Susnick introduction


New Member
Oct 28, 2020
Good day all,
My name is Mark and I am from the Sunny state of Florida USA, an avid fan of tube gear and all things analog. I’ve had an interest in audio and musical instrument amplification for many years as I am a jazz bass player & was always tinkering
and looking for best possible sound.
I look forward to hopefully contributing and learning from the great members on this forum.
Thanks for allowing me to be a part of this great community.
Regards, Mark
Welcome to the forum Mark! Thank you for joining.

Which part of Florida are you from? Do you still play a lot?
We have an active jazz music thread on here that you might like.

Good to have you on here.


And no don’t get to play much anymore worked the cruise ship scene for years in Mia/Ft laud area and around town. Mostly just get togethers when we can now...
I’m located in South Florida, Ft Lauderdale..

Great to hear that. I used to drive by Ft Lauderdale on my way further down south.
Great to have you on here. Feel free to reach out if you need a hand with anything on here.

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