Streaming Audio / Video to PS3


New Member
Mar 20, 2009
Navi Mumbai
Just thought of posting this, in case someone is not aware. You can stream your audio / video files from your PC / Laptop to the PS3. Saves the hassle of copying everything to the stick and then playing on ps3. I usually play all my audio files directly from the desktop and stream it to the ps3. The same goes for photos as well. Videos also work fine, if they are not huge files. Normal 700MB movie rip works just fine.

Just thought of posting this, in case someone is not aware. You can stream your audio / video files from your PC / Laptop to the PS3. Saves the hassle of copying everything to the stick and then playing on ps3. I usually play all my audio files directly from the desktop and stream it to the ps3. The same goes for photos as well. Videos also work fine, if they are not huge files. Normal 700MB movie rip works just fine.


I can stream "huge" movies to my PS3 as well. Use a Gigabit Ethernet connection with PS3 Media Server, with a fairly powerful CPU to do the transcoding. Works just fine with 1080p videos and my [email protected].
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