3d-htpc :)


New Member
Jul 31, 2009
Hey guys I am planning to upgrade my HTPC to 3D-HTPC where I can watch 3D movies like we watch at IMAX.

What I have:

40" Samsung Monitor
(resolution: 1920 X 1080, 60 Hz)

PC Configuration:
Windows XP, Service Pack 2
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual
Core Processor 3800+
2.01 GHz, 2.00 GB of RAM

I feel this setup is good for watching 1080p Bluray Rips. I am downloading rips of around 8 GB each and having fun and all. Now I want to upgrade this to a 3D-HTPC. Obviously I need 3D glasses. But when I googled, I found that there is huge varieties of glasses out there. I am confused.

Please somebody help me out. What to buy and where to buy. Does 3d glasses have any compatibity issues with monitors?
there is 3d shutter system and anaglyph 3d glasses....

u can google both to find out more....

i fell in love with 3d movies 3-4 months back... so ordered colored anaglyph 3d glasses.....

For Polar Express 3D


Journey to the center of the earth
My Bloody Valentine
and all new

and it really worked.....

Journey to the center of earth looked awesome on my 50" plasma

but there was little image ghosting problem in Polar express
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Hey guys I am planning to upgrade my HTPC to 3D-HTPC where I can watch 3D movies like we watch at IMAX.

What I have:

40" Samsung Monitor
(resolution: 1920 X 1080, 60 Hz)

PC Configuration:
Windows XP, Service Pack 2
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual
Core Processor 3800+
2.01 GHz, 2.00 GB of RAM

I feel this setup is good for watching 1080p Bluray Rips. I am downloading rips of around 8 GB each and having fun and all. Now I want to upgrade this to a 3D-HTPC. Obviously I need 3D glasses. But when I googled, I found that there is huge varieties of glasses out there. I am confused.

Please somebody help me out. What to buy and where to buy. Does 3d glasses have any compatibity issues with monitors?

make sure you get the technology right first before you go shopping on glasses..
I suppose alternate frame sequencing method would not work for you as your monitor is 60hz, so as suggested anaglyph is one of the tried and tested solutution there..
you can maybe look around over the internet over 3d viewing before making the decision on glasses
I never fail to get amazed by the knowledge that abounds in our forum! A slightly out of the ordinary question and yet our people have recommendations. Bravo!
Which type of glasses come free with BD disc?
I have Monster vs alliens.I dont have BDP & did not opened that.
Which type of glasses come free with BD disc?
I have Monster vs alliens.I dont have BDP & did not opened that.

Hi, do not use the Glasses accompanying the BD, they are of the lowest quality............you may develop head-ache.

Check this out,
3D Vision Kit

This is an awesome pair of glass, I've used it to watch Journey to the center of the earth.

there is 3d shutter system and anaglyph 3d glasses....

u can google both to find out more....

i fell in love with 3d movies 3-4 months back... so ordered colored anaglyph 3d glasses.....

For Polar Express 3D


Journey to the center of the earth
My Bloody Valentine
and all new

and it really worked.....

Journey to the center of earth looked awesome on my 50" plasma

but there was little image ghosting problem in Polar express

thnx man. but one question. is polarized glass different technology from anaglyph?

one more! where can we get these glasses and what price range?

make sure you get the technology right first before you go shopping on glasses..
you can maybe look around over the internet over 3d viewing before making the decision on glasses

thanks buddy. thats what i am doing pretty much right now :)

question! Is there a way to know what 3d format (alternate frame sequencing or polarized or anaglyph) a video is before downloading?

I never fail to get amazed by the knowledge that abounds in our forum! A slightly out of the ordinary question and yet our people have recommendations. Bravo!

thats right buddy. the setup i have right now is because of this site. this is one site we can rely on. thank you hifivision. cheers :)
polarized/lcd glasses are useful for alternate frame sequencing method also known as stereoscopy. But using this method requires the the movie to be played at a very high frame rate say closer to a 100fps so that switching between left and right eye makes it effective to 50fps.You would say why 50fps and not standard 24fps. In many places i found that by switching continuosly between left/right you feel a blur if the frame rate is not double to the standard rendering rate. For this you would need a higher refresh rate monitor too such as 120hz
The other method is anaglyph method which primarily plays with the color rendering of the gamut of RGB or CMYK to altenatively switch between images, which creates a 3d sort if effect. Have a look here for more explanation
Anaglyph image - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I am sure the "3D Vision Kit" given in one of the posts below works on the same principle..
I am sure the "3D Vision Kit" given in one of the posts below works on the same principle..

its LCD shutter glass based which is compatible with 120 Hz screens. just went thought the site

I guess I will have to go with anaglyph until I get a screen with high frequency
plz let me know if you guys know about any site or shop where I can buy good quality anaglyph 3d glasses

cool - seems like I can use my proj too for 3d shows. Is that correct?

i guess so. what is the frequency of your projector.
if its high enough (>= 120 Hz) you can use lcd shutter glasses
You can use anaglyph anyway
I am not sure about polarized glasses. do they need high screen frequency as jayad said.

Hey jayad can u confirm that one more time. sorry for doubting you :)
thanks in advance
i guess so. what is the frequency of your projector.
if its high enough (>= 120 Hz) you can use lcd shutter glasses
You can use anaglyph anyway
I am not sure about polarized glasses. do they need high screen frequency as jayad said.

Hey jayad can u confirm that one more time. sorry for doubting you :)
thanks in advance

hey there is nothing to be sorry for..
this forum exists coz we have doubts..even i hv doubts, which i m clarifying on the same HTPC section in a different thread..
As for polarized glasses or the LCD shutter glasses, they would not work..as they are based on the stereoscopy method.
Stereoscopy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As most of us know the 3d movies glasses by what we see at the theaters we think that is the only way of seeing the movies in 3d, which is not the case..
Check how IMAX shows movies in 3d and why the LCD shutter glasses are required here:
IMAX - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In short the IMAX also uses stereoscopy but with with two separate projectors one each for Left and Right eye. The LCD shutters are synced with the alternate projections creating a perfect a 3d image in the brain.

In your case you have only one display and if it is 120hz then you can divide that into 2 (60hz each) and render two frames alternatingly similar to how IMAX does..
Some of the new LCDs and Projectors are 120hz

For the ones who do not have a 120hz the method described by Avijeet above with Anaglyph should work.. with the 50" plasma i dont think the monitor would be 120hz
thanks jayad.

Yesterday I watched a 3d video (pangea - the neverending world) which i downloaded from youtube. Its anaglyph and perfectly working with red/cyan pair that i have. I have kept these glasses with me for about 2 years and i never used them. Now i am blown. This is cool

Thankyou verymuch for helping me out everybody. I feel like home here :)

I am going to order proper 3d goggles soon and will be rocking :)

Now I need is some good quality 3d movies/trailers/documentaries/etc. Any suggestions where to find them?

Thnaks again
bye bye
quite a development for you over this weekend.....
i can very well understand.. coz i was in same situation few months back...

3D looks amazing on HD

try few 720p/1080p movies.... i ll PM u a link... (i don't have permission to put such links here so...)

once you get your glasses
do google for 3D photos

you can buy more RED CYAN/ RED BLUE if u want from
3D Anaglyph Stereo Photos BUY 3D GLASS
eBay India: 10 Red Cyan (Blue) 3D Anaglyph Glasses 3-Dimensional (item 300382181309 end time 29-Jan-2010 22:33:20 IST)

and all other kind of glasses from dealextreme

Thanks Avijeet. This time i really mean it man. Thank you very much for that PM.

You are the man

good luck with your 3d watching too

Yesterday I watched "Fly me to the Moon" I used the paper glass red / cyan combination. Didn't impress me well, the ghost image was very irritating, even i adjusted the brightness, color on Sony 26" LCD nothing could help me.

I have two types of Red cyan glasses on Which I bought to watch 3D serial in TV and another with Cyan Red glasses that came with the 3D Children's magazine.
Is there any difference in these glasses?
Is there any viewing distance to keep?

Gap G J
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