Hey Sanjay,
I went to USK to demo QEF and enquired about stands as Venkat had suggested in another thread. I had met Mr Sunny, he said they no longer make any of them. You can see those used in thier demo rooms ,setups etc Really nice and cheap stands per their website but sadly they no longer manufacture is whathe said.
My logitech z 5500 neded 4 of those slim ones and that had to cost only 1600 (bundled with sony models) but have to check elsewhere but yes stands for bookshelf, you get at Vector that they give for Wharfedales, B&W's etc.
Contact Mr Srinivas - 9348666336. I have seen the stands, he said somewhere b/w 8.5K to 9.5K for pair. Better than call, go check around and when you see ask. Shop is at Nagarjuna Circle.