen from Six moons here:
It will work with ensembles which your space could physically accommodate if you invited the performers. Large-scale classical demands bass power from air displacement that's beyond the Saadhana. Power Rock or a closed-mike'd drum set will lack low-down brutality and crunch. Practically though, nearly 100% of the music I listen to is well served. Pleasure for me ties not to bombast or the death-defying stunts of demo material

No speaker is perfect at price ranges anywhere near the asking price of the Sadhana. If it can do wonders with at-least 80 percent of the music you listen to, it is most definitely worth it.
This is a world class example of single driver full range sound. And it is there in your neighborhood to check out :)

Vinny it was good read ! although I have few personal observations !

First off you've missed to post the complete setup details of the system ! like what Source,Amp,Pre (if Any) and most importantly what cables ??

Secondly I would've appreciated it more if you had posted your own summery of the sound or could have concluded the post by your personal view point (the conclusion that you have posted seems more generic and may be a bit out of focus ) !

Next would join in with Psychotropic and ask the same question !

Now comes the tricky part ! Sorry if I sound vague or something :p !! No pun intended !!

This is a world class example of single driver full range sound. And it is there in your neighborhood to check out

Well its true if you happen to be a friend (like yourself) !! for the less morals like Us seems impossible though :p!!

Coz whenever I saw people posting requesting a general Audition (without a intention to buy) I have rarely or never seen a invitation to do so ! Prime Example is in the Sonus Faber thread where Raghul (Gobble) requested the same and Am yet see a reply to that !!

So folks like Us befriending the likes of the said is next to impossible and so are the chances of listening to these at their setup :indifferent14:!!

Hope you take the above in the right spirit ;) !!

soundsgreat, Prithvi of Absolute Phase is a total gentleman and i think he's already posted on some thread inviting interested people to listen to the Rethms at his place.

My friend and I landed up at his place one evening, without appointment, never having met him before. While he was supervising some construction work. We started chatting with him. He had his office/demo room opened up and played a lot of music for us, and he invited us over to listen to the Rethms when he had set them up again. He had had to dismantle them for some personal reasons.

So I'd imagine that you can just get in touch with him and go over and listen to these speakers.


Vinny it was good read ! although I have few personal observations !

First off you've missed to post the complete setup details of the system ! like what Source,Amp,Pre (if Any) and most importantly what cables ??

Secondly I would've appreciated it more if you had posted your own summery of the sound or could have concluded the post by your personal view point (the conclusion that you have posted seems more generic and may be a bit out of focus ) !

Next would join in with Psychotropic and ask the same question !

Now comes the tricky part ! Sorry if I sound vague or something :p !! No pun intended !!

Well its true if you happen to be a friend (like yourself) !! for the less morals like Us seems impossible though :p!!

Coz whenever I saw people posting requesting a general Audition (without a intention to buy) I have rarely or never seen a invitation to do so ! Prime Example is in the Sonus Faber thread where Raghul (Gobble) requested the same and Am yet see a reply to that !!

So folks like Us befriending the likes of the said is next to impossible and so are the chances of listening to these at their setup :indifferent14:!!

Hope you take the above in the right spirit ;) !!

Guys if anyone in Mumbai wants to listen to the Saadhanas they are most welcome to come home.
Psychotropic to answer your question as to which speakers made me happier, i will try and answer it. Before purchasing the Rethms the other two speakers on my shortlist were the Avantgarde Duos and the Acapella Violin. I preferred the mids of the Duos to the Rethm and the highs of the Acapella over the Rethms but the coherency, liveliness and presence of the Rethms was far superior to the Duos and the Acapella Violin. I find the Saadhanas a fairly complete package.

Anyone buying the Saadhanas will be very happy. Contrary to what people say, i find the Saadhanas fairly room friendly. Sidewall does not seem to affect it. It can be as close as 12-15 inches from the sidewall. However it needs to be 5-6 ft from the front wall. The sweet spot is fairly huge.
my question is purely subjective, so need for disclaimers or anything.

Which speakers (if any) have made you happier while listening to them? and in what ways did they make you happier than the Saadhnas?

I've not heard the Rethms but here goes...

A couple of them. Expensive but not really expensive in the bigger scheme of things the Usher Be-718. Very, very sweet sounding.

The no holds barred and no expense spared millionaires club toys, the Focal Grande Utopia and I really don't have words to describe them. Maybe in one word - AWESOME!!!
To my ears the Usher Be 718 does not hold a candle to the Saadhanas. But again each one hears differently. I primarily look for a sound that sounds live.
To my ears the Usher Be 718 does not hold a candle to the Saadhanas. But again each one hears differently. I primarily look for a sound that sounds live.

I'm sure you are right. I was just stating the lower end of the segment and the higher end of the segment.
Single driver speakers are definitely not everyone's cup of tea. However this is one speaker I'm longing to listen for quite a while. Lets see if I can go this weekend.

soundsgreat, Prithvi of Absolute Phase is a total gentleman and i think he's already posted on some thread inviting interested people to listen to the Rethms at his place.

Buddy did I ever doubt his morals :rolleyes: ?? I merely posted what I've seen over the years ! Yes I may be wrong or mistaken !!

But was I wrong in saying the truth ?? coz for the fact of the matter I have not seen a single reply from the gentleman to the said requests !

If you have doubt please check the Evening-Rethms-Lowthers-Full-Fange and let me know where I missed his response to the query by Rahul ??

Anyways why should I comment otherwise ?? if he is indeed entertaining Us folks then surely will drop in and checkout !!


Vinny it was good read ! although I have few personal observations !

First off you've missed to post the complete setup details of the system ! like what Source,Amp,Pre (if Any) and most importantly what cables ??

Secondly I would've appreciated it more if you had posted your own summery of the sound or could have concluded the post by your personal view point (the conclusion that you have posted seems more generic and may be a bit out of focus ) !

Next would join in with Psychotropic and ask the same question !

Now comes the tricky part ! Sorry if I sound vague or something :p !! No pun intended !!

Well its true if you happen to be a friend (like yourself) !! for the less morals like Us seems impossible though :p!!

Coz whenever I saw people posting requesting a general Audition (without a intention to buy) I have rarely or never seen a invitation to do so ! Prime Example is in the Sonus Faber thread where Raghul (Gobble) requested the same and Am yet see a reply to that !!

So folks like Us befriending the likes of the said is next to impossible and so are the chances of listening to these at their setup :indifferent14:!!

Hope you take the above in the right spirit ;) !!


Hi Soundsgreat,
I guess anyone interested can make a call and then drop in for an audition.

BANGALORE - 560 001
TELEPHONE: +91 80 25327496
Fax: +91 41132785
EMAIL: [email protected]

I do not know much about him answering queries on this forum. Some folks like to be active on forums some may not. As a listener you can always call and go for an audition. The sadhanas are kept in his living room because they need lots of breathing space.
Hence a prior appointment is very important.

Associated equipment: (I do not know exact model numbers of those)
1. Amplifier I believe is an audio research tube amp (EL-34 based)
2. Source A plinius cd player
3. Linn speaker cables
hey soundsgreat, i don't think Prithvi is regular on these forums at all, which is probably why you don't see responses to queries and suchlike, but like i can testify from my personal experience when i just landed up at his place without appointment or invitation, he's happiest when he's making people listen to funky equipment that he has. I am sure that without hesitation you can give him a call and go over for an audition.


Buddy did I ever doubt his morals :rolleyes: ?? I merely posted what I've seen over the years ! Yes I may be wrong or mistaken !!

But was I wrong in saying the truth ?? coz for the fact of the matter I have not seen a single reply from the gentleman to the said requests !

If you have doubt please check the Evening-Rethms-Lowthers-Full-Fange and let me know where I missed his response to the query by Rahul ??

Anyways why should I comment otherwise ?? if he is indeed entertaining Us folks then surely will drop in and checkout !!

my question is purely subjective, so need for disclaimers or anything.

Which speakers (if any) have made you happier while listening to them? and in what ways did they make you happier than the Saadhnas?

With all music I listened to on the Sadhanas, there are some things which the Sadhanas do much better than most other speakers I have heard. As mentioned in my OP, presence and coherency is exceptional if not magical with these speakers. In multi driver speaker designs in this price point, I may gain scale , bass depth, slam and extension but these occur in the extremes of the frequency spectrum. Most of the music lives in the mid-range. It is here the sadhanas do their magic. You will have to listen and see for yourself if they work for you.

Design philosophies of single driver and multi-driver speakers are different. There are trade offs with both. Like girl friends, you will have to check them out and see what floats your boat :)
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Buddy did I ever doubt his morals :rolleyes: ?? I merely posted what I've seen over the years ! Yes I may be wrong or mistaken !!

But was I wrong in saying the truth ?? coz for the fact of the matter I have not seen a single reply from the gentleman to the said requests !

If you have doubt please check the Evening-Rethms-Lowthers-Full-Fange and let me know where I missed his response to the query by Rahul ??

Anyways why should I comment otherwise ?? if he is indeed entertaining Us folks then surely will drop in and checkout !!


Guys, off late I have not been very active on the forum as I lost my Dad in April and personally have been through hell since his stroke in December, Audio took a backseat, my dad was more important. Anyhow apologies to anyone of you who I did not reply.

Just back to normal and I pulled out my saadhana's out back again, not even burnt in for 15 hours. So now is the the long process to begin that & thats a lot of time to get burnt in properly.

Anyone from the forum is welcome for an audition, provided you call me for a demo appointment and bring your own music. I have always believed in educating & letting people experience good sound, that how I too learnt and continue to learn each and every day.

No offence but I do not encourage walk-in.

After being in this line for over 27 years I bought the Rethm Saadhana's personally as I think they create magic when it comes to music.

For all those who want to know the set-up, here it is:

Plinius CD-101 Reference CDP
Conversion: 24-bits 353kHz
Frequency Response: 20Hz to 20kHz 0.2dB
Distortion: <0.01% THD at rated input level
Hum & Noise: -100dB at rated input level, A Weighted
Maximum Output Level: 2V RMS into 10kohms or higher
Output Source Impedance: Typically 100ohms
Digital Output Impedance: 75ohms
(upgrading to Linn Klimax DS Player when I manage to save the funds for it!!!!!!!!! HE! HE!:D) Of coure a nice 3 TB NAS to go with the Klimax.)
Unison Research S6 Single Ended Triode Pure Class A 35 Watts.(will never sell it)
Linn Pure Silver Analogue RCA interconnects.
Linn K20 Single wire cables with WBT Spades.
Standard Power cords for the Rethms. (to upgrade soon)
Cardas Power Cord for the Plinius CDP
Ordinary power cord for the Unison S6 (to upgrade soon)
Final upgrade will be the Linn LP12 SE Reference Transcription Turntable with a dedicated power supply and phono stage.
Nitty Gritty Reference LP Cleaner.

And even though I do not need a sub, I am go in for the JL AUDIO Gotham, when and if I do ever have the funds for it. Even though though Rethms's bass is more than enough for me, actually had to turn it down for my taste.

Remember guys end of the day its the music that is important! Many of us tend to forget just that.

If you want to experience magic with a single driver horn and a single ended triode pure class A Amp, then drop in. Dont blame/curse me after you listen to them! Already many of them have done so.!
Guys, off late I have not been very active on the forum as I lost my Dad in April and personally have been through hell since his stroke in December, Audio took a backseat, my dad was more important. Anyhow apologies to anyone of you who I did not reply.
Prithvi,very sorry to learn of your loss-howsoever old you might be, losing a parent leaves a lifelong hole in your heart.I have gone thru this so I can understand the feeling of desolation.Please accept my heartfelt condolences.

After being in this line for over 27 years I bought the Rethm Saadhana's personally as I think they create magic when it comes to music.
Makes me even more keen to experience the Saadhanas'.I also hope Jacob George gets more customers for his labor of love.

If you want to experience magic with a single driver horn and a single ended triode pure class A Amp, then drop in. Dont blame/curse me after you listen to them! Already many of them have done so.!
I've heard Viren's Single driver speakers & SET Amp many times so I do know what you're talking about.
@Soundsgreat-I hope the reason given by Prithvi satisfies you....

Guys, off late I have not been very active on the forum as I lost my Dad in April and personally have been through hell since his stroke in December, Audio took a backseat, my dad was more important.

Am very very sorry to hear that !! offcourse its always Family first !!

Anyone from the forum is welcome for an audition, provided you call me for a demo appointment and bring your own music.

Ok will do it sometime !! Thanks for replying here !!

@Soundsgreat-I hope the reason given by Prithvi satisfies you....

Sir Kamal, Its not for me to get satisfied :p! thats never been the intention in this thread or even otherwise :indifferent14:!!

I have always tried to be a person who will talk on behalf of the majority,who for some reason may not wish to talk directly ! tried to help as much as possible ! sometimes I have to do things which may endup like this one or the one in Lyrita prize issue ! but at the end I want everyone to benefit from my intervene, thats all I care :ohyeah: !

In this case,Am not afraid or shameful in saying " I may never ever have enough money to buy a pair of cables to drive Shadhana's" but should that stop me from listening to it, should it ??? Am sure there are tonnes and tonnes of guys here in this very forum and even otherwise who are like me ! So Am talking on their behalf !!

Like the Man himself has said
Remember guys end of the day its the music that is important! Many of us tend to forget just that.

So I guess if we ever get a chance to experiance this bliss then thats one life lived to the fullest :ohyeah: !!

People who can give us this chance is all we want :)!! after that who knows we may even sell our soul and manage to buy one of these :lol:!!!

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