Soundproofing a room

In DIY projects sometimes we end-up doing too much so sound gets dead, have seen a project where they did so much to the audio feel muted since design started absorbing than avoiding reverb. So invest cautiously. But there is so much help in youtube
While working on my car got some useful tip from
- MMT Acoustix - Call them and tell your requirement
- Another folks who has products based on scenarios..

For music listening ideally, need materials to cut outside noise and basic room treatment for reverb avoidance with sculpted foam

hope it helps
Sound proofing means to isolate the room acoustically so that out side sound doesn't enter the room and vice versa. Do you want to do that or you want to do a acoustic treatment in your room to minimize sound reverberation and get clean bass.

If you want to do the later then check the following thread:

Hi everyone,

I am building a room specially for music listening and thinking of soundproofing it.

What is the cheap and best option to sound proof the room?

Thank you!
Cost effective Sound proofing depends which part of the adjoining space you don't want to disturb.

If you don't want to disturb people living under your floor then concentrate on sound proofing your floor.
If it's people inside your home you don't want to distrub then the door is the first thing which should be done properly.
The concept of sound proofing by itself is a generalised one .
Sound proofing = Reducing the travel of sound by using suitable sound deadening and absorbing materials . Eg- Home theatre rooms , music listening rooms
Sound Isolation = Isolating the particular area from external sounds, vibrations etc . Eg - Studio recording rooms .

I am currently getting some work done for a friend for a studio . We are doing it using Fibreglass 50mm wedged btwn 2inch pine wood strips and covering it with Gypsum sheets .
The pine wood is sourced second hand packing material which goes by the kg . For the floor we are using tar sheets on plywood covered by industrial carpet .
Really nice work.

I'm new and just saw this thread but, for posterity, I saw that certain building codes mandate certain sound transmission levels and that the building contractors simply refer to them as "party walls" and it's common in their trade. Where I used to live, they're mandated in ceilings/floors in apartment buildings, etc.
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