System setup and evolution


Staff member
May 25, 2008
FInally got to do a bit of repainting and a more robust implementation of the Arm Base for the Tonearm.
past in This link






its still WIP. repainted the plinth and arm base and just sandpapered the Top PLate.

Top plate to be painted now..and a more permanent Cantilever for the arm to be thought of.
Drop dead gorgeous Arj!! And not to miss that shiny spun clean LP ;) So you've painted the CLD plinth you got black for now or looking at another colour later on? How does the Denon sound?

Congrats Arj. Went through the link provided by Asit and that guy seems to be a walking encyclopedia on TTs.

Regarding painting of the plinth and polishing of the top plate, outsourcing to an expert would be the way to go IMHO. Just my 2 cents.
Nice turntable arj. As having vertical idler wheel I wonder if using more heavy mat (metal+felt) can give good result? I guess it will. also stabilizing center weight. See if metal base can be powder coated, as it will be long lasting and will look smooth.
Drop dead gorgeous Arj!! And not to miss that shiny spun clean LP ;) So you've painted the CLD plinth you got black for now or looking at another colour later on? How does the Denon sound?

Thanks Stevie..ghave been really lucky and thankful i got some really great records...its a different feeling to listen to a clean/mint LP. i had a huge collection of hindi CDs which i never enjoyed as much till i started listening to the LPs

Great. Now we have a local Jean Nantais.
:ohyeah: naah amsure this is nowhere near that performance...but the sound is great now..that feeling that something was missing is a lot more reduced.

Captn, i wanted to do that but finding one, following up etc is too painful remembered by engg first year carpentry class and just started off and actually started to enjoy the process. finish will never be as good but there is a joy to see it come up. I did get the plinth done as there was no way I could have done that

Dr.Bass, it is really good. from what i see it is about synergy..the arm is supposed o do well with "older" TTs and the Denon Cart is a natural synergy with the Tonearm.
Hiten, i do use a Mat. while Lencos is pretty good by itself I got one called Horprobe from Jochen and that is really is a Felt+ rubber mat. i have not really started looking at the option of a center weight.will try if it works or not at some point since it is a hit or miss, still waiting for the cartridge to break in..will think about it then

Malvai, the entire Vinyl experience has been a 14 month journey for me..i have learnty so much during this from folks like you, prem, jochen, stevieboy, Asit,Viren and so many discussions on this and other forums during this period. it is definitely a format which will stay for me ;)
Hiten, i do use a Mat. while Lencos is pretty good by itself I got one called Horprobe from Jochen and that is really is a Felt+ rubber mat. i have not really started looking at the option of a center weight.will try if it works or not at some point since it is a hit or miss, still waiting for the cartridge to break in..will think about it then
you can experiment with it if anyone in bangalore has center weight.
I had a metal object which fitted tightly on the center spindle. It did made sound little different. But had to remove it as it slowed down my belt driven TT. But please do not try such crude method on your TT as it has an expensive arm.

it is definitely a format which will stay for me ;)

Thanks a lot for putting up pictures of bigger size. Have to say the whole appearance is gorgeous. With the burning in of the phono and the tone-arm cables, kindly update us on the sonic developments.

I have been offline for the last few days, down with an infection. Feeling a lot better today, right now watching a Blue Ray movie (audio down-mixed to 2 channel, then fed to the DAC section of my CDP, then finally to the Leben and my 2 speakers) lying on the couch. Have to say, apart from the picture improvement, the audio on the Blue Ray is a lot cleaner.

Hi Arj,

The TT and arm look great.:clapping:

When(if) I get around to tweeking my Lenco I will certainly be asking/pestering you with a lot of questions.

Arj,is it possible to reposition the arm?

The way you have oriented the arm places the cartridge close to the motor and idler wheel of the Lenco.

From the pictures it looks to me, that at some point of the arms travel across the record the stylus is directly over the motor and idler.(I might be wrong)

It is recomended on another TT forum(will find the link and post) that the arm be mounted in a position that places the cartridge as far away as possible from the motor and idler, to reduce vibrations from the motor and idler being picked up by the stylus.

Hi Arj,

The TT and arm look great.:clapping:

When(if) I get around to tweeking my Lenco I will certainly be asking/pestering you with a lot of questions.

Arj,is it possible to reposition the arm?

The way you have oriented the arm places the cartridge close to the motor and idler wheel of the Lenco.

From the pictures it looks to me, that at some point of the arms travel across the record the stylus is directly over the motor and idler.(I might be wrong)

It is recomended on another TT forum(will find the link and post) that the arm be mounted in a position that places the cartridge as far away as possible from the motor and idler, to reduce vibrations from the motor and idler being picked up by the stylus.


Hi rajiv, you are the one who put me on to the Lenco... i had never heard of it before.
you are correct about the is not directly above, but around 5-6 cms away from the motor and idler...which is still too close for comfort,
I will be shifting this configuration by 90 degrees counterclockwise in the next Avatar..ideally with a cantilever like arm base from the main plinth. have to work out a suitable design and fixing method before i do it though.
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Nice, nice. This calls for a review of the table. And the arm. And the cart, too. If you can break them up, that is.
Nice, nice. This calls for a review of the table. And the arm. And the cart, too. If you can break them up, that is.

Exactly. This will add a lot to the forum's knowledge base.
Arjun, since you have lived with each component for sometime and upgraded each of them one at a time, you will not go wrong writing a review about each of them and also a review of the whole.

Please do also write how this journey feels.

BTW, for those who do not know, me and Arj had spoken quite a few times about getting into analogue. This was about 2 years back. Arj was always of the opinion that Vinyl takes a lot of time and effort so he is not going to touch it till he retires and has a lot of time to kill. He was also unsure whether all the pops and clicks are worth living with, and then the hassle of changing records every 15-20 mins and cleaning them and not having the option to go to your favourite track etc etc. Now look at him, he has turned into a hardcore analogue DIYer:lol:. That is why my reaction below:

Originally Posted by arj
it is definitely a format which will stay for me;)

Sorry Arj, I wrote all this without your permission. But this thread was too tempting for me to resist:licklips:. This hobby is weird and magical at the same time. It hardly takes couple of nice tunes to get enlightened and totally change the way we look at things. And most of the times we are equally happy to be proven wrong as we are when proven right:cheers:
Sorry Arj, I wrote all this without your permission. But this thread was too tempting for me to resist:licklips:. This hobby is weird and magical at the same time. It hardly takes couple of nice tunes to get enlightened and totally change the way we look at things. And most of the times we are equally happy to be proven wrong as we are when proven right:cheers:

:lol: how true Abhi, and i had this opinion for close to 7 years ! :eek:
Funnily Over the years the following are the "Impressions" of mine which have eaten Crow ! and am thankful to have learnt so much from Forums like these. As they say a Fool learns from his own experience and a Wise man learns from a Fools :lol:have Played the "Fool" long enough and learnt in so many such occasions
1.SS is always better than tubes
2.Power cables /Power is highly overrated..after all components run on DC
3 Transports are all the same as they are all 0's and 1's
4. Subwoofers go thump Thump and only give cheap Bass thrills.

and so many more...but the above have been Gamechangers for have learnt to take others experiences with small lump of sugar instead of the never know what you might learn.

yes a review is going to be on at some stage.

Any particular reason you've re-oriented your TT counter clockwise so its actually 'facing' the right side? Or is it vaastu... the speed selection knobs should be in the south east quadrant... :D

the only way I could fit it in on my rack with the external tonearm.

But Rajivs question has given me another idea..will try it out.
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