Sound Setting on AV Receiver


Nov 21, 2008
Hyderabad India
Hi All,
I recently bought a Onkyo SR 606 receiver and 7.1 THX speakers ( onkyo ) and am in testing mode :) ( Most of the weekend went into it !! )

Couple of basic questions

1 ) Does my Receiver tell me what the original format ie Stereo , DTS , 5.1 , 7.1 etc the source CD or cable channel is ..Basically i want to understand if i am hearing the right sound the source was supposed to give ..

2 ) My source so far as been some DVDs ( not sure if they are surround sound ) from someone and Cable ..Does the receiver do the settings according to source or do i need keep tinkering it every time i change my input source ( cable , CD , DVD )

3 ) On watching movies on DVD do i need to change the speaker settings to get a better dialogue quality .. What is the recommended values for bass, treble , center , subwoofer ..just an idea would do...

All these questions just to understand if i getting the most of the system or is it just my feeling that i hearing better that i have spent a hefty amount :ohyeah:
1.You can see on AVR display format as DD/Dts or others.Even on remote,there is on button which shows details.(display)

2.Input has to be selected as setting from other inputs can very.606 has self setting with mic & you need to follow instructions accordingly.

3.Once done proper setting,you need not have to change unless DVD Q is poor to raise centre vol.
Congrats on your new buy.

The source formats are typically lit with symbols in the AVR. Read your manual and it should show where the symbols are shown. For example, the words DTS comes when source with DTS is played or the dolby symbol...

There are multiple settings you may want to try on your AVR before you come to your 'ideal' setting. There are tools that can help it or you can set it manually.

Some of the simpler settings would be to set your speakers to small (unless you have full range speakers) and setting the crossover frequency. The DSP fields you can try the various combinations, and decide what works best in your room settings and your speakers.
Thanks for the suggestions ..

Since i can change the audio settings by press of audio button on my remote , i soon loose track of what the actual format was ..does the AVR tell me whether the original format is playing or a setting that i had selected
( by some color code on my AVR display

Reason is for the all the files i play i can set the audio setting to
1 ) All channel 2 ) Stereo 3 ) DTS 4 ) dolby pro etc ...
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