WDTV player issue - Not playing video or audio


New Member
Apr 21, 2009
Hello all

I have the first generation WDTV media player and it is slightly more than 1 year old. It has been upgraded to 1.02.07 version of firmware as soon as i bought it a year back.

Since yesterday it is just not playing video or audio. I tried all means in terms of restarting (cold and hot starts). I also upgraded the firmware to 1.03.01 and it is still the same.

When i do a system reset (i did these multiple times through the menu as well as hardware switch), the version still shows 1.03.01 (not sure why). When i try to change the firmware back to 1.02.07 it now does not recognize the firmware files (looks like internally the version is still the higher version).

I am able to navigate through all menus but it just refuses to play anything.

I need help/suggestions in terms of how to move forward.

Honestly, I would not have upgraded to the latest f/w since the 02.07 version was working fine for you. Upgrading to the newer 03.01 adds an extra variable to the problem where an issue during the upgrade could potentially cause the issue.

Have you tried both USB ports with different USB sticks/drives connected to it. I assume by mentioning video or audio you mean the audo and video of a movie/film. Any luck with mp3's or png's or jpg's?

I don't think a system reset by remote control or hardware will not take you back to 02.07. You can roll back to 02.07 by plugging in a USB stick having the 02.07 f/w.

The only reason why i even attempted to upgrade to 1.03.01 is that it stopped playing video and audio (here audio includes mp3, flac etc).

The root issue is about non-playing of video and audio.

I found a way to downgrade the firmware version. i am currently doing that.

Let's see what happens after this step


I was able to downgrade to 1.02.07, but the situation is still the same ( i tried both the USB ports, i tried pen drives(FAT 32) and WD Hard drive(NTFS))

I checked the HDMI cables, i also connected it to my PC HD monitor, same result. To me i kind of concluded that it is the WDTV issue.

Apparently it just stopped playing anything one fine day. Any ideas from anyone

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