Tips for a sensible audition


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2010
Tips for a sensible audition.(from an amateur)

Do extensive research on the net/forums BEFORE you go for an audition.You should have a reasonble amount of information-models/specs/pricing of the brand you are auditioning.

Don't go with all the audio terminology from Whathifi and Stereophile spinning around in your head.

Always begin an audition by inquiring about the ENTIRE CHAIN being auditioned.Quality of Recording-Source-Amp-Interconnect-Speaker Cables-Speakers.If there is a mismatch or a FU in any part of the chain(very common,especially in salesmen managed setups in the big 'Malls') then you are wasting your time.Any opinion you form about a particular link in the chain would be wrong because that link has been 'improved' or 'spoiled' by the mismatch.

Always compare room size and speaker placement in the audition room with the room for which the equipment is intended.

Always carry your own music for an audition.Music you are completely familiar with.Recording quality should be good.

Listen with YOUR ears.If something YOU are hearing sounds bad then it IS bad,irrespective of what some 'expert' accompanying you/or the salesman may say.

In a well stocked audition room don't rush from one set up to the next.Give at least 30 minutes to any set up you find even halfway decent.

If listening fatigue is setting in,go out for some fresh air/coffee or call it quits for the day.

Always audition 'sober'.Any intoxicant you have consumed will cloud/colour your judgement!

If you have a good pair of headphones use them for auditioning cdps/amps as you would be able to listen to the same headphones in different auditions.

Don't get impressed by shiny/cheap effects in the 'looks' department.Good manufacturer's like Bryston,Arcam,Cyrus,Naim go with basically the same design for ages.Ditto the audition rooms.Fancy carpets/lighting/sofas don't mean a thing.You have come to listen to an Amp or a Speaker not to admire the furniture!

Unless you are an experienced audiophile with a reasonably sound technical knowledge don't get lost in audiophile hyperbole(HYPER BOL!):)
one should also get a taste of live music..for those amongst us not lucky to frequent shows a jam with friends (guitar, table-top percussion etc) could also do the trick..too often we overlook music for the sake of sound...recently i listened to a school choir in an old wooden chapel, now that was quite something.... ..
the boom of a real piano reminded me what it was all about...
just my two pence though...
Yes,because of the paucity of live concerts in India,we are obsessed with playback.My most memorable 'listen' happened in the Mirabellgarten in Salzburg.Late Evening.Indoors.In a 30(?) seater auditorium,a quartet of young students playing Franz Schubert's Death and The Maiden and Rosamunde.The special magical quality of that sound would be impossible to duplicate in playback.Heard several concerts in bigger halls later but the 'first'- with a gentle rain falling outside and the warm memory of having spent the entire day in the house where (God) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart grew up-was special.
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