WD Livewire available/ will work in India ?

Have bought Netgear lan-over-power from US in past and that worked fine.

As per specs page, this supports voltage upto 240 and both frequencies (50 and 60 Hz). So it should work
Thanks NetFreak.

I actually did some more research on this and could find an online store that seels this in india

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However for this to work (HD streaming) need to geet atleast 200 mbps model, which is around 6 K. Beats the purpose as i can get a new dedicated 1 TB drive for the second media player at less cost with some automatic synch set up between the 2 drives.

However concept is cool. Was really hoping to try this out for myself :)

btw anybody using wifi streaming between media players like i was planning to ? can you share your expereince. I have WD TV Live.
