Streamers from Cambridge Audio - AXN10 & MXN10


Active Member
Dec 18, 2021

Not to derail the thread and turning this into a "which is better thread" but to answer @navin advani 's question.

1 - If you already have a good DAC and just need a Streamer transport Wiim pro is fairly difficult to beat till a very substantial price point.
2 - If you are looking for a Dac + Streamer AIO - then you can definitely skip Wiim Pro. It's analogue output is not nice sounding.
3 - I am hazarding a guess that the AXN & MXN will be similar sounding to CXN V2? If that is the case as a transport - you will perhaps hear no difference at all compared to Wiim Pro. As a DAC + Streamer CA products will sound better than the Wiim Pro.

The one advantage that either AXN/MXN/CXN will have over the Wiim Pro is the ability to attach a USB harddrive that Wiim doesn't allow. Other than that I see absolutely no advantage whatsoever.

**My experience is based on owning the CXN V2 for a month or so. However once I had my DAC in place, I couldn't pick Wiim Pro vs CXN V2 as a transport hence stuck to Wiim Pro. CXN V2 being around 7 times the cost here in India.
What do these players (or the NAD) do that the WiiM Pro Plus and Arylic S50 Pro+ cant?

Not to derail the thread and turning this into a "which is better thread" but to answer @navin advani 's question.

1 - If you already have a good DAC and just need a Streamer transport Wiim pro is fairly difficult to beat till a very substantial price point.
2 - If you are looking for a Dac + Streamer AIO - then you can definitely skip Wiim Pro. It's analogue output is not nice sounding.
3 - I am hazarding a guess that the AXN & MXN will be similar sounding to CXN V2? If that is the case as a transport - you will perhaps hear no difference at all compared to Wiim Pro. As a DAC + Streamer CA products will sound better than the Wiim Pro.

The one advantage that either AXN/MXN/CXN will have over the Wiim Pro is the ability to attach a USB harddrive that Wiim doesn't allow. Other than that I see absolutely no advantage whatsoever.

**My experience is based on owning the CXN V2 for a month or so. However once I had my DAC in place, I couldn't pick Wiim Pro vs CXN V2 as a transport hence stuck to Wiim Pro. CXN V2 being around 7 times the cost here in India.
What DAC are you pairing with WiiM?
As a DAC + Streamer CA products will sound better than the Wiim Pro. The one advantage that either AXN/MXN/CXN will have over the Wiim Pro is the ability to attach a USB harddrive that Wiim doesn't allow. Other than that I see absolutely no advantage whatsoever.
You have a point. The Cambridge MXN costs about 60k, the same as a Wiim Pro (20K) + Topping E70 Velvet (40K). Cambridge gives you a one-box solution.
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