Sony LED TV Buying advice!


New Member
Apr 11, 2014
Dear All,

My first post on Hifi vision! :yahoo:

Now here's the dilemma, was in Dubai last week and hunted down 2 Sony LED TV's for myself. The model number and prices are as follows:

1) KLV-40R452 (40 inch LED TV, no 3D or Internet TV) - AED 1,999
2) KLV-42R500 (42 inch LED TV with 3D) - AED 2,099

After having almost completed my visit in the Sharaf DG store, another Sony expert comes to me suggesting the model below:

3) Sony KDL42W670 LED (42 inch Internet LED TV, no 3D) - AED 2,499

I had settled for the 42 inch LED TV because for AED 100 more, I was getting a 42 inch instead of a 40 and 3D! However, the Sony expert told me that the 3rd model (AED 2,499) has an ethernet port and one can update the firmware/software of the TV and it costs just AED 400 more. So in that way, one will always be up to date with the latest firmware.

Now my question is that is it really worth spending the extra 400 for software updates? Or should I just stick to the 42 inch with 3D?

Suggestions welcome! :)
The third option you have mentioned is also 42".
In terms of PQ, the w670 is much ahead , the R series being licensed and produced in China, and generally lower in quality than the W series.
Lots of threads on the same can be found in this forum.
Hi shail422

I don't want to discourage you or break your enthusiasm for getting electronics from Dubai......Firstly getting a TV from Dubai is tricky, it may cost cheaper and you will need to pay the airlines special charges for carrying it to India....secondly our great friends...Customs is waiting to slap around 36% duty on LEDs / LCDs.....third warranty....

In India, you get almost everything and with warranty so why take the risk of getting a TV without warranty from Dubai? As it is today's TVs are all not that great. LEDs LCDs or Plasmas have a shorter lifespan...anything from 3-9 warranty plays a crucial role...there are consumers across the world who have panel issue after 1-2 years of it any brand or model....

So far only Toshiba or Sharp provides 3 years warranty....the rest give one year.....end of the day its upto you to decide which model or brand suits your expectations, requirements and ofcourse budget....Would suggest to purchase a TV which meets your requirements...depending on viewing distance, decide the size, see if you really are going to stream content from the internet then only trip on SMART can later on add a SMART device to your existing TV to make it SMART and interactive...these devices cost 5-10k. The Sony W700 series seems to be the best model and widely used by forum members...see the related threads...there is a thread on LG and Samsung as well...

You can read further posts on TVs by clicking on my user name...hope this helps....
Thank you for your reply!

I finally picked up the Sony 42W670A at 2650 AED. It's sitting in my room right now! :yahoo::clapping:

Customs wasn't an issue at all! Paid them Rs. 4000 and they let me go. I guess I'm lucky!

The TV is mind numbingly insane and it's one of the best buys I've made in my history of buying TV's!! Have plugged in my PS3 and Satellite TV and the clarity is really good! It's a Smart TV so have it hooked up to my home wifi connection. Haven't started browsing yet but will do so soon! Have already downloaded the app for my iPhone and iPad and it's fun to use! Gonna play some Need for Speed in a bit!

If anyone needs any help or advice with regards to this model, please send me your question!

Just a small doubt, I was looking up on Google for optimum picture and sound settings but couldn't find anything specific to this model. Any idea what should my settings be? As of now I'm using the preset Vivid for the picture and Standard for the sound.

Any advice will help! Thanks guys!
Thank you for your reply!

I finally picked up the Sony 42W670A at 2650 AED. It's sitting in my room right now! :yahoo::clapping:

Customs wasn't an issue at all! Paid them Rs. 4000 and they let me go. I guess I'm lucky!

The TV is mind numbingly insane and it's one of the best buys I've made in my history of buying TV's!! Have plugged in my PS3 and Satellite TV and the clarity is really good! It's a Smart TV so have it hooked up to my home wifi connection. Haven't started browsing yet but will do so soon! Have already downloaded the app for my iPhone and iPad and it's fun to use! Gonna play some Need for Speed in a bit!

If anyone needs any help or advice with regards to this model, please send me your question!

Just a small doubt, I was looking up on Google for optimum picture and sound settings but couldn't find anything specific to this model. Any idea what should my settings be? As of now I'm using the preset Vivid for the picture and Standard for the sound.

Any advice will help! Thanks guys!

Congrats on the tv.......great buy!!!
All tv's need to be calibrated when they come home for optimum picture quality, if you really want your tv to give 100%. However not everyone is interested in calibration, hence suggest to use warm1 / warm2 setting for movies and standard for other video content. DO NOT use any vivid or vibrant setting, they are the worst!!!
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