want too much for the money 5.1 Home theater system


Sep 21, 2009
want too much for the money 5.1 Home theater system

Que:What do you need?
Ans:I want a 5.1 (.1 optional) home theater system with two floorstanding front speakers.

Que:Why two floorstanding speakers when you are tight on budget?
Ans:My room is 5mts by 10 mts wide and 8m tall with tiles on top with big doors and windows and when i play a Sub-sat system in that room it doesnt fill the room. It just doesnt sound good in a big room. I just dont like sub-sat (boom boom) systems in big rooms.

Que:What do you listen to?
Ans:I like to listen to stereo music as well as 5.1 dvds also i want to route stereo output from my tatasky digicomp. So this should be a all in one solution.Since mostly the output would be stereo from TV (which will play for more than 50% of time) and CD player it must sound good, and also i should be able to enjoy 5.1 audio when i put in a dvd.

Que:So will you be buying an AVR?
Ans:No. Most of the DVD players come with a 5.1 decoder which can decode Dolby and DTS which is the format mostly available on DVDs. And for a limited budget i want to skip this entirely.I dont know what an AVR does.

Que:So what on earth do you exactly want?
Ans:I want to buy a DVD player with Dolby and DTS decoder.
I want to connect the 5.1 output of DVD player to 5(.1 optional) channel amplifier.
The front left and right channels will be fed to floorstanding speakers.

Que:So what is your budget?

Que:Cmon... Are you crazy?Do you want all the 5 speakers including two floorstanding speakers and a 5 channel amplifier and a DVD player within 25K Dollars?
Ans:Excuse me! It is not 25K Dollars it is 25K Rupees.

Que:Why are you doing here then? Do you know whats HiFi? You should subscribe to crappy sound dot com for what you need!!
Ans:I am just a starter in this audio thing and I am not satisfied with Sony in a box home Theater systems.I know! But i have this much money to invest for a home theater and a Sub sat system wont do in my house. Then i need to keep some mony to buy a 42 inch LCD TV.

I have heard of some indian brands like Torvin, Norge, Rhythm affairs, Panda Audio which do produce good on ears low on pocket speaker and amp systems, thats why i felt this is possible, But i want a sound better than Sony and other stuff. I even dont know whether a 5 channel amp exists in first place. If i need to use more than one amp i would like power front floor standers on good quality amp and rest channels on a moderate quality amp.

Please help me to configure a HT keeping above requirements in mind. I want a sound proportional to what i am ready to pay for.
that was great had fun reading ure post, specially the questions.
i am not experienced enough to help you but i am sure lot of members here will be more than happy to help you
all the best
want too much for the money 5.1 Home theater system

Que:What do you need?
Ans:I want a 5.1 (.1 optional) home theater system with two floorstanding front speakers.

U need to increase ur budget OR should be content with Sony/Philips HTiB.
U can also consider onkyo 3200 which is a sub-sat system, but good thing is when after a bit of time u have some money u can replce fronts with BS/FS.

Cheapest FS start from 10K(Yamaha) but decent FS start from 17K (Mission m34i) which will eat up ur whole budget.

Que:Why two floorstanding speakers when you are tight on budget?
Ans:My room is 5mts by 10 mts wide and 8m tall with tiles on top with big doors and windows and when i play a Sub-sat system in that room it doesnt fill the room. It just doesnt sound good in a big room. I just dont like sub-sat (boom boom) systems in big rooms.

Two floorstander r there in Samsung 425/725, philips 3366/3578, Sony 690.
But, don't expect them to perform like one as they are sat dressed as a FS.

Que:So will you be buying an AVR?
Ans:No. Most of the DVD players come with a 5.1 decoder which can decode Dolby and DTS which is the format mostly available on DVDs. And for a limited budget i want to skip this entirely.I dont know what an AVR does.

AVR is basically an 5.1 Amp with decoding capabilty.

Que:So what on earth do you exactly want?
Ans:I want to buy a DVD player with Dolby and DTS decoder.
I want to connect the 5.1 output of DVD player to 5(.1 optional) channel amplifier.
The front left and right channels will be fed to floorstanding speakers.

Above mentioned HTib will decode Dolby/DTS. If u go for 3200, u can buy a cheaper DVD player wothout DTS decoding capability.

Que:So what is your budget?
Que:Cmon... Are you crazy?Do you want all the 5 speakers including two floorstanding speakers and a 5 channel amplifier and a DVD player within 25K Dollars?
Ans:Excuse me! It is not 25K Dollars it is 25K Rupees.

Man as u r aware of ur impossible situation, I will lnot refrain myself from laughing out loud. :lol::ohyeah:
You can go o used route - you can tightly fit all this in your budget..
Anyway a cheap low powered 5 channel amp is made by DNM - other pure 5 chann el power amps cost much more than AVR's!

Man you think by writing your post hilariously, some miracle may happen and you will get all you want with your budget?:lol: Well it was a good read.

But sadly miracles don't happen to us ordinary mortals.;) The way to go for you IMHO is to get an AVR like Marantz SR301 and a floor standers like Mission m33i or m34i for starters. Even for this you have to increase your budget slightly. You can add the surrounds and sub as and when your budget allows you to.
All the best!


PS: Nice to have a new member with a fine sense of humour:D
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For 25K ,a decent flrst can come like MS,Mission.
20k + 5, then local brands,like Torvin can provide spk + amp(stereo) combo
Increase your budget then take baby steps. starting with a pair of floorstanders and avr. Then slowly the rest of the cahin over time. Youll be much happier with the end result then spending at once.
In my budget i can get
Torvin Cineboy - 5.1 home-theater speaker package + Torvin TA840 - 5.1 DTS ready amplifier.
But this is available in Chennai and though company is famous for producing good speakers i have not personally heard this combo. Has anyone taken audition of this system.

Also Panda audio (chaudhary trading Co) produces 5.1 amps where i can connect 5 speakers + passive Sub directly. I have not heard this also.

Has anybody heard of this or similar products?

I dont want a "pure bliss" audio system. I want what best i can get within 25K INR and which can sound better than Sony,Panasonic etc.

I have heard the other 5.1 Torvin system Minimax. It was just ok but no remote.
I again ask you to go the AVR+fronts for now way.If you want 5.1 pronto, you can go for Onkyo HT-3100 with your budget and always upgrade the fronts with a decent BS or FS later.

a cheap low powered 5 channel amp is made by DNM

Has anybody listened to Hi-Fi 6 Channel Tuner Audio Amplifier AV-455E (DNM Enterprise Product)
Can anybody recommend a product on similar lines for me.

20k + 5, then local brands,like Torvin can provide spk + amp(stereo) combo

Any other brands or model numbers in this price bands specially availaible in pune or mumbai. I stay at Goa so these are the nearest cities.

I dont want a "pure bliss" audio system. I want what best i can get within 25K INR and which can sound better than Sony,Panasonic etc.
This still stands true.

summary:Needed 5 channel home theatre speakers(two floorstanders compulsory) + 5Ch Amp or AVR all in 25K INR. (Sub optional)
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Nice Post.

You can achieve your quest in different ways depending upon where you want to compromise.

Lets start with the player. You could get decent DVD players starting from 3k, but you will miss out on the upscaling (if it matters). The upscaling ones would come in the 6k range, but you probably need the money for the other parts of the solution.

For the amps, you probably can keep a max. of 10k so either you could go for Indian brands or used yamaha/denon entry levels. Both should be a good buy.

For speakers we are now left with 12k. So the options are you can buy a sat system (which you have discounted) Or buy an entry level bookshelves (which are bigger than sats, but wont give you a 5 speaker option).

In terms of money, you are best advised to spend most on the fronts as they will be used the most even on a 5.1 dvd. You may be better off spending on a quality 2.0 and then expanding to a 5.0. Or you could make do with any sat 3.0 for the rear as the difference will not be significant (compared to poorer fronts).

The simpler option would be to buy a HTiB from Onkyo/Philips/Sony but again you would need to be convinced of the solution.

If you have patience and the feeling you can expand/invest later, you should go for a 2.0 and then add the rest.
Has anybody listened to Hi-Fi 6 Channel Tuner Audio Amplifier AV-455E (DNM Enterprise Product)
Can anybody recommend a product on similar lines for me.

I have heard this one with DNM's speakers. It is pretty nice but in audio, one man's meat is another man's poison. Why don't you just speak to Dilip Bajaj and take a quick 1 day trip to Mumbai and listen to it yourself? The trip should cost you a small fraction of your budget if you can spare the time and if it goes well, you'll save a bunch of money.
If you don't want to take that trouble then consider the Onkyo 3100 which is available for just under 22K and upgrade your fronts later.
Come to think of it, if you are going the "upgrade over a period of time" route then start with a good stereo system.
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Why don't you just speak to Dilip Bajaj and take a quick 1 day trip to Mumbai and listen to it yourself?
I talked to him. It costs 6200. I will take a trip but before that i want to do a proper research for the products in my range. This forum is helping me in that.
If you don't want to take that trouble then consider the Onkyo 3100 which is available for just under 22K and upgrade your fronts later.
In Floor standers are added to a HTIB will it not drain the power from AVR amp. Aint HTIB designed for the speakers which they provide in box?
Any update on this thread? Philips 3366 has dvd upscaling player plus 5.1 system with 2 floor standing speaker (Which must be satellites).
Hi Sentinel,
You want a system that "... sound better than Sony,Panasonic etc. " and also say "...I dont want a "pure bliss" audio system."

IMO when you want better than " Sony,Panasonic etc"... then you are automatically targetting for "entry-level audio bliss". The next level is better freq response, clarity, soundstage etc. You can get that with Onlyo 3100 /3200 within 25k, as first step. Next step would be stereo amp + good booksheves. further next step upgrade bookshelves with "good" Floorstanders... so on.

You are directly jumping to option of cheap floorstanders in combination with a cheap 5.1 HT amp. That will end up sounding like sony /panasonic...believe me. so whats the point?

Audition a cheap FS with a cheap 5.1 HT package within 25k... and decide for yourself... is this really better than sony/panasonic?

Sorry if my tone sounded harsh... I don't know how to sugar-coat it:sad:

^^ I second with sono, I doubt it would sound better than Sony/Panny of the same same price. Sony/Pany are not "THAT" bad if you ask me, they provide a decent sound for the price they offer the complete HT range...
I think philips would even sound better than sony/panny under the same price bracet.....
Now i am thinking of a decent stereo setup (2 ch Amp + FS Speakers) for around 20K. I think:sad: i can manage this from some indian brands like Norge,craftel etc.

Now what is left is center, right surround and left surround. Decoder is on the DVD Player.
Center can be directed to left and right and can be eliminated altogether (there is an option on DVD player to direct the center to left and right front channels).

Right/Left surround. I can buy some small speakers and a small amp (5K) that can be used for these. I think audio on 5.1 channel DVD is inherently of low quality anyways. Also in last 4 months i don't remember if i ever played a DVD on my DVD player.


Buy an Onkyo within 25K and listen to it.
Now i am thinking of a decent stereo setup (2 ch Amp + FS Speakers) for around 20K. I think:sad: i can manage this from some indian brands like Norge,craftel etc.

Now what is left is center, right surround and left surround. Decoder is on the DVD Player.
Center can be directed to left and right and can be eliminated altogether (there is an option on DVD player to direct the center to left and right front channels).

Right/Left surround. I can buy some small speakers and a small amp (5K) that can be used for these. I think audio on 5.1 channel DVD is inherently of low quality anyways. Also in last 4 months i don't remember if i ever played a DVD on my DVD player.


Buy an Onkyo within 25K and listen to it.

Hi Sentinel,
See my suggestion to similar situation in link below:

Both Sony and Panasonic make some seriously high end product, so picking on brand names is full of expenditure failures.

Also consider that a good stereo system does not often make for a good 5.1 system, and visa versa. I actually got several systems, each with their own application. OK, 10K+ worth of gear is not everyone's budget ( my headphones alone would make some of your guys eyes pop out with envy), but it shows to what length you would have to go if you want the best solution for every eventuality.
Both Sony and Panasonic make some seriously high end product, so picking on brand names is full of expenditure failures.

Here i meant the mass market products available in india. But sorry for the same. These brands might also have some very good products.
The Marantz PM7000N offers big, spacious and insightful sound, class-leading clarity and a solid streaming platform in a award winning package.