What to do with my room?

Thanks for understanding. If I go for it, it would be one with less fibre flying around.
what about the curtains? Do u think it will make a positive impact for stereo listening?
ok - sofa so good. The sofa deal is sealed with an advance paid, hoping to get it by 21st Aug. Still working on the rug.
Oh yes, and a matching recliner, and a wonderful looking yin-yang wall mounted bookshelf.

Still undecided on one thing - one side of the L is longer than the other. If I keep the one by the side wall longer, it leaves less space between front wall and the side sofa. Is it good or bad? Advantage is that I will have more flexibility in placing the recliner.
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damn, the furniture ordered is much higher than I would imagine spending on a component. So, here I bump my audio budget, and buy one component at a time.
just logging in to share an exciting news! I have finally convinced myself to buy a rug. It is a silk one (if the seller is to be believed) and can be washed at home!
So he came to our house, missus got convinced about wash-ability and general cleanliness of the room - so we ended up buying.
It is 9x6ft so covers a decent, almost entire exposed area.
Thanks for inputs, will work on more inputs one at a time. Hoping the sofa will be here in next 1 week, will share pics then.

Played a couple of songs and first impression is that sound is a little clearer, and bass seems less boomy. Since this was on shuffled songs, don't know if this is just a placebo effect.
wall papers finalized for main wall. Now have to work on increasing the separation between the speakers. Regarding raising the height, it will have to wait for the speaker upgrade, or maggies to take up the duty.
On equipment front, I would try to follow Ajay and Asit, research well and then buy an item that would last a few years of upgrade itch.
had a small surgery this evening. Wall paper delayed and I am happy with that as I get more time to figure out what do I want on the HT front.
Ajay - you are right, we either get a compromised HT, or a compromised music system, or worse, compromised both. At least the budget is not infinite so that gets split into two.
However, I do want a decent, may not be top of line, HT also.
Hoping to have a better room to show by end of Aug, and much more improvements by Sept end.
pic after putting in the carpet.
Carpet is 9x6 ft, slightly bigger than 9ft.
Speakers currently are ~8-9 feet apart, measuring distance between outer sides.
Listening position is ~ 9 feet from the back wall.

Hi anm

Do you find any improvements in sound with the rug in place?

Played a couple of songs and first impression is that sound is a little clearer, and bass seems less boomy. Since this was on shuffled songs, don't know if this is just a placebo effect.

Things are a little hectic at home and office so can't do many session. And just got a small surgery to remove a rouge sebaceous gland from my back. It was a gland-zilla.
Wish you a speedy recovery Anm,

[/QUOTE] And just got a small surgery to remove a rouge sebaceous gland from my back. It was a gland-zilla.[/QUOTE]
thanks! taking care. I thought I should stay back home today, then figured out that being at office would be less physically taxing :)
hey anm... take care...

one question though... is the rug made of natural fibres or synthetic... IMHO natural fibres work best if you want the rug to absorb the LF... sythetic just don't do it right...
update - new sofa is there. This shall create a lot of space, but not until the old sofa finds some place to go. will post pics later.
Hoping the wound to heal up in next week or so.

Thought process update - I really want to simplify the movie/video setup so that anyone can operate it. Also prioritizing movie/ surround sound setup. Doesn't mean more importance, just time ordering. This is to finalize on room decor for about a year or so.

I am thinking of getting surround sound setup done. Since the back wall is too far behind, I am struggling to figure out where to put the surround speakers. For a 5.x setup I will have to mount them on side walls closer to the ceiling, and toe them down to aim at the ears. Can't figure out how to do a 7.x as there is no backwall. I can only mount them on ceiling pointing downwards.

Also, I am thinking of wall mounting front speakers at height above ear levels, toed down to point at ear level. Hoping there are good wall mounts that can help me toe speakers left/ right and up/ down.

So on lookout for a good surround speaker set 5.0 or 7.0 and then will figure out the subs later. Wiring for speakers would require cutting "jhiri" in walls/ ceiling.
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