which setup will be better in SQ


Dec 26, 2008
Currently i am using two Rotel amps in a passive vertical bi-amp setup to drive the speakers, the approxmate power is 200w/c at 4ohm load totaling to 400w/speaker in a biamp setup. i am planning to upgrade to a hiend amp like Bryston which also will have 400w/c. my question is will this setup sound better than the biamp setup of Rotels or will it be the same.
If you are looking for power (which you probably know does not equate to good soundstage), then you won't benefit. However, just going by the characteristics of the amps and guessing you are going to get one of the newer Bryston's the soundstage will be markedly different. I have felt Bryston's and Parasounds open out the frequencies excellently especially at the low end which is where many amps fail. This is also one of the reasons that many people tend to hear at louder volumes even with a power amp in their setup.

Currently i am using two Rotel amps in a passive vertical bi-amp setup to drive the speakers, the approxmate power is 200w/c at 4ohm load totaling to 400w/speaker in a biamp setup. i am planning to upgrade to a hiend amp like Bryston which also will have 400w/c. my question is will this setup sound better than the biamp setup of Rotels or will it be the same.
Thanks Marsilians,
Not the newer Brystons but used like 4BST amp. will the SQ be better.

If you are looking for power (which you probably know does not equate to good soundstage), then you won't benefit. However, just going by the characteristics of the amps and guessing you are going to get one of the newer Bryston's the soundstage will be markedly different. I have felt Bryston's and Parasounds open out the frequencies excellently especially at the low end which is where many amps fail. This is also one of the reasons that many people tend to hear at louder volumes even with a power amp in their setup.
Guns which speakers are you using now ? Also what is the Rotel Model you are using ?

If the amp quality is better then you should have better sound..irrespective of the power, as long as it is enough for the speaker. But SQ has many components ..it will also depend on what is it that you feel is missing and hope to improve.
Hi Guns,
For 9 out of 10 guys bryston will be the hands down winner.
Since u have not heard the bryston and are used to the Rotel u may feel a lack of energy initially and may even feel a lack of detail. The Rotels are very upfront kind of sound.
In a very short while u will begin to really enjoy a bryston amplifier. The control exhibited is fantastic even at loud volumes. The bass is fantastic , the mids are very open and the trebles are little edgy on the earlier ST amps.Dynamics are fantastic and there is an effortless that can be felt and heard.
Its a no brainer really go for a bryston amplifier but since u mention 4BST it has to be a used amp and has to be before the yr 2006 so in case anything goes wrong with the amp u have to ship it to canada at your cost and they will repair it free for 20 years from the date mentioned on the rear of the amplifier. Now there are guys who will tell u that this is built like a 'tank' and nothing will ever happen, I am not one of them!!!!!!!!!
I owned the Rotel integrated and the pre/power just before i swapped to the new SST and continue to use the old 4BST which is one amp i will never sell.
Thanks Marsilians,
Not the newer Brystons but used like 4BST amp. will the SQ be better.

Sorry catching up while on road. The Bryston's have a very clean and distinct signature and are very well regarded. They are premium product needless to say even if they are old. They have very good yet controlled bass and very clean and non fatiguing mids and top range. I would comfortably say that the Bryston's have better output and soundstage and signature compared to the Rotel.

One common observation that people say when moving upto the B's are that there is no more the feeling of fatigue.
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