valve cleaning


Active Member
Jan 30, 2008
I am buying valve amplifier,i would prefer suggestion from fellow members who own valve amps how do they mantain the amps and how do they clean valve,s contacts
It's best to handle valves with a glove. If you do get fingerprints, etc. on them, clean with cotton and Isopropyl alcohol, which can also be used for the contacts.

I have also used Caig DeOxit which is supposed to be very good for all electricals contacts, but haven't found a source for it in India.

Is this a power, pre or integrated amp? Does it have auto biasing of the tubes?
Congrats, Mekr,I'm sure you will enjoy your musica all the more with a valve Amp.
Valve Amps sound their best after 30 to 45 mts of warm up, so give it that warmup time before you begin to play music.
Turn the vol control all the way down before you switch it on/off.
Give the Amp at least an hour to cooloff before you cover it for protection against dust.
Leave the valves alone-DO NOT unplug them to clean them etc.Just let them be-if you see a visible layer of dust on the valves, just use a soft brush-e.g the brush from your wife's make up kit-only don't let her catch you at it !
Don't let children /dogs near the valves, they get hot enough to cause a bad burn
It's best to handle valves with a glove. If you do get fingerprints, etc. on them, clean with cotton and Isopropyl alcohol, which can also be used for the contacts.

I have also used Caig DeOxit which is supposed to be very good for all electricals contacts, but haven't found a source for it in India.

Is this a power, pre or integrated amp? Does it have auto biasing of the tubes?

i am buying new audio frontiers SE 845 integerated valve amplifier
BTW,discussed this with Viren of Lyrita Audio yesterday when we gathered at his place for the all Analogue session.
He confirms that its best to leave them alone, despite the temptation to clean/fuss around the babies !
So do Cadence who make the VA 1 valve amp.
Purchase the Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier at a special offer price.