Vintage Sansui vs Hegel H160


New Member
Aug 29, 2023
Hi - My current gear is Hegel H160 powering Focal Electra 1008Be2 bookshelves. It sounds amazing and has very good lows and highs.

I have always heard early Sansui's sound like tube and was fascinated to hear. I am curious if moving to Vintage sansui (contemplating AU777D or AU7700 or AU555A) - no clue where I'd find them but thinking of going with one of them. Do you think that would be a step up or down from my current set up?

Looking forward to your opinion. Thanks.
Sansuis are very well engineered amplifiers.

What you are looking for looks to be their cap coupled amps. They do have that tube like sound.

Expect less resolution and imaging but warmer, pleasant and non fatiguing sound.

Can't say that it will be step up or step down, but it will be an experience for sure and a nice one at that.

Finding one that's not been messed with will be a huge challenge though.

Also you are gonna need a good tech as certain transistors and capacitors need to be changed.
Thanks Frend. I agree it might be just a different sound as you have pointed out. I have no clue how to find sansuis in India and have been randomly checking olx. Any other pointers to find them would be highly appreciated. Thanks.
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