Show of the Day

The link describing the million $ setup has been posted so many times here and on other forums, i am getting bored of it :P
As rikhav, said, this news has been already pasted by one of the members, and then indeed it is there in some of the leading av magazines.

It is a great set up, the passion is at it's peak.

Well i feel there is no limit to which one can spend on home theater setup, what matters in the end is what suits one;s pocket and that you get your bang for your buck...
Well i feel there is no limit to which one can spend on home theater setup, what matters in the end is what suits one;s pocket and that you get your bang for your buck...


Well said.

There have been members who have said that this 6 million dollar theatre is as good as lousy.

I can tell you one think that to be a critic is very easy, to make the product is a different ball game alltogether, for example a journalist when he reviews a movie, he says this is bad and that is bad, but when he makes a movie, most of the times everything is bad about the movie.

So moral of the story is that it is easy to talk but make and show is a tough ball game, so the critics need to display their guts in action then in writing.

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