The quest for a HT setup :)

Girish K

New Member
Dec 5, 2009
My first non-intro post here :)

Like I said in my intro post, I'm closer to buying a home-theater setup than ever before and I'm keeping fingers crossed that it happens this time around :)

I intend listening the receivers from -

a) Yamaha VX series and
b) Denon 1610/1910/2310 again, sometime soon.

Most recently, I've listened to the Cambridge Azur (540R, 640R) series which I listened at Audio planet couple of months back, combined with
(a) Floor stander + surround setup (don't remember which one!)
(b) Genie series
(c) Alumni series.

For speakers, I've read lots of good reviews about the AcousticQ1010i series and Wharfedale Diamond 10. I don't know Wharfedale is available in India tho'.

My intended setup will consist of -

1) a TV (right now flat, will move to LCD) with a DTH connection
2) Amp/receivers
3) DVD player
4) Speakers
I've factored in for the cables and the possible wall-mounts for the book-shelfs :) :licklips:

I listen to loads of music - old indian film music, rock n roll, jazz, metal, ghazals, classical and so on :). I watch movies as well.

Importantly - I'm not in a hurry to get all the speakers at ONE-GO. I can build them up over time as well, so I don't burn a big hole in my pocket the same day :ohyeah:

Questions -

1) Is there anything specific I should keep in mind in the receivers/amp, to accommodate for the DTH ? I may also like to a PS3 sometime later.
2) Is a separate (modified Q!!) amplifier mandated or desirable ?

Thanks :)

Look for suitable suggestions to my general thoughts above. I'm also reading up more and will share whatever information I find. :D
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2) Is an amplifier mandated or desirable ? (Room size 14x12)

This is a strange question. Without an amplifier, all you will hear is the 'Sound Of Silence'. When you are talking about an AVR, you are talking about an unit that has an amplifier built-in.

This is a strange question. Without an amplifier, all you will hear is the 'Sound Of Silence'. When you are talking about an AVR, you are talking about an unit that has an amplifier built-in.


Maybe he meant a power amp
Hello venkat
I wont deny until a few years back i did not know difference between a receiver, integrated, pre amp and power amp.
Reading and researching did help. :)

Thanks for pointing out. I realized the mistake in my Q.

I rephrase it - Is a separate amplifier (power amp) mandated or desirable ? I do understand that AVR come with in-built amps.

This is a strange question. Without an amplifier, all you will hear is the 'Sound Of Silence'. When you are talking about an AVR, you are talking about an unit that has an amplifier built-in.


Believe me, I wasn't harping about anything. It was a case of typo - that's all !! Wonder why thought so.
Yes Rikhav, I see a a lot of people seem to be getting confused. Even in, I am not too sure whether the OP has understood the difference. He seems to be harping or 'pre/pro' most of the time.


Venkat - Sorry if I irritated you. I'm just educating myself to understand things better before finalizing my decision.

I'm little excited about going for my first HT/Music setup and I do understand that I was asking (too many) questions. To be frank, I was little confused especially on the "Amp" section and now slowly picking up. Maybe I would need little more time to get used to all the technical stuff and graduate. But, definitely your posts were very informative and Thanks for them.

Girish - Sorry to interrupt in your thread
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My first non-intro post here :)

I listen to loads of music - old indian film music, rock n roll, jazz, metal, ghazals, classical and so on :). I watch movies as well.

Thats being the case, my humble suggestion is, first build a good budget 2.0 music system. An HT system is not a music system and it becomes very costly to get a HT system sound for music also.

So, i suggest
Phase 1: Budget CDP + Integrated 2 channel amplifier + Book shelves
Phase 2: HT system
Venkat - Sorry if I irritated you. I'm just educating myself to understand things better before finalizing my decision.

I am never irritated. More concerned with people getting confused and chasing an objective that may really not be needed. As long as you understand what you are getting into, I am fine.

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